Miss Penny's Home for Wonderful Children

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Nobody's POV~

Gwen got back to the orphanage, after a night out with Leo again. He talks highly of his brothers, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo. She sat on a vintage cotton chair.

She was tired, all that running she did gets tiring, especially when one is with Leo a somewhat a true, superhero.

"Gwen, dinners ready!" Shouted a posh, British, female voice.

Gwen got up and everything slowed down for her, a little girl who was blonde with short hair and green eyes was mid way running and to Gwen, the girl had frozen in the spot. The girls left arm was up and the other down and she was smiling, oblivious to the fact, the blur  as in work.

Gwen ran and saw the rest of the orphans already sat there and some just about sitting. She sped to her seat and sat down making the seat lean back slightly. Then time went on as normal.

Miss Penny looked up, "Gwen, no running in the house."

"Sorry Miss Penny."

The blonde girl from before ran in and sat down. She smiled at The Blur and said girl smiled back, "hey Tabitha."

Tabitha smiled more as her stomach grumbled, asking her to be fed. So the girl picked up her knife and fork and cut into the steak and put it behind her head and lifted up the back of her hair.

There in the back of her head, was a wide smiling mouth with sharp jagged teeth. Tabitha fed it to the mouth and it ate, her stomach then growling in satisfaction, of the meaty, juicy food.

A boy with brown hair opened his mouth to take another bite of food, but suddenly bee's flew out of his mouth. This made Gwen start swatting around her, using her speed.

"Thomas, get those bee's back and keep them under control." Miss Penny warned.

Thomas opened his mouth and they flew back in, then he continued to eat happily. A dog walked into the dining room and sat at the table.

Gwen saw and sighed, "Miss Penny! Alex is a dog again!"

Miss Penny looked at the dog and frowned, "Alex."

The dog shifted into a bird, then snake, then a lion, it roared in shock then finally changed into a girl with black hair and brown eyes, "sorry Miss Penny, I can't control it." She sighed sadly.

"That's alright," smiled Miss Penny, "you just have to work on it."

A teenage boy flew up from his seat, "someone help!"

A girl and boy, who were twins, sighed and cursed, "those shoes still faulty?" They asked, the sandy blonde hair girl bit into her steak and gagged it out, "it's not cooked enough!" She yelled.

The sandy blonde hair boy sighed and clicked his fingers and heated the plate up cooking the steak. The girl glared, "now it's over cooked!!!" Fire came from her mouth in anger.

Miss Penny sighed, "Melisa! You will eat the steak and Marcus, eat yours!" She looked at the floating boy, "Calum? Can you get down?"

Calum shook his head wildly, no. Miss Penny, tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear and looked at Gwen.

"Gwen, could you please get Calum down?" She asked.

Gwen quickly chewed her steak and stood up, "right away Miss. P." She ran up the walls and ceiling and dragged Calum down and set him in his seat to which he quickly tied his metal shoes.

Miss Penny smiled, "dinner is such fun!"

A glass fell and everyone turned to it.

"Mary?" Asked Miss Penny, confused.

"Yes?" Came a small reply.

Gwen stared at the empty seat, "where's your clothes?"

There was no reply.

The whole table groaned in disgust, "put on some clothes!"

The seat moved back and then thuds where heard of footsteps and door creak open and slam shut. A few minutes later, out came a shirt and shorts running out and sat back down and a knife and fork was lifted and began eating.

Miss Penny smiled as she watched the children in silence.

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