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The turtles and the unique humans, got off the bus. Well, Gwen zoomed off dragging Mikey with her who, when stopped, fell down and held his head from dizziness.

"Sorry!" Squeaked Gwen, helping Mikey up.

"It's ok." Mikey said, slowly.

Sue appeared behind him, "sit down honey, you won't be feeling too good from the speed difference."

Mikey yelled in surprise.

"Oh sorry." Sue apologised, "I'm Sue, I'm friends with Gwen here."

Reed walked next to Sue and gently sat Mikey down, "Your Mikey? The guy Gwen talks about constantly?"

Gwen's head shot up and blushed, "I do not! I've mentioned him!" She crossed her arms, growling, her blush now gone.

"Sure and Johnny isn't a play boy." Replied a gruff voice and loud stomping noise which made Mikey look up. He saw Bens orange rock figure and hid behind Gwen's legs.

Johnny flew down and landed completely nude and no longer on fire, "well done guys you scared the new kid."

"I didn't mean to." Sue said to defend herself profusely as Reed rubbed his temples and said things about Mikey being amazing and a scientific amazement.

Ben rubbed his bald rock head knowing it was mainly his fault and it appeared Johnny had the same thought as he laughed saying, "you know it's Ben who he's scared of right?" which made Ben mad. Thus a fight began, making Sue and Reed try and separate them and Reed attempted to stretch around Ben.

Mikey watched is fright as Gwen muttered, "idiots, absolute idiots!" She grabbed Mikeys hand and pulled him up, "come on, school time!"

The orange clad turtle nodded nervously not used to seeing so many people, but Gwen held his hand comfortingly and pulled him to the front desk.

"What now Miss Hope? Did you twist your foot? Do you feel sick? Did Johnny set a tree alight? Did Reeds experiment explode? Is Sue lost? Has Ben destroyed a wall?" Asked a lady at the front desk, who had graying hair and square glasses, small beady black eyes and yellow teeth with wrinkles in her sickly looking colour skin. "How about, your leg broke? Your back hurts? You was sick?" She continued listing the many excuses the speed demon had used in the past.

Leo, Donnie and Raph all walked in and stood next to Gwen, earning a glare from the gray lady, "you'll have to wait in line!"

Gwen laughed ignoring the command to her friends, "a much better excuse, these kids are new and are here to get their time table."

The graying lady stared them down, making the turtles shrink in their spot and sweat drop, her eyes squinting, "we don't take funny business around here." She warned.

"Yeah? And guess what, that's gonna be hard since it's in my friends nature." Gwen smirked, making the lady glare at the cocky brunette.

The old lady opened a drawer with files and skimped through them alphabetically, "name?" She asked.

"Hamato." Leo piped up, smiling.

The old lady didn't smile back and instead stopped at 'H'. "Hamato Leonardo."

Leo walked forward, "yes?"

The lady held up a timetable, books, locker numbers and codes and handed them over, "Enjoy."

Leo took them slowly, "uh thanks...."

Gwen sighed at the slow process and sped behind the desk throwing the papers around and picking out Raph's, Donnie's and Mike's papers and put them in their hands and just as if she never moved stood back in her spot. The things in which gave it away was the thrown paper which was, while running floating in air, fell to the floor.

The boys eyes widened and the old lady's glared, "Gwendolyn Hope!"

Gwen only glanced up and ran off, the boys slowly inched back as the lady got on her knees mumbling about how the youth and the new generation treats old people and how disrespectful they are and they are hooligans.

Raph glanced at his time table, "Biology." This made the purple calf turtle smile.

"Same! I'm not alone for the first day! What about you two?" Donnie asked looking at the eldest and youngest.

"Biology." Replied Leo looking around at the different clubs and activities.

"Same," Mikey started, "everyone in this year has the same lesson today."

"Hello turtles." Said a male voice with an accent and walked next to Mikey.

The turtles looked up and yelled seeing a giant a silver man, who was nine feet tall and had giant muscles, "what?! What is it?! Is it spider?!" He screamed, sounding like a girl.

Gwen heard and ran back, "What?! Titanium, what's wrong?"

"There's a spider!!! Kill it!!!" He screamed.

Gwen saw the turtles staring and sighed, "you idiot there's no spider! They're staring at you!"

Titanium froze and looked at them, "oh I knew that..."

