Chapter 10 (SA1)

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(A Bit Earlier) (Sonia's POV)

I laid down on the ground by a tree, relaxing after the long day I've had. I let out a yawn.

Sonia: Guess Eggman learned his lesson... Yep! Maybe I'll take another vacation somewhere.

Tails: Sonia!

I looked over and saw Tails running towards me. I waved at her.

Sonia: Hey there, Tails! Did you find the Tornado 2?

Tails got in front of me and stopped.

Tails: Never mind that. Get up and follow me.

What could be happening? I could've sworn that Tails was worried about finding the Tornado 2.

Tails: Angel Island is falling again!

Sonia: Hey, no way! Who blew it this time?!

I said as I got up from my spot on the ground.

Tails: I don't know, but we'd better hurry!

Me and Tails quickly started to run over to where Angel Island fell. Good thing it fell at the same spot. We ran into the opening in the side and ran down the cave, eventually exiting out into an open area of grass. I looked around and noticed a shrine on some land. Me and Tails ran across a bridge to get to the shrine, finding Knuckles and Eggman knocked down on the ground. We ran over to them and stopped next to them. Knuckles looked up and saw me staring at him.

Knuckles: Sonia... Uhhh, sorry!

Sonia: Knuckles! And Eggman? What happened here?

Knuckles: He stole my Chaos Emeralds! And Chaos is still alive!

Sonia: What?!

I heard Eggman groan as he slowly got up from the ground.

Eggman: Argh! He's not going to get away with this!

He ran over to his crashed flying pod and got in it, managing to start it up and start to fly away.

Knuckles: Hey Eggman! Wait up!

Knuckles looked back at me as he tried to stand up.

Knuckles: Sonia. Chaos is a fearsome beast! If he gets that last Chaos Emerald, we're done for!

Sonia: No need to explain, we'll get on it! Right, Tails?

Tails: Right!

Before me and Tails could get on the move, that red ball of light appeared and got in my face, causing a bright light to cover my vision.

Sonia: Aw, geez!

I started to hear the sound of fire burning as the light went away. I saw that I'm back at that weird place me and (Y/N) went to some time ago.

Sonia: This place... So it 100% wasn't a dream after all.

I ran ahead toward the giant stone shrine structure that's on fire. I stopped when I saw a group of people standing there, facing the fire. I looked past them and saw Tikal with some Chao by her feet, her arms spread out and stopping the groups from going towards the shrine.

Pachacamac: Get out of my way!

Tikal: No way!

Pachacamac: Did you hear what I said?

Tikal: I won't obey!

Pachacamac: We need those 7 emeralds to give us total power! It's power for the people! And they are your people too, you know! We must get that emerald!

Tikal: Greed is our enemy! Once it starts, you will always want more! Please don't do this. I beg you!

Pachacamac: Bah! I don't listen to the words of a child. Ready, men! Charge!

Tikal: Father!

I watched as the group of men ran forward, knocking down Tikal and the Chao down to the ground while they did so. They ran up the shrine, but a bright light came from there, making them scream about something until their screams went quiet. I quickly ran up to Tikal.

Sonia: Hey, are you alright?

Tikal: Uh... I think so.

She looked over at the shrine and didn't see anyone over there.

Tikal: Oh my gosh! No! No! No!

She managed to stand up and started to go towards the shrine too.

Sonia: Wait up!

I ran up the shrine and saw the Master Emerald and Tikal standing in front of it.

Tikal: The 7 emeralds are the servers. Chaos is power, enriched by the heart. The controller serves to to unify the chaos.

She took a moment to think about something until letting out a gasp of realization.

Tikal: The 7 emeralds can change our thoughts into power. If this emerald controls that power... Please, you must stop him!

A green light started to come from Tikal, making me have to cover my eyes. I felt someone grab onto my shoulder and started to shake me.

Tails: Sonia! Wake up!

I opened my eyes and saw Tails standing in front of me. I looked around and I'm back on Angel Island.

Sonia: Ah, I was on a snooze cruise, I guess!

Tails: Good thing you're okay! You just sort of conked out there. Knuckles left already. We need to go after the last emerald!

Sonia: Then lead the way!

Tails: It should still be on the Tornado 2!

Me and Tails quickly started to run as fast as we could and we got off of Angel Island. I thought about somewhere to look for the Tornado 2 and remembered that jungle area in the Mystic Ruins. Me and Tails went into that jungle and started to run through, trying to see if the plane ended up somewhere here. We came across a small hut in the jungle and the Tornado 2 crashed right outside of it.

Tails: Look! It's the Tornado 2!

Sonia: Yeah, so let's get the last Chaos Emerald and leave!

As me and Tails ran to the plane, a large pillar of light blue colored water surrounded the plane, stopping me and Tails from reaching the Tornado 2.

Sonia: What?

This is definitely Chaos! When the pillar disappeared, the Chaos Emerald that was attached to the front of the Tornado 2 was gone.

Sonia: No! He's got the last emerald!

Tails: Now what do we do?

This isn't good at all. Me and Knuckles had to team up to beat Chaos when he had 6 Chaos Emeralds, so it's hard to imagine what he can do with all 7 of them. This isn't going to end well.

