III. Danny Phantom

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The alarm went blaring through my room, making my eyes snap open. I sat up, smashing my fist onto the off button. I sighed with relief, the others stirring and slowly waking up. I dragged my hands over my face, not happy that I only got to wake up an hour before I usually would.

I looked around the room, frowning. Something was missing. Sonic was gone.

I turned around the room, trying to find him in the clutter of people. But he wasn't there. "Where'd he go?" I asked, immediately turning to my ghost form. Sam and Tucker got up quickly. "Go look through the house," I said, pointing to the door. "I'll go-"

I turned as the window next to the bed creaked, seeing the blue hedgehog trying to sneak into the room. He flashed a guilty smile, jumping back into the room.

"What if Vlad found you?" I frowned.

"He won't catch me again," Sonic smirked. His arrogance made me angry.

"What if someone else saw you?" I added, folding my arms and trying not to let my anger take over.

Sonic shrugged. "I didn't know I needed to ask permission to go for a run."

"He's got a point, Sonic," Tails said quietly. "We don't know this place and the dangers it holds."

"C'mon, not you too!" Sonic protested, shoulders slumping. "You know I can't stay in one place!"

"I know..." Tails said.

I groaned, putting my face in my hands. "How am I supposed to protect you if I don't even know where you are?"

Sonic's face turned angry. "I don't need your protection!" he hissed. "I'm not some child that needs to be watched!"

"You're in my city!" I argued, my temper rising. "Whatever Vlad has planned for you affects all of us!"

"He won't catch me again," Sonic growled. "It was a fluke. A one time thing."

"Are you sure luck has anything to do with it?" I yelled.

"Danny!" Sam glared at me.

"I'm a better hero than you'll ever be," Sonic said. There was an edge to his voice.

I couldn't help but laugh. "You're just a hedgehog. How much damage can you do?"

Sonic eyed the window, then Tails. I looked at Sam, thinking she would think it was kind of a funny joke too, but she frowned as she started at me.

"I didn't... mean that," I said, rubbing the back of my head. "We need to help each other."

Sonic looked at the window sadly. For a moment, I thought he would leave, trying to fight the ghosts he knew nothing about. He relaxed and sighed, rubbing his arm. "You can't know everything about your enemy, Danny. I guess I'm just a little sore about being taken off guard. I'm sorry. I know you're trying to help."

I blinked, looking at Sam for guidance. I felt bad. "I really am trying to help you two."

Sonic smiled slightly. "I know."

"Anyway," I said, gesturing to Danielle and trying to get the awkwardness out of the air. "This is Dani. Or Danielle. She'll be... keeping an eye on you."

"And we're getting out of here, right?" Sonic asked.

"Trust me, the last thing I want is you here when Vlad comes," I assured him. "The only way I can get you out of here is by keeping you invisible to Sam's house."

"Invisible?" Tails asked, going to Sonic's side.

I touched the bed, making it disappear to make a point. "It's part of my ghost powers. As long as I keep a hand on you, I can make it so no one sees you."

Sonic glanced at Tails. "That's magical."

"It might feel weird the first time," I said, "but it's the safest way of getting you out of here. You ready?"

Sonic looked to Tails, then back at me. He shrugged. "It's not like we have anywhere better to be."

I grabbed Sonic's arm and Danielle took Tails, the two of them disappearing.

"Hopefully, we can sneak out of the house without anyone seeing us," I said. I opened the door, looking from side to side before gesturing for the others to follow me. I went down the stairs carefully, not wanting to drag Sonic down them. 

"And where do you think you're going?" I paused as I heard Mom, reluctantly turning toward her. She emerged from the kitchen, the smell of bacon and pancakes and all sorts of good things wafting out of it. "I'm not going to let you leave without having breakfast, young man!"

"You don't cook, Mom," I said with a frown. "I was gonna go to Sam's and hang out for a while."

I stifled a gasp as Vlad turned the corner of the kitchen, wearing one of Mom's old aprons. "Yes, Daniel," Vlad said, an evil glint in his eyes that I didn't like at all, "you and your friends don't find me such terrible company, do you?"

I felt a tug in my hand, but didn't let go of Sonic. "I just..." I stammered, struggling for words.

"You know," Sam said with a guilty smile, "I would really love to stay, but my parents and I have a big brunch planned in a few hours. It's at a super nice place and I need lots of time to prepare for it."

I silently thanked her, my mother's face falling slightly. "Oh, okay then," she replied. "But you're staying, right, Tucker?"