Leo stood straight, "uh sorry..." he mumbled, "I'm Leo..."

Raph grumbled feeling stupid for staring at Titanium, who's been shunned for probably most of his life, "I'm Raph..."

Donnie stared, "woah! You're made out of titanium! That's amazing, oh I'm Donnie!" To say the least he was amazed and he already liked Titanium, probably because of his atomic structure.

"And I'm Mikey!" Smiled the freckled turtle, waving enthusiastically at Titanium, he thought the big metal man looked amazing, and smiled more.

"I'm Titanium, you said you're Mikey?" Asked Titanium, smiling.

Gwen's eyes widened, "lets go to biology!"

Titanium laughed and walked away and Gwen followed cursing him under her breath then looked back, "come on!"

The turtles sped up to the girl and walked with Titanium and Gwen, as Johnny flew in above them.

"Johnny! Get down before you set the school alight or the fire alarm goes off!" Titanium yelled.

Johnny dropped to the floor wearing blue spandex, "what do you think?"

"Is that a 4 logo?" Asked Gwen and bit her lip.

Johnny grinned and shouted, "it's the day for the fantastic four!"

Gwen couldn't contain her laughter and lost it, laughing her head off, "Fantastic four?!"

Johnny frowned, "what's wrong with being a hero?"

Gwen laughter ceased, "nothing! But your not going to be excepted."

Mikey then spoke up, "but you could you look human so you might just make it!"

Then Johnny smiled, "ha! See?! Your boyfriend agrees Gwen!"

Mikey and Gwen froze mid stride and looked at him, "I'm not her boyfriend!" Mikey yelled blushing, just as Gwen yelled, "He's not my boyfriend!" Blushing just as much.

"What room are you four in?" Asked Titanium and Gwen smiled and knowing look.

"B_40." Gwen replied, grinning.

Leo laughed feeling more comfortable, "you stole our time tables, didn't you?"

Gwen held up the four time tables and waved them slightly laughing, "that obvious?"

Leo laughed and held out her hand for the paper but Gwen smirked, "no were in the same class I'll help you around."

They finally arrived at B_40 and walked in, it was a class full of people who looked normal or looked like mutants. There were desks and around the side, tables with sinks and books and cupboards underneath them which held in the equipment. There where posters on the wall of successful students, Reed and Sue being two of them of course and posters of what had been learned in the past.

The teacher was a short man, large in weight wise and no neck stood at the front. He couldn't have been higher than 5'4 foot tall and a balled head and small brown beady eyes with a voice muffled by his blonde moustache. He wore a suit, a black one and his arms crossed with glasses perched on the end of his round red nose.

"Ah you must be the new students." Said the teacher, his voice was quiet posh in a way and very British. He was talking to the turtles and then looked at Gwen.

"Ah Gwendolyn," he started his cheeks lifting and the corners of his eyes wrinkling, which indicated he was smiling, "how are you?" He asked showing his fondness off The Blur.

"I'm fine sir, thank you." She smiled kindly at the bald man with a blind moustache.

The biology teacher looked the Hamatos, "I am Mr Williams, welcome to biology."

Leonardo stared at the small man and smiled wanting to know his power, "I'm Le-"

"Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo." Mr Williams said looking at each of them as the smiled.

"You're a shapeshifter!" Squealed Mikey in delight, as Mr Williams stared in shock.

"How did you know?" The teacher asked.

Mikey looked at Gwen, "Gwen told me."  He smiled at her as he realised she'd ran off fighting with Johnny, who flew around the ceiling.

Mr Williams looked up, "Johnathan!!!"

Johnny dropped down and Gwen tackled him, "YOU F-"

"Sit down!" Yelled the biology teacher and instantly every sat, Mr Williams looked at the turtles, "wherever there's a seat you can take." He smiled and walked to the front.

There was seats scattered around the room, one next to kid with black hair dyed red at the bottom, dark bags under his eyes and a blank expression. Another was a girl with blonde hair, wings and blue eyes, she looked bubbly and happy and was staring right at Mikey. There was a seat next to a body that had long necks and both sexes head and both smiling.

Leo sat next to the twins, Donnie sat next to the girl  and Raph sat next to the boy while Mikey got the best seat of all, the seat next to Gwendolyn Hope, he couldn't believe his luck and sat down next to her.

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