Chapter 7: Human Spider vs Bone saw

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Y/N: Look I really didn't mean to break the backboard—

Jason: I don't care about the backboard. Is it true what he said back there.

Y/N: Huh?

Jason: Did you embarrassed that boy?

Y/N: Well yeah he deserved it he's been messing with me and this other girl with bunny ears.

Jason: So that's what this was all about? Vengeance?

Y/N sighs.

Jason: Come on kid your better then that. Look this Cardin Winchester guy probably deserved what happened to him. But just because you have the power to do... What ever you did. Doesn't give you the right to do that. You have to remember your actions have consequences.

Y/N: Yeah I know.

Jason: Alright. You better prepare yourself you still got your aunt to deal with.

Y/N: Crap I forgot about her.

At the schnee manor Whitley had just walked in this was there main mansion this was one they were renting to stay out for months because of the laboratory company.

Klein: Welcome home Master Whitley how may I assist you?

Whitley: Have you seen father?

Klein: I have not sadly.

Whitley: *Sighs* Alright. That is all.

Klein nods as he walks off Whitley behind to go upstairs and head to his room when he notices his father's office was open out of curiosity he enters and to his horror he see Jacques on the floor unconscious he then runs towards him and shacks him awake.

Whitley: Father! Father! Please wake up!

Jacques slowly starts to wake up and sees Whitley.

Jacques: Whi— Whitley?

Whitley then helps Jacques up and puts him on a chair.

Whitley: What where you doing on the floor?

Jacques: I don't know.

Whitley: Have you been there all night?

Jacques: Last night I was—

There was a small flash of Jacques violently shaking his head Jacques then comes back to reality and looks at Whitley.

Whitley: What?

Jacques: I... I don't know.

Then two staff members walk in the Jacques office with concern looks.

Worker: Jacques! Jacques we got some terrible news.

Jacques: What is it?

Worker: Doctor Stromm is dead.

Jacques: What?

Worker: We found his body this morning in the lab. He's been murdered sir.

Jacques: This can't be happening.

Worker: And there's more. The glider and the flight suit. Has been stolen.

Jacques continues to stare at the worker with a shocked expression. Not only has there been a murder in the lab but his equipment has been stolen as well.

In Beacon

Y/N was looking through his scroll with today's events but one event caught Y/N's eye. A wrestling contest. A contestant would have to get in the ring with a wrestler named Bonesaw for three minutes and the reward is three thousand dollars. And immediately Y/N thought of the countless possibilities with that money especially if it will impress Yang. He could ask aunt Glynda or uncle Jason for some money but then he always remembered what they would say.

Glynda & Jason in Y/N head: If you're not going to be responsible for it and take care of it then it will be a waste of money.

Y/N hated that they would say that to him but at the same time he could understand. Because he has wasted there money in countless stuff before and they do have lots of bills to pay. Even though they got good paying jobs there have been times where they almost became poor and sometimes it was thanks to Y/N so he rather not be a burden.

Y/N started to think of the stuff that could impress Yang as he was going through his scroll but then he saw something that caught his interest a bright yellow motorcycle for Three thousand dollars. This was perfect once at lunch he heard Yang thinking about getting a replacement for her motorcycle since it broke and looked it was beyond repair Y/N looked up on the roof and imaged the situation in his head.

Y/N was leaning on the bike with a red blanket over it as Yang was looking at the object with stars in her eyes.

Yang: Wow Y/N did you get me a gift!

Y/N: Sure did.

Y/N then removes the blanket to reveal the yellow motorcycle.

Yang then gasped as she inspected the motorcycle.

Yang: Oh my gosh this is the best gift ever!

Yang then walked towards Y/N.

Yang: Thank you Y/N.

She then kissed Y/N on the cheek.

Back to reality Y/N had a huge smile as his face was bright red with stars in his eyes.

Y/N: Alright let's do this!

Y/N begins to think of the costumes he then takes out a note book and starts to draw different concepts of what the costume could look like. And each time he finished drawing he didn't like he ripped the paper out and crumpled it up but then he eventually finished a drawing he liked and smiled as he looked at the photo.