Tucker had a hard time saying no sometimes, especially when it came to food. He probably didn't even think twice as he nodded silently.

"Let me just take Sam outside and say goodbye to her," I said, letting them take whatever gossip they wanted to pursue out of that. Before I heard a response, I was out the door, away from any windows Vlad could see out of.

I made Sonic visible for a split second, Danielle taking him from me immediately. I turned to Sam, putting my hands in my pocket. I nodded to her. "You know what to do," I said.

"You still have to overshadow my parents to make sure they stay out of the game room," Sam said, folding her arms with a smile. "But I think I can handle things 'til then."

"Thanks, Sam," I said. "I'll be over as soon as I can."

"Have fun with your favorite Uncle!" Sam laughed, waving as she walked away. I glared at her as she walked away, not excited to hear what Vlad had to say. I couldn't help but sigh with relief, though; the four of them would hopefully stay safe.

I went back inside, walking to the kitchen hesitantly. Maybe I should have just flown away, finding some excuse that would keep me from spending an entire morning with my enemy. Gritting my teeth and begging myself to keep my temper at bay, I walked into the kitchen. I raised my eyebrows and would have been surprised about the food if it hadn't been made by Vlad. I shuddered, hoping it wasn't poisoned. Not that that would stop Tucker; he would eat a brick if it looked appetizing. And was free.

I sat at the table, Tucker already digging in to pancakes and eggs and bacon, all of it heaved onto his plate. I eyed everything warily, not sure where to start. Or if I even should.

"Well, go on!" Vlad said, hands together like he was waiting for my approval. "It's not like I've poisoned the food or anything!"

"That just makes me more worried," I muttered, gathering a small plate. If the food was poisoned, the garbage disposal named Tucker would be done for.

Vlad joined us, along with Mom and Dad. For a few minutes, everything was awkward, no one knowing what to say. I hoped no one had heard Sonic and I yelling at each other; I still felt bad about what I had said. 

As much as I hated Vlad, though, he made a mean pancake. Everything was really good.

"So, Vlad," Dad eventually said, "how's it been in Wisconsin? Anything new and exciting going on down there in the land of cheese?"

I winced. If there was one thing Dad wasn't, it was good with words.

But Vlad smiled in a way that I didn't like. "Oh, everything's just peachy up there. But I saw the ghost boy the other day, attacking me out of nowhere! I came here to find refuge, since you are the best ghost hunters around."

Mom narrowed her eyes, not caring to be buttered up. I was seething. It was all in an effort to make things as hard as possible for me, distract me away from them. I opened my mouth, wanting so badly to tell everyone that he was an evil ghost that plotted at gaining all the riches and power in the world, no matter the cost. But he would have to do the same to me, and my identity was something I wanted to keep it a secret for as long as I could.

"Are you sure he didn't have a reason?" I asked, keeping my eyes on my food.

"I, Daniel," Vlad said, the smile never leaving his face, "am a model citizen. I have no reason to solicit unwanted visits from teen ghosts that couldn't possibly know what they're getting into."

"Ah, yes," I replied, "I dream to be just like you when I grow up."

We glared at each other across the table, Mom and Dad watching with an nervous curiosity. Tucker listened as well, watching me as he shoveled food down his throat.

"So..." Mom said, breaking the new silence. "How long are you in town for? You're free to use the extra room."

"Yes!" Dad shouted excitedly. "Stay with us, Vladdy! I have so much new ghost equipment to show you!"

Vlad put his hand up, shaking his head slightly. The knot in my stomach unraveled slightly. "I have a hotel I'll be staying in, but I'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

"I thought you were seeking refuge," I muttered.

"I hired some people to protect my mansion, and I can't stay away long. Duty calls, and all that."

Dad looked disappointed, Mom relieved. For another twenty minutes we stayed and ate, my mind swimming with worry. It wasn't just the two creatures, either; if they got into trouble, Sam and Tucker would be in the line of fire. That was the last thing I wanted.

"You know," I said, rising from the table, "I still have to finish that science project with Tucker and Sam. I just need a few more hours, then I'll come back and spend as much time with Vlad as he wants."

"I would be awfully disappointed," Vlad said, his eyes narrowing. "It's not often I come for a visit, Daniel. You can't make time for your dear uncle?"

I glanced at mom, resisting the smile that wanted to curl up on my lips. "Mr. Lancer says if I do well on this assignment, it would significantly boost my grade."

Maybe Mom sensed my urgency to get out of the situation or was just that worried about my grades, but she smiled guiltily at Vlad. "He does need to get his grades up, Vlad. You understand, don't you?"

