Chapter 9: Searching for Torchwick

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The police told Glynda about the hole scene Glynda nodded understanding what the police where saying after they finished there questioning they gave her there condolences and left Y/N looked at Glynda and saw her crying and it broke Y/N heart. He walked outside looked at the drink that Roman gave him and out of anger he threw it to the ground making the drink burst.

The next day Y/N was walking down the hallways and everyone heard what happened to him and so they made sure to not get In his way. Y/N was searching through his locker but then around the corner Cardin started to walk towards Y/N.

Cardin: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Today is not the day to mess with me Cardin.

Cardin: I just want to talk.

Cardin put his hand on his shoulder but then In a blink of an eye Y/N hit his hand off his shoulder grabbed him and pinned him against the locker. Everyone gasped as they looked at what was happening. Yang and the other members of team RWBY where watching from a distance.

Cardin: Feels better right. Look your uncle died. And I get it. I'm sorry man. I'm really sorry ok.

Y/N slowly started to put him down then he let him go. And started to walk off.

Yang: Y/N.

Y/N then saw Yang in front of him she then gave him a hug to try and comfort him but to no avail he then walks off leaving a worried Yang. Then the rest of her team and JNPR stood next to her.

Ren: His uncle's death really effected him.

Jaune: Yeah I can't blame him. I mean I had family members who've died but. Not by someone else's hands.

Yang pitied Y/N and knew how it felt to have a love one taken away from her by someone else's hands she wanted to talk to him but wasn't sure she would make things any better.

Hours later

Y/N was in his room still thinking about what happened that yesterday flashing images of Roman appeared in his head. How he let Roman go and because of that his uncle is dead he balled his hand into a fist as Roman face appeared in his memory. He felt powerless until he realized something. He had super human abilities and with those super human abilities he could avenge his uncle he then looked at his mask and grabbed it but not before grabbing a pair of Sunglasses breaking the liens he looked for a needle and thread then began to sew them into the mask.

At a military base

General Slocum came out of the car with a couple of other soldiers meeting up with a man wearing a suit.

Slocum: Good evening.

Businessman: General. Good to see you. Our exoskeleton's got real firepower General Slocum.

Slocum: Well if it does what you say it can I'll sign that contact tomorrow.

Everyone finished working on a armored like suit that had a huge cannon on the back. They then walk into a military testing bunker to see the project.

Slocum: I assume you're confident about this test.

Businessman: Absolutely. Captain Curtis is our top pilot. Now what about your commitment to the Schnee company?

Slocum: Nothing would please me more than to put Jacques Schnee out of business.

The armored suit began to fly the two men smiled until through the coms they heard something.

Air Comtrol: We're picking up an unidentified object. Closing fast.

Curtis: The hell is that?

Air Control: Can you see anything?

Then the unknown object begins to laugh.

Curtis: Oh my god.

Then a rocket hits the armored suit causing a huge explosion which surprised the businessman and Slocum then a mysterious figure flys through the explosion and fires a rocket at the general his screams where cut off by the explosion of the rocket killing him.

At Vale there was a man who was walking down the alley when three men spotted him they start to fallow him the man noticed and walked fast until he ran into two more crooks and one of them took out a knife.

Crooks: Give me your money. Hurry up!

The man looked through his bags but what they didn't realize is that Y/N was hiding in the shadows he crawled to a good position then bounced at one of the crooks he wrapped his legs around him and threw the guy into the wall and before the crook with the knife could react Y/N pushed him so hard he went flying into the wall Y/N then jumped in front of the man who was getting robbed who was absolutely shocked with what he saw.

Y/N: What are you waiting for run!

and he did just that the other crooks ran after Y/N one tried to punch him but Y/N ducked then punched the other crook behind him in the gut making him lean down he then grabbed his back flipped over her and slammed him into the ground the crook behind tried to punch him but Y/N dodged his attacks then dose a back flip kick making the crook stumble back he then sensed the other crook behind him he jumps into the wall as the crook tried to tackle him he then bounced off it and punches the crook knocking him out he then kicked up the top of a trashcan grabbed it and threw it into the crooks head knocking him out he then sees the last one and tackles him into the ground.

Crook: Hey hey easy. Easy.

Y/N: Do you know where Roman is?

Crook: What?

Y/N: Roman Torchwick! Do you work for him?!

Crook: What hell no! None of us work for that egotistical ass hole.

Y/N then heard someone running he turned his head and sees one of the crooks running and he escaped.

Y/N: Ahh crap.

The next morning Y/N was drawing on his note book for his new design on a costume Yang and the rest of team RWBY & JNPR noticed as well. Y/N was thinking about a rope but scraped that idea. But then another one popped up in his head. Class was finally over and Y/N walked towards Oobleck.

Y/N: Hey Doctor Oobleck.

Oobleck: Oh why hell mr Goodwitch how may I help you.

Y/N: Oh well I was wondering if I could use any of your science equipment?

Oobleck: Oh why of course may I ask why?

Y/N: Oh uhhh it's for a project.

Oobleck: Hmmm.

Y/N smiled awkwardly.

Oobleck: Ok.

He then zips into his office then back to Y/N full of the equipment and chemicals that were in tubes and had tops to contain them.

Oobleck: Here you go.

Y/N then takes the boxes full of the science experiments then walks off.

Y/N: Thank you.

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