Chapter 41 (Unleashed)

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(Sonia's POV)

I looked around, trying to see if I can see a temple nearby. I saw Chip flying up and trying to look around too. I heard him gasp from excitement, making me walk over to him. He looked at me and pointed ahead. I looked over where he is pointing and found something that looks like a temple.

Sonia: Is that the Temple of Gaia?

Chip: Let's check it out!

(Y/N) walked over to see what me and Chip are looking at.

(Y/N): It definitely seems old looking enough to be an ancient temple.

Me, (Y/N), and Chip all quickly headed over to the temple and got to the front entrance. We all walked inside, seeing that the inside is rather large. A bunch of pillars are on the sides of a long straight path with some glowing stones on top of the pillars to light the area up.

Chip: Whoa! Awesome!

His voice echoed throughout the place.

Sonia: What is this place?

(Y/N): I like it! It has so many shiny rocks lighting the place up!

I looked over and saw his eyes sparkling and his tail swaying back and forth really fast. I smiled seeing just how excited he is. He's cute. Chip flew ahead and pointed at some kind of alter at the end of the path.

Chip: Sonia! (Y/N)! There's something weird here, right in the middle!

He flew ahead to get to the alter. He looked down at the alter.

Chip: Hey, what's this hole?

(Y/N) started to walk ahead to get to Chip.

(Y/N): You shouldn't try to touch anything. It could be a trap-

Chip tried to reach down the alter, but suddenly a bunch of shaking starting. I managed to keep my balance. Chip started to panic and flew back from the alter and got behind me.

Chip: Wha! Wha! Hey!

I noticed the alter and the green orb near Chip's neck started to glow, but the glowing for both stopped with the shaking.

(Y/N): This place is starting to get weird.

The alter extended up slightly, revealing there is a hole on top of it. The three of us walked over to the alter.

Chip: So what now?

I thought about what to do. This temple is supposed to restore a Chaos Emerald. I reached into my pocket and pulled out one of the Chaos Emeralds. I might as well give this a shot. I put the emerald on the alter. Nothing happened for a moment, but light started to come from the emerald. The Chaos Emerald went from black to green and rose up into the air. Chip did a backflip from excitement.

Chip: Wahoo! The emerald came back to life!

(Y/N): This confirms it! This place is the Temple of Gaia!

Sonia: So that's why Eggman was so keen on taking this place over.

Before we could continue talking, the place started to shake again. But this time the shaking felt more violent.

Chip: Here we go agaaaaain!

I felt (Y/N) grab onto me to try to keep balance from all the shaking. Eventually the shaking stopped. I looked around, making sure nothing is trying to attack us or something.

Sonia: Weird.

I saw (Y/N) staring at the alter for a moment. He reached into my pocket and pulled out one of the drained Chaos Emeralds and put it onto the alter. Even after a couple of seconds, it didn't do anything.

Sonia: Did you think it would've worked?

(Y/N): It was worth a shot. I guess we need to look for 6 more temples.

(Y/N) reached out and grabbed onto the green Chaos Emerald and tried to pull it towards him, but he couldn't get the Chaos Emerald to budge.

(Y/N): Why won't it move?!

Sonia: Looks like we have to leave it here for now. If we can't move it, then Eggman won't be able too either.

He let out a sigh and let go of the Chaos Emerald. We all started to leave the temple and we saw Tails flying towards us.

Tails: Sonia! (Y/N)! Good news!

We all stopped in our tracks and let Tails fly over to us.

Tails: The planet! One of the broken pieces of the planet moved back into place!

Sonia: Alright! Good job team!

Tails took out one of her devices with a screen on it and showed that one of the pieces of the planet did in fact move back down into place.

(Y/N): So that's what caused the shaking earlier.

Tails: At this rate, we'll have the whole world back together in no time!

I smiled as I got ready to explore more of the planet.

Sonia: A planet sized jigsaw puzzle. I gotta say this makes a good excuse to go around the world.

(Y/N): Let's go back to Professor Pickle so he can tell us where the next temple is.

(Time Skip)

Me, (Y/N), and Chip are all waking down the streets of Spagonia at night, so I'm in my Werehog form. I saw (Y/N) walk ahead of me and smiled to himself.

(Y/N): Hey Sonia? You wanna race over to Professor Pickle's lab?

Sonia: You're only betting on a race since you think you can win because I'm like this?

I said, pretending to be offended by what he said.

(Y/N): Oh... Sorry I was just trying to lighten the mood-

I couldn't help but start to chuckle.

Sonia: I'm messing with you. You didn't say anything wrong.

(Y/N): G-Geez! Don't scare me like that!

Sonia: But fine, I'll still race ya. Just don't complain when I still win.

(Y/N) smirked as he ran off ahead. I just smiled to myself.

Chip: Hey, Sonia. How come you aren't racing with him?

Sonia: Well I can tell he's having some confidence issues, so I think that will be the little moral boost he needs.

Chip: Oh, I see.

As me and Chip just walked along, I heard someone shout for me.

Amy: Hey Sonia!

I looked over and saw Amy running right for me and started to hug me.

Amy: Sonia! My sister from another mister! I've been looking for you!

Sonia: H-Hey, lemme go!

I don't think she noticed me new appearance yet.

