I M P O R T A N T !

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I'd like to take 5 Minutes off your busy schedule, and Request you to read this.

Spectre 2018, wasn't just an initiative towards helping blooming authors, it was an idea put together, to form a vast forum for a cause.

Spectre means, Ghost/something Unpleasant, and in today's world, what do you think stands for unpleasant?

We throw hate on our fellow humans for the choices they make, for the group they choose to be a part of, and hell, even the clothes they choose to wear.

We're an educated community, a part of the future Youth Force. To make the world a better place, we need to join hands and build positive.

This is mainly focused on Teenage Insecurity and LGBTQ+ Community.

Our mothers loved us even before they saw our face, we love so many of our internet friends, without meeting them in person, then why not love the person beside you and be a reason for their happiness today?

When you spread love, you receive a lot more goodness in abundance.

We as an army, can do it. It's been 2 days, since SPECTRE 2018 was published and we are already a Family of 2.7k.

When Nelson Mandela, can do it alone, why can't we do it?

Spread Love Guys, it's the only thing worth living.

The main reason for this rant, is to say that, we're open 24/7 for all of you. If you'll are facing any personal issue, or just want to rant about anything random, as a stress buster, please slide into out PM's. Your life is worth the life of a 1000 soldiers who die saving your country.

Lots of love ❤️

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