Chapter 38 (Unleashed)

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(Sonia's POV)

Me, Chip, and Tails are all walking down a dirt trail as I just got done getting Tails up to speed about the situation.

Tails: That's some story. I'll bet that means you turning into... That... and the planet breaking apart are somehow related.

That does seem to make sense.

Sonia: I need to find Eggman and make him fix this, and fast!

If anyone knows how to fix this mess, then it's the person that started this mess in the first place.

Tails: About that... I think I know someone who might know something about what's going on here.

Sonia: Oh, really?

If I don't have to ask for Eggman's help, then I'll take whatever other option there is.

Tails: Professor Pickle, over at Spagonia University. If we add everything we know to his research findings, we might be able to get to the bottom of all this.

Sonia: Spagonia? That's a continent over. And easy jog, if the plane weren't broken.

I saw Tails run ahead and showed off a red biplane that she must've used to get over to Apotos in the first place.

Tails: No problem. My Tornado 1 will get us there in a flash.

Sonia: What happened to the Tornado 2?

Tails: It may or may not have... Crashed during some testing. So I'm using this plane as a temporary replacement until I fix the Tornado 2.

Sonia: Ah, then let's get moving.

Me, Tails, and Chip all boarded on the plane. Tails sat down in the driver seat and I sat down in the seat behind her. Chip flew over and sat down on my lap. Tails started to plane and it moved forward. It gained enough speed to start flying up into the air.

Chip: Woah! This is so cool! Look how high up we are!

Tails: Don't worry, it will be a smooth ride.

Sonia: We should also get (Y/N). He said he wanted to help out with this mess.

Tails: Then our next stop is picking up (Y/N)!

Sonia: Hey... Tails? What time will it be when we pick him up?

Tails: Should be about early in the morning. Why do you ask?

Sonia: Just... Just curious is all.

(Time Skip) (Readers POV)

I was taking a small nap on my couch. I was woken up by a sudden knocking on my door. I got let out a yawn and got up to answer the door. I opened the door and saw it was daytime and Sonia, Tails, and a boy I haven't seen before are standing outside.

Sonia: Hey babe!

She wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I smiled as I hugged her back. I'm glad to see that she's well. We broke the hug as I pointed at the boy.

(Y/N): So I assume you're Chip?

Chip: Mhmm! You want some chocolate?

He pulled out a bar of chocolate and offered it to me. I politely declined his offer as I saw a plane outside.

(Y/N): So... Where are we going first to fix the planet situation?

Tails: We are heading to Spagonia.

(Y/N): I never been there. That's definitely exciting!

Chip: We are going to meet Professor Pickle!

We all went over to the plane. I jumped into the backseat of the plane. Tails got into the pilot seat. Sonia started to sit down on my lap.

Sonia: You don't mind if I sit here, do ya?

(Y/N): O-Of course not!

She smirked and winked at me.

Sonia: Thanks!

I saw Chip fly over and sat down on Sonia's lap.

Chip: Now let's go high into the sky!

Tails nodded her head and made the plane go forward until it got enough speed to head high up into the air. I felt the wind blowing through my hair. Even though the situation with the earth is bad, I can't really feel worried. Not when I'm with Sonia at least.

(Y/N): Today is a nice day, huh?

Sonia: It really is.

After awhile of just flying, I looked down and saw a huge city with tons of buildings.

Tails: Here we are! Spagonia!

(Y/N): Man, this place is a lot bigger than I expected.

Tails looked around and found a spot to land the plane. She landed it perfectly without crashing it as everyone left the plane.

Tails: The university should be just up ahead.

We all started to walk forward as I just enjoyed the scenery. We turned a corner and saw a nearby cafe. I turned to look at Sonia.

(Y/N): You want to get a drink after we are done here?

Chip: Oh! I bet they taste delicious!

Sonia: I don't see why not-

She cut herself off as I felt myself bump into someone.

(Y/N): Ah!

Garnet: Hey man! Watch where you're going!

(Y/N): S-Sorry, that's my bad...

I saw who I bumped into and saw that they have the same hair color as me. He seems to be around my age, but also has a wolf tail and ears. We stared at each other and started to walk around in a circle.