(Readers POV)

I managed to swim out of the water and onto some broken road that was above the water. I looked around, seeing that buildings are destroyed and the entire city is flooded. I heard a bunch of glass shatter, making me look back and saw a bunch of water forming and taking shape on a building. It formed into an actual creature, destroying the building in the process.

It looks kinda familiar for some reason... Is this what me and Sonia saw on that giant mural in that ancient temple?

(Y/N): That's Chaos?! What happened to him?! Why is he so huge now?!

I looked around, trying to find somewhere safe to hide. As I was looking, I saw the Egg Carrier flying towards Chaos. Chaos opened its mouth as a large energy beam started to blast out of its mouth, hitting the Egg Carrier and causing it to blow up. It started to fall down towards the city and it crashed into the water. I saw Eggman in his flying pod get flown away at high speed as he screamed.

(Y/N): Not even Eggman could stop Chaos! Oh crap! What now?!

I took a step back, kicking something in the process. I looked back at what I kicked and saw that it was a Chaos Emerald, but it was colored a blackish grey. I picked it up.

(Y/N): A Chaos Emerald? So they aren't inside Chaos?

I saw the red ball of light fly past me, making me look at it as it flew by. I saw Sonia on some broken road. I quickly jumped into the water and swam over to the road she was on and got on it.

(Y/N): Sonia!

She looked back at me.

Sonia: (Y/N)! I'm happy to see you're okay!

(Y/N): As okay as I can be.

The red ball of light went over to Sonia. She held out her hand and the ball went onto it.

Sonia: Oh, it's you! The one who sealed Chaos in the Master Emerald! Tikal!

Wait, Tikal?! The ball disappeared as Tikal appeared in front of Sonia. So that red ball was Tikal all along?!

(Y/N): Woah! I didn't see that coming!

Tikal: My heart has always been in the Master Emerald, along with Chaos's. Now he's filled with anger and sadness. And if it goes on, he'll eventually destroy the world, like he did before!

Chaos let out a loud roar. I turned to look at Sonia and showed her the Chaos Emerald that I found.

(Y/N): Sonia! I found this on my way to you. Maybe you can use it somehow?

Sonia: I've never seen a Chaos Emerald like that before.

Tikal: Oh no, he absorbed the emeralds power!

Sonia: So it's nothing more than a dud?!

I looked down at the gem. So that's why it has such a dull color. If it has no power, then the rest have to be the same way.

Tikal: Chaos must be sealed in the Master Emerald. Now!

Sonia: How can that help? It won't change how he feels, will it? His heart will still remain in turmoil and his anger just won't vanish! He'll just be trapped forever!

Tikal: What choice do we have?

I looked at Sonia. Even after Chaos has destroyed the city, she still worries about the state that Chaos is in.

Amy: Hey, Sonia!

Me and Sonia looked back and saw Amy walking towards us. I noticed a pink colored bird flying right by her.

Sonia: Amy!

Amy held out her hands, revealing a dull colored Chaos Emerald.

Amy: Here, take this!

Me and Sonia heard some footsteps, making us look back and saw Tails and Knuckles. Tail was holding another emerald and Knuckles was holding 4, all of them the same full color.

Sonia: Hey guys, what's up?

Tails: I think I know what happened. Chaos only absorbed the negative energy of the emeralds. Sonia, you should be able to harness their real power to stop all of this!

Knuckles: As much as I hate to admit it, I think Tails is right about this.

Tails: Negative forces aren't the only way to empower the Chaos Emeralds. Our positive feelings toward each other can make them work.

I saw a bunch of people on top of buildings, cheering on Sonia to stop Chaos.

Tails: Our hearts together form awesome power!

Me, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles all gave the Chaos Emeralds to Sonia. She held onto all 7 Chaos Emeralds and a bright yellow flash of light covered her body. When the light went away, Sonia was different. Her blue quills are now yellow and flowed upward. The blue parts of her clothes also turned yellow and her green eyes are now a strong red color. A bunch of yellow energy came from her body.

(Y/N): Oh wow...

I couldn't help but admire Sonia while she was like this.

Sonia: Alright guys, I'll end this madness.

(Y/N): How are you going to do that?

Sonia smiled a she started to fly, going up into the air.

Sonia: I'm going to open his heart!

(Sonia's POV)

I quickly dashed across the water, flying as I went around broken buildings and ramped off broken roads. I looked ahead and saw Chaos right ahead of me. I dashed straight into his body and started to swirl up the inside of his body. I reached his head and hit the top of it, causing Chaos to scream out in pain. He dissolved into the water. I looked around and found him in the distance.

Sonia: You're not getting away!

As I flew towards Chaos, he started to shoot out spears of energy from his back at me. I dodged and weaved them, grabbing some rings while I did so. I continued to go forward, gaining more and more speed as I went. I went into Chaos's body again and went up to his head, hitting his weak spot. Chaos went into the water.

Sonia: You can stop the running!

I flew around the city and found Chaos. He opened his mouth and started to blast a large beam of energy. I couldn't get out of the way and had to put my arms up to defend myself.

Sonia: There ya go! Let out all of that anger and frustration!

I curled up into a ball and started to spin around really fast, destroying the beam of energy Chaos was shooting out. I kept spinning and dashed right at Chaos's head. I blasted right through it, making Chaos scream out in pain as he started to explode in a large light of blue. I quickly looked around and couldn't find Chaos anymore.

Sonia: Looks like this is all over now.

(Chapter 10 end)

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