My Characters

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" you must promise to love me
               and damn it if you fuck me over
                           I will rip your fucking face apart "

Elliot Bates
Played By Cole Sprouse

High School Sweethearts Pt. 2
Closeted Bisexual

He's usually a sweetheart, but extremely naïve. He has a lot of love, especially for his other half, but he known to fall for flirting and temptation easily. Mix that with a couple of drinks and you get a whole immature mess of a boy.

Best Subject
Art and Photography 
Worst Subject

Photography. He always carries a camera around with him and gets his friends to model for photos. He also loves the beach, mainly due to how photogenic and calm the whole place is.
Chocolate. Yes, he's one of those weirdos who really doesn't like the taste of chocolate. He also dislikes cats, believing they are literally the devil incarnated.

Elliot has never really had the best relationship with his parents. After his mum died and his dad married his step-mum, he's never really fit in. It seemed anything he did was criticised by them - bad grades, not wanting to go to church, choosing photography over academic stuff - they soaked it up.

Theme Song
Gimme Love by Joji

" These people don't feel, these people aren't real,
so make me this deal, won't you gimme love "


" the teacher broke us up after I broke her
            and my one true love called me a monster  "

Ezra 'Birdy' Levine
Played By Cindy Kimberly

Class Fight

She's one of those overly confident, badass type who knows she doesn't need a man to save her. She's strands up for herself and doesn't tolerate any shit, resulting in some of the school being scared of her and the rumours surrounding her.

Best Subject
Worst Subject
Science, specifically chemistry

Lollipops. She has a jar of them in her locker and is usually seen with one in her mouth around school. She also loves her motorcycle. If anything were to happen to it, she'd kill the person responsible.
Any of the 'popular' students. She hates how above everyone they act. She also scared of the dark, though she won't admit it. Every horror movie as taught her never to venture off into the darkness.

Ezra grew up with four brothers, which meant that she was always trying to show off to them when she was younger. Now that they've all gone off to college, Ezra is always being bombarded by love from her parents. She usually finds them annoying, but the benefit is that they let her do pretty much whatever she wants without many consequences.

Theme Song
Guys My Age by Hey Violet

" Guys my age don't know how to touch me,
don't know how to love me good "


   " show and tell
                I'm on display for all you fuckers to see  "

Nathaniel Tanto
Played By Rudy Pankow

Show & Tell

The schools delinquent that just can't seem to stay out of trouble with either the headteacher, the law or other students. He has an extremely short temper and is usually known for trying to wind people up with his harsh and sarcastic attitude. He's also a bit of a flirt, having slept with many of the girls in the year already before ditching them all.

Best Subject
Worst Subject
Literally anything creative

Stirring shit up. He lives for drama and loves to start fights. He also low key really loves rabbits and wants to own like 80 when he's old.
Attachment. He isn't the type for commitment and finds it hard to keep friends and relationships. He's also terrified of heights.

Yet to be written, I'm lazy lol.

Theme Song
Mount Everest by Labrinth

" You can touch the sky but you ain't got shit on me,
cause I'm on top of the world  "

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