Chapter 5 (SA1)

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(Readers POV)

Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles got ready to fight Eggman. Before any of them could go with that plan, a loud noise could be heard coming from the sky.

(Y/N): What's that?

I looked up at the sky and saw something started to emerge from the clouds. It was some kind of giant air ship.

I noticed Eggman's face all over the ship and just knew it was his.

(Y/N): Where did you get the money for that?!

Eggman: Behold my floating masterpiece, the Egg Carrier! But it pales in comparison to the power of Chaos. And to answer your question, wolf boy, I get my robots to scavenge the resources I need! No money needed!

(Y/N): Good work ethic?

Eggman: Adieu! Until we meet again, my friends!

He started to laugh as his flying pod quickly went up to his giant ship. After a small bit of time the Egg Carrier started to fly away.

Tails: Hey, we can't let him get away! Let's get to my workshop and we'll take the Tornado!

Sonia: Yeah!

Knuckles: You guys go!

Me, Sonia, and Tails and looked over at Knuckles.

Knuckles: I have some unfinished business to take care of.

Sonia: No problem, Knuckles. We'll take care of everything here!

Knuckles started to run off as Sonia looked back at me and Tails. I waved bye at Knuckles.

Tails: Let's get going!

Me and Sonia nodded our heads as we ran to Tails's workshop. We quickly got there as Tails walked to the door.

Tails: Sonia, (Y/N), wait here for a second.

She opened the door and walked inside the workshop, leaving me and Sonia outside. Sonia put her hands on her hips and started to tap her foot over and over again. We stood in an awkward silence. The noise of gears turning could be heard. I looked over at the right of the workshop and saw the long stretch of land open up, revealing a runway.

(Y/N): Woah...

A large set of doors on the side of the workshop opened, revealing Tails driving a red colored biplane.

Tails: Sonia! (Y/N)! Hop in!

She shouted over the loud engine. I noticed that the plane only has the one seat that Tails is in right now.

(Y/N): If you don't mind me asking, how are we supposed to hop in?!

Sonia: I'll show ya!

Sonia grabbed my hand and jumped up, heading towards the plane. She let go of my hand and landed on the left wing of the plane and I landed on the right wing.

Tails: Let's go!

The plane started to gain a lot of sudden speed. I quickly held onto the wing to not fly off. The plane started to tilt upward, heading high up into the air. In the distance, I can see the Egg Carrier.

Sonia: Full speed Tails! We are making sure he doesn't get away!

Tails: Roger that!

As we were slowly getting closer to the Egg Carrier, I saw a bunch of small things flying out of the air ship. It was a bunch of flying robots heading towards us.

(Y/N): Guys- er gals! We have company!

I looked back and saw Tails press some buttons. Bullets started to shoot out from the front of the plane, hitting the robots and destroying them. We managed to get close to the flying airship, but robots and cannons on top of it started to fire at us, making Tails have to swerve away to dodge.

Sonia: Looks like we aren't getting a smooth landing!

(Y/N): I guess we need to destroy all of things before we can do that!

As we flew around the Egg Carrier, Tails fired bullets, destroyed robots and cannons. After a couple of minutes, Tails got rid of a lot of them.

Sonia: I think we will be able to make our landing!

Tails: Yeah!

Tails flew in front of the Egg Carrier and got ready to turn around to land on it. I looked back and saw the front of the Egg Carrier open up and energy started to gather to the front.

Eggman: Ready? Aim. FIRE!!

I heard from some kind of intercom system.

(Y/N): Uh, Gals?!

Tails and Sonia looked back and saw a large energy beam shot out of the front of the Egg Carrier. The beam hit the left wing of the biplane, destroying it completely. Sonia got launched into the air and began to fall down.

(Y/N): Sonia!

The biplane started to spin around while falling down. Me and Tails started to scream as we went down faster and faster. I held onto the wing I'm on as tightly as possible.

(Sonia's POV)

I opened my eyes, but all I can see is darkness.

Sonia: Ugh... Tails?... (Y/N)?...

I groaned as I felt pain go through my body. I felt around and felt sand and that my head is buried in it. I pulled my head out of the sand and found myself at the beach near the hotel at Station Square. I shook the sand out of my quills and quickly ran into Station Square.

Sonia: Oh, I hope they are okay.

If I landed at Station Square, then it would make sense that they would be nearby. I ran around Station Square, looking around to see if Tails or (Y/N) landed here. I got to the area with the casino, but I don't see either of them here.

Sonia: Shoot, not here either.

???: Sonia! Wait up!

I heard a female voice call to me. I looked back and saw Amy running up to me.

She stopped when she got in front of me.

Amy: Long time no see!

Sonia: Ah, hey Amy.

