Chapter 26 (Heroes)

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(Readers POV)

As everyone ran across the airship, I noticed that the clouds started to darken. Lightning started to shoot out across the clouds.

(Y/N): It's starting to storm?

Everyone didn't seem to notice or mind, except for Tails. She started to look up at the sky with a concerned look on her face. I saw Vector pull out his walkie talkie and it turned on.

???: You all are closing in on my location. I am trapped inside a sealed room. You will need to collect 3 keys to unlock the door to the room.

Knuckles: Why not just bust the door down?

???: Are you kidding me?! The stuff I make is top notch! The door won't budge!

Tails: Then maybe I can hack it open?

???: You think the systems are that easy to crack?! It's not school level code!

I saw Sonia staring at the walkie talkie with a skeptical look on her face.

Vector: Don't worry. We'll get you out.

Charmy: And we expect our payment!

???: Of course I'll pay you!

Vector put the walkie talkie away and started to run ahead.

Vector: Let's hurry up and bust our friend out before taking out that robot girl.

Everyone started to run with Vector leading the way. After getting past some robots, we came across a huge metal door.

Rouge: So this is it?

Espio: Looks like it.

Vector: Let's bust him out!

Vector started to punch the door, making some small dents in it. Knuckles walked over and started to punch the door too. Vector and Knuckles brought their fists back and punched the door at the same time. Everyone looked into the room and saw Eggman sitting on the ground with a walkie talkie next to him.

Charmy: It's Doctor Eggman?!

I saw Sonia cross her arms and started to tap her foot on the floor.

Vector: It's nice to finally meet our client face to face.

Eggman: Did you know it was me?

Vector: You had some tells. It's all part of being a good detective.

Omega: Must destroy target!

Omega raised one of his arms and some guns came out of it and he got ready to fire.

Eggman: Wait! Don't shoot! It was Metal Sonia that locked me up here!

Sonia: We really could use some info on what happened to Metal Sonia from the doctor.

Rouge walked in front of Omega and put her arm in front of him.

Rouge: Hold back for now, big guy.

Omega stared at Eggman in silence for a moment. Eggman started to sweat, but Omega put his arm down. Sonia walked up to Eggman.

Sonia: What happened with Metal Sonia? Speak.

Eggman: I haven't seen you this serious in awhile.

Sonia: When one of your creations hurts one of my friends, you'll get that side of me.

Eggman got up from the ground.

Eggman: I was working on upgrading Metal Sonia. She would be able to copy data on people and get stronger. But something must have malfunctioned in her wires. She went against me. Said that I held her back! She took control of my forces and plans to conquer the world!

Sonia: So you went too overboard with her upgrades?

Eggman: Evidently. Even with all of you going against her, you may not be able to win.

Sonia: I guess there really is only one way to find out.

Everyone left the room. I saw Eggman starting to walk off.

(Y/N): Where are you going?

Eggman stopped as everyone looked over at him.

Knuckles: You ain't trying to pull a fast one, are you?!

Eggman: I'm just getting something that will help go against Metal Sonia!

Eggman started to run off.

Amy: Should we stop him?

Sonia: We have bigger things to deal with at the moment.

Everyone started to run ahead. I quickly caught up with the rest. I started to look around the area and noticed a pair of red glowing eyes looking at Sonia. Those eyes, they belong to Metal Sonia!

(Y/N): Sonia! Watch out!

Sonia: Huh?

Sonia looked back at me, probably wandering what I was talking about. I saw Metal Sonia dash forward and tried to kick Sonia. Sonia managed to look back in time to see Metal Sonia and dashed out of the way.

Sonia: Phew! That was a close one!

Neo Metal: Sonia, my copy. I am ready to take you down, once and for all.

Sonia: I'd like to see you try!

Before anyone could do anything, some kind of air slash came at Metal Sonia. She dodged it and looked over at the source of the slash.

Eggman: I'll show you what happens when you rebel against your master!

Neo Metal: Master? I am the only master this world needs!

Eggman: Take this!

Eggman is piloting that machine?! The mech dashed forward at Metal Sonia. She curled up into a ball and dashed forward, cutting the sword in half.

Eggman: Eh?!

Neo Metal: Futile.

She stayed curled up in a ball and dashed through the mech, cutting it in half before it exploded. Eggman flew out of the explosion and landed on the ground next to everyone else. Metal Sonia uncurled from her ball and started to laugh as she started to fly up into the air.

Neo Metal: All living things kneel before your master!

She raised her hand upward and started to shoot lightning from it. The lightning struck back down and hit a nearby airship, destroying it. The parts began to fly over to Metal Sonia as she started to combine with them. Numerous parts started to extend and come together. Metal Sonia started to morph with all the pieces and completely fused with it, becoming some kind of giant monster looking creature.

She let out a loud screech.

Eggman: Metal Sonia has finally transformed!

A bunch of Eggman's robots started to run away from the scene. Even they didn't want to be near that thing.

Sonia: How is that still Metal Sonia?

Eggman: Now it's truly useless! Metal Sonia has combined all of your data with the power of Chaos and is super strong! We can't defeat her now. Argh! If only we had the 7 Chaos Emeralds!

I looked over and saw Cream, Big, Rouge, Omega, Espio, Charmy, and Sonia all pulled out a Chaos Emerald, making 7.

Eggman: But how?

Sonia: Looks like we just so happened to come across the emeralds on the way here.