Y/N: Perfect.

Y/N then went into Vale and bought all types of stuff he needed for this wrestling event he got a masked and shirt and some pants he then paid for it all. He then rushed home and started to paint his shirt red while making a huge spider symbol on the front he smiled as he finally saw his full set of his wrestling costume.

Y/N then put them in the bag he walked out of his dorm and got a message from his uncle he looks at his scroll to read the message.

Hey I won't be able to pick up your aunt from the infirmary. I had to take an extra nightshift so I expect you to be there and pick her up.

Y/N then replied to his message.


Y/N then walks out his dorm room.

In Vale

Y/N was in his costume and was waiting in line as he heard the roaring crowd of the audience and there was a long line though and Y/N didn't expect it to be this long but Y/N was finally up next and the woman looked at him once smiled and shook her head.

Woman: There's no featherweight division here small fry. Next!

Y/N: No wait sign me up.

Woman: ok. You understand that the N. Y. W. L. Is not responsible for any injury you may and probably will substain while participating said event and you are indeed participating under your own free will?

Y/N: Yes.

Woman: Down the hall to the ramp. May god be with you. Next!

Y/N then walked down the ramp.

Y/N waited until it was time for him to get in the ring.

Then one of the men entered in the locker room.

Worker: Your up kid.

Y/N got up and started to walk out of the locker room and of course everyone looked at him and smiled thinking that it was going to be a stomp but they couldn't see Y/N smiled under his mask because he had something that his opponent didn't super human strength speed durability & reflexes finally Y/N made it to the ramp and saw his opponent he was huge buff man wearing a black and white wrestling costume Y/N then entered the ring.

Ring announcer: Aaaaaaaaalright! Looks like we got ourselves an opportunity. I hope your ready! For tonight it's Bone saw! Versus the huuuuuuuumaaaaan Spiiiiiiderrrre!

Y/N: (Wow that sucks)

Then from above a steel cage starts to lower down upon the ring Bone saw & Y/N met in the middle of the ring having a stare down.

Bone saw: I don't like to pick on little guys so I'll make this quick.

Y/N: I appreciate the offer but you won't have to worry about that. Because I won't be going to need medical attention.

Bone saw growls and charges at Y/N and try's to grab him but Y/N jumps and dose a front flip over bone saw and lands on his back.

Bone saw: Hey get off of me you little wimp!

He then charges at the cage Y/N jumps off of Bone saw's back as he smashed his back into the cage hurting himself then Y/N jumps towards Bone saw wrapped his his legs around Bone saws neck then throws him into the ground. Everyone was shocked by how Y/N was able to do that but the crowd cheered Bone saw growls in anger he charged at Y/N again but Y/N punches him in the face making him stumble back then he punched Bone saw in the face two more times before jumping up in the air and kicked Bone Saw in the chest sending him flying into the cage he growns in pain but then he turns around to the crowd.

Bone saw: Hey one of you give me a chair!

Then a man in the crowd got up and tossed a chair towards Bone saw he then put his arm out of the and catches the chair as Y/N charges him.

Y/N: Haven't you learned not to turn your back against your opponent?

Then Bone Saw hits Y/N with a chair to the head as Y/N landed in the ring hard he turns on his stomach and tries to get up but then gets hit with a chair on his back Bone saw chuckles as he turns Y/N around to face him.

Bone saw: Nighty nighty. Little bug.

Y/N: Spider's are not bugs they are Arachnids!

Y/N then kicks Bone saw in the stomach jumps back up and hits the chair with a flip kick he then jumped towards the chair and catches then sticks onto the cage.

Bone saw: Hey get down here this instant! I want my chair back!

Y/N: Sure you can have it back.

Y/N then jumps towards Bone saw then hit him on the head with the chair stunning him and making him wobble a bit. Y/N then lifted Bone saw and slammed him into the matt Y/N then pins him.

Referee: One! Two! Three! That's it!

The cage then lifts up and the bell rings.

Ring announcer: And the winner of this match is Human Spider!

Everyone cheered as the referee lifted Y/N hand up. Y/N smiled under his masked.

Y/N: (The three thousand is mine now.)

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