(Y/N): Why do you...

Garnet: ...Seem so familiar?

Suddenly I saw two kids, one a boy and the other a girl, run over to me and point at my shoes. The kids also have wolf ears and a tail.

Ruby: Woah! Your shoes are so shiny!

The boy said. He must be referring to the parts that are metallic.

Sapphire: Can we have them?!

The girl asked me. I lightly laughed to myself.

(Y/N): S-Sorry, but these shoes are really important for me to have. I can't just give them away.

Amethyst: Kids! Don't just run off like that!

I looked ahead and saw an older woman, most likely the mother of the kids, shouting from the cafe. She has the same hair and wolf features as her kids. She saw me staring at her and immediately got up from her seat to run over to me. She put her hands on my cheeks and looked closely at my face.

(Y/N): Uh... Um. Can I help you?

She started to look me dead in my eyes as tears appeared in the corners of hers.

Amethyst: (Y-Y/N)? Is that you?

I felt my heart stop for a moment as I took a second look at her, the guy, and two kids with her. There's... There's no way...

(Y/N): ...Mom?

Garnet: Wait, what?!

Ruby and Sapphire: But that's our mommy!

Chip: Huh? How can she be (Y/N)'s mom if she's their mom?

I felt... A lot of emotions right now. The woman smiled as she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

Amethyst: I can't believe I'm seeing you again after so long!

Suddenly, I can feel my heart beating faster than normal. I wrapped my arms around the woman and gripped the back of her shirt like I never wanted to let go.

(Y/N): This is... I have to be dreaming...

After what felt like an eternity, we broke the hug. I looked at the guy and two little kids. So they are my brothers and sister. They have to be.

Garnet: Seriously, what is going on?

(Y/N): I guess I should properly introduce myself. I'm (Y/N).

Amethyst: My name is Amethyst.

Garnet: Yo! I'm Garnet! The two annoying kids are Ruby and Sapphire.

The two kids looked up at Garnet and pouted.

Ruby and Sapphire: We aren't annoying!

They jumped up onto Garnet and started to lightly bite down on his arms.

Garnet: Gah! Let go you little gremlins!

I just smiled at the scene. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw that it's Sonia.

Sonia: Me, Tails, and Chip are going to go on ahead. You wanna stay here for a bit?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah... If that's alright.

Sonia gave me a thumbs up and gave me a quick kiss before she, Tails, and Chip all walked away. I saw Chip turned around while still flying forward.

Chip: I'll make sure to get chocolate for you all!

He shouted. I just lightly laughed and waved bye at him. Even without memories, he's a nice kid.

Amethyst: You have some nice friends.

Garnet: So who was the blue haired chick? You two seem close.

(Y/N): That was Sonia. She's my girlfriend.

Garnet: You have a girlfriend?! Lucky... Wait, did you say Sonia?

Amethyst: Sonia? Like Sonia the Hedgehog?

Ruby: No way! I heard she stopped a giant water monster!

Sapphire: I heard she was the one that stopped that space ark from crashing into the world!

(Y/N): I did get to see her do that stuff personally.

Amethyst: Oh my, it sounds like you had some excitement with your life.

Garnet: I'm starting to think that lucky comment was an understatement.

Ruby and Sapphire jumped off of Garnet and ran up to me.

Ruby and Sapphire: Tell us more about Sonia!

Amethyst: I can't help but feel curious what kind of adventures you went on with her.

I let out a small sigh. This might take awhile to say every that I've done, but at least I'll be telling it to them. My family.

(Sonia's POV)

I couldn't but feel happy for (Y/N). He managed to find his family, by complete accident it seems.

Chip: So he was looking for his family?

Sonia: Yeah, and looks like they just so happened to be here at Spagonia.

Tails: Let's hope we can continue this good streak and be able to learn something valuable from Professor Pickle.

We made it to the university and walked inside of the building. We walked down the halls, Chip looking around everywhere to see all the interesting things, at least interesting to him. Tails was pretty much leading the way since me and Chip wouldn't know where to go. We made it to a door with a nameplate on it. Chip flew up to the nameplate.

Chip: Professor Pickle? Oh, that's the guy we are looking for!