Eggman: Even with the emerald's power, our chances for victory are slim. It would take a miracle!

Sonia: Just leave that to me, doc.

She tossed the emerald up in the air and caught it.

Tails: I'm going with you too!

Knuckles: You can count me in too.

Sonia: Tails. Knuckles.

She looked around at everyone. She got handed the rest of the Chaos Emeralds and they started to float around her.

Sonia: Okay then, let's get ready to do this. We'll show that creep the real super power of teamwork!

The Chaos Emeralds started to circle around Sonia and went into her body. A bunch of yellow energy started to come out of her body as she transformed into Super Sonia. Her energy started to go around Knuckles and Tails. The two gained some kind of yellow energy ball around them, powering them up. The three started to fly, going towards Metal Sonia.

(Y/N): Be careful, Sonia...

(Sonia's POV)

Me, Tails, and Knuckles all started to fly towards Metal Sonia. She started to fly too and started to fly around the flying airship.

Neo Metal: Sonia, my loathsome copy!

She started to shot out a bunch of blue colored energy balls at me. I dashed right through them, destroying them completely.

Sonia: Here we come! You all ready?

Tails: Of course!

Knuckles: We're with you until the end!

Me, Tails, and Knuckles all dashed at Metal Sonia and started to attack her at different places at once. She tried to swat us away, but we were too fast for her. She flew back, gaining some distance.

Sonia: You really thought you could defeat me by transforming into a monster?!

Neo Metal: That was the past. Now you're nothing but a speck of dust to me.

She started to shoot out a bunch of spikes from her body. Tails grabbed onto me and Knuckles and started to kick us forward, launching us at the spikes and destroying them.

Neo Metal: Sonia... I was created for the sole purpose of destroying you. But I can never seem to defeat you! That is why, I transformed my own body with my own hands into this!

Tails launched me and Knuckles again, destroying more spikes that were flying at us. We all dashed at Metal Sonia and started to attack her again. She let out a screech as she managed to swat us away.

Knuckles: Man, she's tough!

Tails: Is she invincible?

She started to launch more attacks at us, forcing me, Tails, and Knuckles to dodge them.

Sonia: It's not over yet! Let's show her what we're made of!

I saw Metal Sonia fly into the dark clouds, disappearing from sight. When she emerged from the clouds, she is holding an airship from Eggman's fleet and threw it at us. Knuckles got in front of me and Tails and got ready. Right when the ship was about to hit Knuckles, he punched it, causing it to get destroyed into pieces. I saw the pieces start to fall towards where everyone else is standing. The impact of the pieces caused them to get sent up into the air.

Sonia: Woah! Tails, Knuckles! Hold off Metal Sonia for a bit!

I started to fly over to everyone else to make sure that they will be able to land safely. I saw Metal Sonia launch some more blue energy balls at me. I quickly curled up into a ball and destroyed them. I looked back at everyone and saw that Rouge, Cream, and Charmy are help carrying people down to safety. (Y/N) is still in the air.

Sonia: Hold on (Y/N)!

I tried to fly over to him, but Metal Sonia started to fire off more spikes from her body towards (Y/N). I tried to destroy as many as possible before they could reach him, but some managed to get past me.

Sonia: (Y/N)!

He looked ahead, seeing all the spikes flying at him. He curled up into a ball and started to spin around, managing to maneuver himself in the air enough to barely dodge the spikes, going between them. I let out a sigh as I quickly flew over to him and caught him.

(Y/N): That was way too close!

Sonia: Nice job dodging! You had me at the edge of my seat for a second!

I quickly flew down to where everyone else is and put (Y/N) down on his own two feet. I flew back over to Tails and Knuckles.

Neo Metal: I shall become the ultimate overlord, ruling as the world's most supreme being!

Sonia: We need to end this now!

I dashed forward at Metal Sonia. I tried to kick her, but she blocked it with one of her arms. Knuckles flew over and tried to punch her, but she used her other arm to block him. Tails dashed over and grabbed onto me and Knuckles. She tossed us up higher into the air. I curled up into a ball and Knuckles grabbed onto me.

Knuckles: Let's see what you got!

Knuckles threw me downward as hard as he could. I started to spin around really fast and managed to cut through one of Metal Sonia's arms. I flew around Metal Sonia, cutting off more and more parts of her. She started to explode and fall down.

Neo Metal: Why?! I had it all!

Tails: Yeah, we did it!

Knuckles: Phew, that was pretty tough.

Sonia: Too bad it's all over, for you!

I saw Metal Sonia land on the airship where everyone else is. Me, Tails, and Knuckles all landed with everyone else. The yellow energy disappeared from Tails and Knuckles and the Chaos Emeralds left my body, scattering in different directions. I saw Metal Sonia start to morph back into her normal form.

Metal: It's no use... but why can't I defeat you?

She started to power down. I smirked as I walked up to her.

Sonia: Anytime you want a rematch, just let me know. I'll be waiting.

I saw her eyes turn off and she stopped moving. Finally, this is all over.

Sonia: Actually...

I looked back and saw Eggman trying to sneak away from the scene.

Vector: Alls well that ends well.

Charmy: What about our money?

Vector: Oh yeah, I almost forgot!

Team Chaotix looked back to see Eggman. Eggman started to run away as the three started to chase him.

Sonia: Okay, now everything is dealt with. I think it's about time to go home.

I started to stretch for a bit before starting to run from the area.

(Chapter 26 end)

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