"Of course, of course," he replied with a wave of his hand. "But we'll spend some good old quality time when you get back, hmm?"

I didn't answer, grabbing Tucker's arm and escaping the house. I pulled him to the side of the house, changing to my ghost form behind him.

"We're running out of time," I told Tucker. I looked through the window, seeing Vlad still sitting at the table. "Go to Sam and wait for me. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Tucker nodded, and I flew off in the direction of Vlad's mansion.

I looked behind me often, staying invisible until I was out of the city. Then I put on the speed, the seconds passing by incredibly slowly. I was making good time, but it didn't feel like it. My stomach fluttered, and I could only hope that Vlad hadn't silently followed me out of the city. Though it felt like I was flying right into a trap.

Besides the occasional plane or helicopter noticing me on the way, though, nothing exciting happened. No ghosts decided they needed my head for a trophy or wanted to assault me with boxes and bubble wrap. That was considered a good day for me.

When the mansion came into view, I smiled. I would get in, find out what Vlad was planning, and get out as fast as possible. If I could find and destroy the energy he had stolen, that would make things easier, but I would take things one step at a time.

I immediately flew down to the basement, turning in a circle in his lab. It was a mess, materials strewn over every surface, papers flooding the floor, and a half eaten sandwich laying on a shattered plate on the ground. I gathered the papers, shuffling through them to find anything, but nothing caught my eye. Most of them were just copies of blueprints that had been stolen from my parents.

With an annoyed grunt, I went to the room with the Ghost Portal, hoping to find something there. I wasn't disappointed. A device identical to a Ghost Portal was on the other side of the room, but I didn't dare go near it. It wouldn't be good to get stuck in another dimension.

Next to it, though, I saw a tube that stretched from floor to ceiling, a third of it filled with what looked like a shimmering rainbow liquid. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, but something drew me to it. As I stood next to it, I felt a slight heat emanating from it.

"Did you really think you would slip past me?" I whirled around, hearing the familiar voice I had heard not long before. "That I would be stupid enough to leave this place defenseless while you hid that stupid hedgehog from me?"

"I was kinda hoping, yeah," I said.

Vlad grabbed the front of my jumpsuit, my hands curling into fists as he brought me face to face with him. "Where is he?" he spat, his voice lined with venom.

"Like I would tell you even if I knew," I lied. "He and his friend were gone when I woke up this morning. You know him better than I do; you find him."

Plasmius let go, pushing me away. For a moment, he studied me, and I couldn't read the expression on his face. All I knew was that he wasn't happy.

"What are you planning to do with the energy, anyway?" I asked, still ready for an attack at any moment. "Knowing you, it can't be anything good."

Plasmius laughed, bitter but not without amusement. "I wouldn't have invited you here if I weren't going to show it off."

In a flash, he flew to the other side of the room, touching the tube of rainbow energy. For a moment, I just frowned, not quite understanding what he was doing. The amount of liquid in the tube slowly started shrinking, and I realized what Plasmius was doing - he was absorbing the energy.

"The other reason I used Sonic," Plasmius said, a cold smile on his face, "is because draining the energy of those Emeralds from him makes it more adaptable. Sonic can absorb them, like most others cannot. With this, I will become the most powerful being on the planet, Daniel. You have no hope of stopping me."

"You certainly look the same," I said, taking a step back. After a forth of the energy had disappeared, he took his hand away, his smile never disappearing. I wasn't sure I believed everything he said. "How do I know you're not bluffing?"

Plasmius aimed his hand at me, a massive ghost ray blasting from his hand. I was thrown through the wall, ending up smashing into the pod that Sonic had been stuck in just the night before. I fell to the floor, my back erupting in pain. I put a shield over me as Plasmius raised his hand again, focusing on the strength of the shield as it began to falter against his power. He stood in front of me, raising his other hand and cracking through my shield. The rays burned as they engulfed me.

Plasmius laughed, rising into the air above me and looking at me like I was an ant he was about to squash. He folded his arms, laughing as I rose to my hands and knees.

"What did you think the energy was for?" he asked.

"I didn't know," I said. "Hence the whole 'scout things out' here."

"Yes, well, you've found your answer, haven't you?" Plasmius laughed. I stole a glance into the other room, the slight glow of the tube of energy drawing me toward it. If he could use it, why couldn't I?