Tails knocked on the door. After a bit, the door opened and we saw a man with brown hair and wearing a suit. Is that him?

Tails: Huh? Where's Professor Pickle?

So that's not him. Got it.

Assistant: Oh, well I'm sorry to say this, but Professor Pickle isn't going to be here for a while.

Chip: Why? But we need to see him.

Assistant: Then you may come in.

We all walked inside and the guy looked at us.

Assistant: Professor Pickle has been recently kidnapped.

That's a shock to hear. Who would want to kidnap a professor?

Tails: Whaaaaat?! Kidnapped?!

Assistant: It was a little bit before the tremors hit. This old man showed up... With a...

He motioned his hands over his stomach, implying that this "old man" is on the heavier side.

Assistant: And a...

He then motioned his hands by his upper lip and moved them away. So this "old man" also has a large mustache. Don't tell me, it was that one plumber guy-

Assistant: And a whole pack of robots.

Well, that sealed the deal. It's Eggman. Eggman is the one that would kidnap a professor.

Assistant: They carried poor Professor Pickle off, lab data and all!

Tails: It can't be!

Sonia: Not matter what way you look at it, it sure sounds like Eggman.

Chip: What a horrible thing to do!

Me and Tails looked over at Chip.

Chip: We've got to go that professor guy out, and fast!

Chip started to fly.

Chip: If he got kidnapped that long ago, he's got to be real hungry by now! And and, if I was that hungry... I-I don't know how long I would last! I'd rather be dead!

From what looked like exhaustion, Chip fell down to the ground, but what looked like his soul stayed flying. He tried to move his mouth to talk, but no noise came out. He seemed to noticed that he's a soul now and tried to touch his arm, but his hand just went through. He dived down as his soul went back into his body. That's was... New.

Tails: I-I'm sure Eggman is feeding him. Even he's not that cruel.

Sonia: Okay, let's got and find the professor!

Chip sat up and shook his head before giving me a thumbs up. Me, Chip, and Tails all left the university to try to find any clues where Eggman could have taken the professor. We asked around the place to see if anyone had seen or heard anything and someone mentioned that they overheard something about the professor being taken to a place called Mazuri.

Tails: Mazuri huh? We can check that out.

Sonia: Nice, let's get going!

Chip: Let's go and get (Y/N)!

We all walked over and saw (Y/N) sitting at the cafe with his family.

(Y/N): And that's how Sonia beat a giant monster robot version of herself.

Ruby and Sapphire: Woah! That's so cool!

Amethyst: I am amazed you were able to leave those kind of situations unharmed.

(Y/N) looked down and rubbed the back of his head.

(Y/N): Yeah... Unharmed...

Chip: (Y/N)!

Chip flew over to get close to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Chip. How did meeting the professor go?

Tails: Not good. He's been kidnapped by Eggman.

Sonia: And we heard that Mazuri might be a good place to check out.

Tails: Hope you like night walks.

Wait... Night?

Sonia: Huh?

I looked over at Tails.

Tails: It's going to be night by the time we get there.

Garnet: You need to go man?

(Y/N): Sounds like it.

Amethyst: We are going to be here for at least a few more days, so we should still be here when you return.

I saw (Y/N) stand up, but I ran over and sat him back down at the chair he was sitting in.

(Y/N): Uh? Sonia?

Sonia: You should stay here! Get some time with your family!

Garnet: It's not like we are going anywhere. We can wait.

Amethyst: If it is anything as half as serious as the stories (Y/N) has been telling us, you may need his help.

Sonia: Trust me, a simple rescue mission is something me and Tails can easily take care of.

(Y/N): Well... If you think it won't be a big deal.

I did feel bad for not making (Y/N) join us, but I just a don't him to see me like... That... I felt (Y/N) grab my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts.

(Y/N): Just come back to me unhurt, okay?

Sonia: Don't worry, it will be fine. We will get done so quick, it would be like we never left.

Me, Tails, and Chip all started to walk over to where Tails put the Tornado 1 to head over to Mazuri.

Tails: Sonia...

Sonia: It's going to be okay Tails, I just don't want to let him know yet.

Tails: ...If that's what you wish.

(Chapter 38 end)

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