Amy: Listen, this birdie seems to be in trouble.

She held up a small blue bird to me.

Amy: So you need to be his bodyguard for a while!

Sonia: You must be kidding! Look Amy, I'm kinda busy with some other stuff at the moment.

Amy: If you don't, we're just gonna tag along anyway!

Sonia: That's fine, just don't fall behind.

I started to walk away as Amy began to follow me.

Amy: So what are you busy with?

Sonia: Long story, but I'm looking for Tails and (Y/N).

Amy: (Y/N)?

Sonia: He has wolf ears and a tail. You'll know it's him when ya see him.

Amy: Are you really making new friends without me?! Did you plan on introducing him to me?!

Sonia: Y-Yeah, totally!

I noticed Amy looking at me. I think she can tell that I didn't plan on doing that.

Sonia: I-I was! We were just busy with important stuff!

Amy: Let me guess. Eggman?

Sonia: Eggman.

I pointed at the small blue bird flying near Amy.

Sonia: So where did you find your new friend?

Amy: I was just walking around, but I found one of Eggman's robots chasing this birdie, so I saved him.

Sonia: Look at you, dealing with bots all by yourself. I remember how you couldn't deal with a single one when we first met.

Amy: Don't remind me. And... I wouldn't say that.

Sonia: Say what? You did deal with the bot, yeah?

Amy rubbed the back of her head and looked away. I let out a sigh. Amy looked back and pointed at something.

Amy: Aah, look! Eggman's robot's on the loose!

I looked back and saw a large green robot down the street.

So that's the hunk of junk that's been chasing that bird? I got ready to fight the piece of oversized metal.

Sonia: No problem! He's just a chunk of cheesy hardware.

Amy: Whooaa!

Sonia: Oh, now what?

I looked back and saw Amy looking at an elevator that's an entrance to a place called Twinkle Park.

Sonia: Huh?

Amy: Look here! It says, "Cute couples get in free!"

Sonia: Amy, I don't think we are qualified for that discount.

Amy: We are a couple of cute girls! I'm sure it would count! Let's go!

Amy walked into the elevator as it went up and I saw her walking through a glass tube that goes into a building.

Sonia: Oh man... That girl is such a pain.

I guess me fighting that robot will have to wait. I entered the elevator and ran through the tube and into the building. I looked around and couldn't find Amy or the bird that followed her. I entered through an automatic door and found myself in a round room with a bunch of hovering carts. I saw some robots piloting the carts and tried to ram into me. I jumped up to dodge and dashed at one of the robots, destroying it and getting in the hover cart. I saw a large door open, showing a track.

Sonia: I can have some fun while looking for Amy.

I drive the cart onto the track. I looked ahead and saw more robots in carts. They started to drive at me, trying to crash into me. I started to go faster, going past the carts and making them crash into each other. I saw a couple ramps up ahead and I went at them, launching myself in the air for a bit.

Sonia: Woohoo!

After driving past a couple more robots riding in carts and collecting some rings on the track, I made it to the end of the track. I got out of the cart and jumped down a hole. I landed on a rollercoaster cart and started to ride on the rollercoaster. The carts went really fast as I rode around the huge park. I looked around, trying to find Amy, but I couldn't find her. Eventually the rollercoaster stopped and I got out.

Sonia: Amy. Why did you have to run off ahead? Now I'm looking for 3 people. Although, (Y/N) and Tails should be together and they should be fine. Should be.

I started to run around the park, trying to find Amy. I ran into a large room with a long bowling lane with pins at the end. I smirked as I quickly did a Spin Dash, dashing forward at the pins as a high speed ball. I crashed into the pins, getting a strike. The wall in front of me went down, revealing more of the park as a floating crown started to let out a bunch of rings.

Sonia: This place sure is generous.

I grabbed all the rings that came from the crown and continued to run through the park. I found a nearby spring. I jumped on the spring, springing up into the air and landing on the roof of a castle shaped building. I ran and jumped around the roof and found some robots. I jumped up and did a Homing Attack, homing at the robots and destroying them. I looked ahead and saw a giant grey capsule. I jumped onto the big button on top of the capsule, pressing down the button. The capsule opened up, releasing a bunch of animals.

Sonia: Even if I didn't find Amy, I still freed the little guys.

I quickly ran back towards the entrance to this place. As I ran back through the park, I made sure to keep my eyes opened just incase I saw Amy, but no luck. I quickly made it back to the entrance and snapped my fingers.

Sonia: Shoot. I lost Amy. I bet that robot hauled butt after her.

If Amy isn't here at the park anymore. She could very well be anywhere in the city. I'll have to go through the city looking for her and find that green robot and smash it to bits in the process.

(Chapter 5 end)

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