"You wouldn't mind sharing, would you?" I said, charging off toward the energy. For a moment, Plasmius looked astonished, but laughed as I touched the tube and nothing happened. It felt warm to the touch, but that was it. There was nothing special about it, besides that it was the color of a liquid rainbow.

"This makes everything even better," Plasmius roared with laughter. "You can't even feel the massive power that comes from it, can you?"

I began to feel frantic, trying to somehow will the energy to flow through me. But nothing happened, Plasmius waiting patiently with a smile on his face.

"You know," Plasmius started, the smug grin beginning to look like it was forever plastered to his face, "I never thought you would be unworthy to use the Chaos Emeralds. After all, it seems backwards that these gems fabled to grant wishes would open to the likes of me and not you!"

"Fine, then," I said, stepping back. "If I can't use it, I'll just make sure you can't, either."

I punched through it. It burst, bits of broken glass flying as Plasmius shot me in the back. As the liquid touched the ground, it seemed to evaporate and disappear, losing its color.

"How dare you?" he asked, his smile finally turning to hatred and malice. I barely had time to put my arms over my head when he threw his fist at me, not thinking to turn invisible. I cried out and grasped my arm - not broken, but it was going to leave a nasty bruise. When he came at me again, I put a shield over me, rolling backward before Plasmius could break through.

I decided not to risk getting hurt more; I flew through the wall, finding my way out of the mansion. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so sore, my entire body stinging from the ghost rays.

"That's right, Daniel!" I heard Plasmius yell, seeing him appear just above his mansion. "Fly away and tell your friends all about this! But mark my words, you won't beat me this time. If I catch him..."

I didn't stay to hear the rest, turning visible again to conserve energy as I flew back toward town. My arm throbbed, red and swollen. I'd have to tell my parents I fell off my scooter or something.

I flew into Sam's house, the foyer empty. I flew through the door to the game room, turning back to my human form and sitting on the ground with my arm in my lap.

"Yo, what happened?" Sonic asked. "You get hit by a truck?"

Sonic was sitting on a bean bag playing a racing game on the giant television Sam owned, eyebrow raised at me. Danielle and Tails sat on the ground on either side of him and had been watching him play before I appeared, equally as interested in learning what had happened.

But as I scanned the room, I didn't see my friends. "Where are Tucker and Sam?" I said, trying not to let the panic in my voice show.

Danielle shrugged. "Around the house somewhere."

As if on cue, the door opened. My stomach tightened for a moment, wondering if it was Sam's parents. But it was Sam and Tucker, holding snacks and drinks. I saw the alarm in Sam's face as she saw me holding my arm, which had a heartbeat of its own. "You okay?" she asked. "Vlad set a trap?"

I nodded. "He knew I was coming, and I wasn't surprised. He's not using the energy for any sort of powerful weapon, though; he's just using it to make himself stronger."

Sonic glanced at Tails, shocked. "What... what do you mean, making himself stronger?" Sonic asked.

"Powering himself up," I frowned. "Becoming all-powerful. I managed to destroy at least some of the energy, though."

"Just to clarify," Sonic said, "you're telling me that Vlad's absorbing the power of the Chaos Emeralds?"

I nodded. "I tried to, but couldn't. Vlad thought that was funny."

"It's ironic, if nothing else," Tails said. "But I find it hard to believe."

"I saw him do it!" I protested. I rubbed my arm, not even aware I was doing so. "He was a lot stronger. Stronger than the ghost king guy we fought a while back."

Sonic scratched the side of his head. "He'll need a constant flow of it in order to stay that powerful. I guess he'll be after me more than ever, if you destroyed the rest."

"Still," Tails said, the gears in his head turning, "this is odd. And potentially dangerous for him, along with the world if he's planning a little world domination."

"Dangerous for him?" Tucker asked. "What's dangerous about being strong?"

"Without a steady stream of the Chaos Energy, I think he'll suffer from withdrawal. Especially if he just used a ton of it. He might be even more desperate to get Sonic."

"Cool," Sonic said, rolling his eyes.

"We need to find the Chaos Emeralds as quickly as possible and get out of here," Tails added. "The sooner we leave, the sooner everything will be back to normal for both of us."

"Won't Vlad just follow you?" Sam asked. "Come after you again and again in your world?"

Tails shook his head. "Sonic can use the Chaos Emeralds once we get all seven and make sure he can't follow us."

Sonic glanced at Tails, looking unsure. "I can?" he asked.

"You can use Chaos Control to change time and space, Sonic," Tails chuckled.

"Sounds iffy," Sonic shrugged.

