Spell Of Blocks - Chapter 2 The White Glow

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I am trying a different sort of writing style in this book, not sure if I like it.


I was surprised to see how startling blue the girl's eyes were I could've sworn they were white when she opened them before. Ron started speaking before I could. "Hi I'm Ron this is Hermione and I bet you know Harry." The girl shook her head. "I'm Silverb- I mean Silver and I don't know why I should know Harry." I was stunned everyone in the wizarding world knew who I was, I hated it sometimes, either this girl was a muggle which I highly doubted or something else. "Can you tell me where the nether I am?" Silver asked, I glanced at Ron mouthing "Nether?" He just shrugged back. "You're in the forbidden forest." I say. "The forbidden forest? Where is that?" She asked looking at me, I felt compelled to answer her. "The forbidden forest is in Hogwarts which is in Scotland." Hermione and Ron look at me confused because I wouldn't normaly explain more than 'Hogwarts' I pat my pocket checking that my wand hadn't fallen out incase I needed to quickly grab it. "Do you know of Voldemort?" Hermione questioned. "No should I?" she replyed Ron nodded. "Let's get back to the castle, Mcgonagall might know who she is." Hermione suggested I nod and so does Ron. Silver just stands there looking confused.


I followed Harry, Ron and Hermione through the forbidden forest to what they call Hogwarts a castle in Scotland which I have never heard of. Where has that portal taken me? I shake my head to get myself to focus on what is going on around me. Ron and Harry were talking about something called 'quiddich' and Hermione was just walking forward lost in her thoughts. I stumbled slightly on an exposed tree root and quickly gained my balance again before I could faceplant and hurry to catch up with the others but before I could do that something trotted out of the shadows towards me.

I gasp it's a white pony no unicorn, it's a white flipping unicorn. I honestly need to stop being surprised by that sort of thing. "Is that what I think it is?" I ask staring at the beautiful beast. Run turns to look at it. "Yeah it's a unicorn," he says. "Haven't you seen one before?" Asked Hermione, I shake my head even though I had thought I had seen one outside of Adam's castle though it was just Ty dressed as a pony to scare Ian. We walk in silence again occasionally broken by rustling in the trees around us.

We reach the edge of the forbidden forest and walk past a hut of some kind I hear a barking from within it. I hurried to catch up with the others who had already walked pass and up to a gigantic castle. It was huge! Bigger than Sky's by any rate I follow them into the castle and up some stairs, that moved! Magic I supposed, it was everywhere here. In the walls, in the floors the air. I loved it, it felt like to a small part of me I was coming home.

Trying to do an update on my books, I know they're short it's just I'm not sure where this is heading.

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