Amy: So how have you and (Y/N) been getting along?! I'm here to make sure your love blossoms even further and...

She stopped herself and seemed like she noticed something was off. She looked up at me and I looked down at her. Amy let go of me and took a step back.

Amy: Who are you?

Sonia: Uh?

Amy: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I just completely mistook you for someone else!

Chip got confused and looked at me. I shrugged at him, not really getting the situation myself.

Amy: That is so strange. I could have sworn it was her.

She said to herself before looking at me.

Amy: Anyway, I'm really sorry! See ya later!

She ran off while waving at me bye. I reached out my arm to stop her, but she just ran ahead.

Chip: Well, that was weird. How come that girl didn't know you were you, Sonia?

Chip started to fly and got in front of me.

Chip: I mean, I guess you are kinda... You know... And these guys.

He said while pointing at his mouth as he grew sharp fangs. I just stared at him. I let out a groan as I turned around and started to walk away. Not even someone like Amy can recognize me while I'm like this.

Chip: Oh, ah... I mean... D-D-Don't worry! Hey! You only look really scary, Sonia.

I looked down at the ground. I know Tails and (Y/N) don't mind me changing appearance every once in awhile, but even some of my friends don't know who I am. I hate this form. And I'll make sure Eggman pays for doing this to me.

Chip: Inside, you're the same as ever. I guarantee that! Okay? Soniiia! Cheer up!

He started to fly in front of me. I appreciate his attempts to cheer me up, but I just don't want it, maybe if it was from (Y/N), I would feel a bit better. Chip reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar.

Chip: Chocolate! Want some chocolate?!

I just walked past him. He flew over to me to catch up and stayed silent. As we turned a corner on the street, me and Chip can hear some commotion. We looked down the street and saw a bunch of people dancing.

Chip: Whoa, is there some kinda party going on?

I looked at the crowd and noticed Amy dancing with a random man. Even more confusing is that (Y/N) is in it too and he is dancing with some random woman. I felt something snap inside me as I started to walk forward. Running off just to dance with someone that isn't me? That isn't him.

Sonia: Something's not right here.

I saw Chip pull out a camera, that he might have taken from Professor Pickle's room, and took a picture of the party scene. After the flash of the camera went off, everyone in the party suddenly passed out, even (Y/N). Dark purple energy came from their bodies and those weird dark creatures formed from it.

Chip: It's a carnival of creeps out there!

He said as he decided to take more pictures. I ran forward and threw my fist forward and punched the creatures. They all screeched at me and tried to attack me. I grabbed onto two of the creatures head and slammed their faces together. I jumped up into the air and threw them down at the rest of the creatures, knocking them all down. I fell to the ground and slammed my feet down on the pile of creatures. They all let out one final screech before disappearing into energy that went into my body.

Sonia: There.

I saw that everyone started to wake up. I helped Amy up on her feet as she started to gain consciousness. I saw (Y/N) getting up and quickly grabbed him with one arm. I used my other arm to grab onto the top of a building and pulled myself away from the scene really fast before Amy could see me again.

Chip: Ah, hey, wait up!

I landed in a random alleyway where there isn't anyone nearby. I heard (Y/N) groaning as he opened his eyes.

(Y/N): What happened?

He saw that I was holding him.

(Y/N): Wait, what? Did I not win the race?

I put him on his feet and put my hands on my hips.

Sonia: You have some explaining to do.

(Y/N) looked at me confused for a moment before looking around.

(Y/N): Explain what?

I grunted as I grabbed his arms and pinned them against a buildings wall.

(Readers POV)

I got suddenly pinned against a wall by Sonia. I have no idea what's going on, but she definitely gets a bit more assertive when she's in her Werehog form.

(Y/N): H-Hey! What's going on Sonia?!

Sonia: I saw you dancing with other woman.

(Y/N): Wait wait wait, what?! I wasn't doing anything like that!

Sonia: Don't lie to me. Chip even took a picture of it.

(Y/N): I don't have any idea what you're talking about!

Sonia: Really?

(Y/N): H-Honest! The last thing I remember was running ahead and then next thing I know is I'm in an alleyway with you!

Sonia stared deeply at me for what felt like forever. She leaned forward to get her mouth close to my ear.

Sonia: You promise that's what happened?

(Y/N): Would I ever lie to you?

I asked back. She leaned her head back to look at my face again. I tried to give her a smile to help her realize that I didn't mean any harm. She leaned her head forward again and licked me on the neck, making me jump a bit from the sudden feeling.

(Y/N): A-Ah!

Sonia: There. Don't try teasing me like that again.

I just nodded my head, not really sure of what I did, but I'll make sure not to do it again.

(Y/N): Y-You got it, Sonia!

Sonia: Good boy.

I felt my face heat up after she called me that. She let go of my arms and started to walk ahead.

Sonia: Let's hurry up and learn where the next temple is.

I nodded my head as I started to walk behind her. I looked back at my tail and it's going back and forth like crazy. Did... Did I enjoy that?!

(Y/N): ...

I lightly smacked myself in the face to help me snap out of all of those weird thoughts. I ran forward and started to hug Sonia from behind.

(Y/N): Thanks for worrying about me. You really are just a big softie, aren't ya?

Sonia: S-Sure.

(Chapter 41 end)

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