"Chaos Control?" Tucker asked. "This is sounding more like some crazy adventure story every minute!"

"It's a shame you haven't seen how cool I am," Sonic smirked.

"Not cool enough to avoid getting captured by Vlad," I noted.

Sonic waved his hand, then returned to his game. "It was a one time thing. Promise."

I couldn't help but smile, Sonic's tongue sticking out as he concentrated on his race. Sam sat next to me, and I winced as she touched my arm. "That doesn't look good," she concluded.

I chuckled darkly. "He really got me good. I just ran after destroying the energy. I don't think I've seen him that angry."

"Between the six of us, we should be able to do something," Sam said. "And, like Tails said, without more energy, he can't do much. And Sonic seems pretty confident Vlad won't catch him again."

"I felt pretty confident going to his mansion," I groaned. "Look where that got me."

"To be fair, we should have known he was waiting for you. We knew he could split himself into two."

"What's with everyone wanting world domination?" Tucker asked, sitting next to us. "It seems like a lot of work to make yourself feel like you're worth more than everyone else."

I shrugged. "It's Vlad, the same guy trying to kill my father out of revenge and steal my mom. What do you expect?"

Sonic cheered as he got first in his race, raising his arms into the air. Danielle took two controllers from the other side of the room, handing one to Tails and putting the other one on the ground. She sat with the three of us, looking a bit scared.

"He was really that strong?" she asked.

I chuckled. "The battle was over way before it started. Sonic's right; we do have a disaster on our hands."

But it wasn't long before he got bored. He was antsy, itching to do something - anything else. He stood up and stretched.

"It would be dangerous to leave," I told him. "Vlad's still in town til tomorrow."

"Oh, c'mon," Sonic complained. "I could easily get out of this town in less than a minute."

"Do you have a death wish?" Tucker asked. I was surprised to hear that from him. He didn't usually stand up to people he didn't know.

"I could be finding Chaos Emeralds right now," Sonic added.

"And risk falling into Vlad's hands," I reminded him.

"Sonic, please," Tails said quietly. "I don't want to see you go through that again."

That must have struck something. He looked at Tails, his expression full of surprise. The room was quiet, waiting for his response. "You're right," he said soothingly. "It's dangerous. I can wait til tomorrow."

He looked defeated, throwing himself back into the beanbag, but kept a smile on his face for Tails. For now, this was a safe haven for us. Vlad either didn't know Sonic's location or wasn't acting on the knowledge, but I would take it. I needed time to rest from getting so beat up.

We watched a movie and played games, and I called my parents to ask if I could stay with Sam the night, mentioning that Tucker would be there too. Sometimes they got weird about that. We would all be camping out in the game room, and I had overshadowed Sam's parents to make sure they would stay out.

We snuck in food for Danielle, Sonic, and Tails, then went to bed a little early.

For a while, though, I just stared at the ceiling unable to sleep. There was no particular reason, either. Sure, I was anxious about what was going to happen with Vlad and what we were going to be able to accomplish the next day, our last day before school, but I was restless. I tossed and turned, the snores of Tucker echoing off the walls of the room.

"I really regret the acoustics in this room right now," Sam whispered. I turned to face her, seeing the outline of her face in the barely lit room.

I chuckled, glad to have Sam awake with me. "Can't sleep either?" I asked.

"Nah," she answered. "Easier to sleep after fighting ghosts all day, to be honest."

I remembered my arm, though the pain had diminished to a dull ache. "Nothing like chasing the box ghost around town and trying to make him stop stealing bubble wrap."

"And boxes."

"I wonder if he has, like, a massive cardboard fort in the Ghost Zone."

"I mean, I would be disappointed if he didn't."

We laughed over nothing really, heat rising to my face. I was suddenly thankful for the darkness.

"It won't be long before he comes after us," Sam said. "Do you think we can hold him off while they get home?"

I shrugged, though she couldn't really see me. "He doesn't have any more energy, so he won't be as powerful as he was today. According to Tails. But I don't want him catching Sonic off guard again."

"Those were some harsh words you said this morning," Sam commented.

"I know, I know," I sighed. "I shouldn't have insinuated that he was a bad hero. But I do have a hard time picturing it."

"Just don't be so hard on him," Sam said, less harshly than I thought she would. "He feels bad enough that he got caught without you bringing it up every two seconds."

"I guess."

"Try and get some sleep," Sam said, turning over. "We have work to do tomorrow."

I rolled over too, my eyes still staying open for a while. I closed my eyes, hoping I would fall asleep quickly.

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