Chapter Sixteen

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Dylan sat on the bed, gulping the water. It felt strange to have a such clear mind, seemed like death annulled all the confusion the Obliviscatur spell ever caused.

"The vending machine had just granola bars, they will have to do for now," Kennedy said, walking into the room. "We can find better food in the morning. You feeling okay?" She observed Dylan. He looked much better and back to his normal color. He still wore the suit in which he was buried, but he took off the shoes soon after they got a hotel room.

"Yeah, I guess," he said in a raspy voice. "My head is so light, it kinda feels strange." He stood up and took off the jacket, rolling up the sleeves of the white shirt. "I need clothes though."

"We will find something, but we need to keep moving," Kennedy reminded him, tossing the granola to him.

He caught the food, and swiftly opened the wrapper, the hunger consumed him for the last hour or so. Dylan could remember his death, so Kennedy didn't have to explain that much. Though seeing John Herondale in the cemetery felt ominous for a split second he thought that Hayden stood above him. It was like seeing a ghost, though he felt like a ghost himself.

"We need to talk," he said, biting into a granola bar.

"I guess we do," Kennedy said, taking off the jacket. The room was surprisingly warm for a cheap motel with one queen-sized bed and a connecting bathroom, but the place seemed good enough for one night. "But you should rest."

"I rested enough," Dylan said, adorning his face with the signature smirk.

"Helena made me choose after she killed you," Kennedy said, landing on the bed. "I was trying to think rationally, and once again lost my memory." She tucked her legs underneath her, settling into a cross-leg position. "It's all too much, for me right now, I feel like I am on autopilot. I went to John for help, to bring you back and here we are."

"And Hayden?" he asked, settling near her.

"John now knows the truth, and it's up to him, to make things right." Kennedy glanced at him. "What?" she asked, seeing his raised eyebrows.

"I thought you would want to be there when he is brought back. You gave up easily." Dylan chewed the granola bar.

"I didn't give up per se, " Kennedy said. "It never was about me and him, Dylan, it was about what is right. With the memory troubles, I fell out of love a long time ago."

"Just say that you don't know what you feel for him." He gazed into her eyes, crumpling empty candy wrapped.

"I know my feelings," she said, gazing back into his green eyes.

"You just said you were on autopilot," he pointed it out, dropping the wrapper on the nightstand.

Kennedy moved closer to him, and it took him by surprise since his eyesight still held on the nightstand. He missed the mark and the wrapper dropped to the ground, but he couldn't focus on anything else but on the close proximity of Kennedy. She stretched her hand, gently caressing his cheek, and he leaned into the touch closer. His fast heartbeats clouded his hearing, and his breathing prompted as well.

"I know my feelings now, " she said, scanning his face. "I know them for a while, memory or no memory you were always on my mind."

"Don't do this to me," he said in a pleading tone as Kennedy leaned closer.

"Before I met Hayden, I had a huge crush on you," Kennedy said, lowering her hand to his shoulder. Dylan's eyebrows rose upon her words. "I never told you about it since you were with a different girl every other week."

"Because I couldn't have you," he interrupted her, capturing her face in between his palms. "I was scared I could lose you as a friend if I ever told you about my feelings and the girls...well, I was trying to feel something different."

"But you ran, after the graduation," She looked up at him with tearful eyes. Dylan leaned back, removing his hands from her face, and he looked down at his knees. "More specifically after that night."

"I was scared," he said, still looking at the black pants.

"Of what exactly?" Kennedy asked, reaching for his face.

"That you slept with me out of pity," He finally looked at her. "I was a mess that night, my aunt just died, and the vodka didn't help."

Kennedy caressed his cheek, glaring at his eyes. "I am not that kind-hearted, I wanted that as much as you did. My so-called commitment issues were because of you, I couldn't really commit to anyone since we kept hooking up, and I thought it was just that-hooking up."

"But you changed your mind?" he asked, looking at her.

"Back at the cabin," she reminded him with a nod. "Just before you touched my necklace, you said we could work."

"And I firmly believe that," Dylan reassured her, sliding his hand up her leg.

"Good," Kennedy said. "Because my deal with John basically requires that." Dylan narrowed his eyes. "He wants both of us to disappear and never speak about what Helena did."

"Okay," he agreed. "I am so on board with that, but what we will tell other people?" He scratched his chin. "I mean I am supposed to be dead."

"With your generous heirloom you left to me, I think we will be fine." She raised her eyebrow.

"Oh," he said in a whisper.

Money was the last thing on Dylan's mind at that moment, considering he made good wealth from his business and his life insurance, Kennedy and Martin received more money than she ever saw. He never really thought that he needed a will, but Kai insisted on it, just in case. And since the only people Dylan cared about were Kennedy and Martin, he made them his beneficiaries.

"The insurance money will come later," Kennedy said. "Pretty sure Martin will forgive you for not being in his wedding."

"We could tell him everything."

"Why? He has a good life Dylan and John will keep an eye on him, soon he will be a dad, and who knows what John and Helena will do anyway."

"You think he might not bring Hayden back?"

"I think he will but I am pretty sure Helena won't feel much consequences for killing him."

"So what are we going to do now?"

"John will get us new identities in the morning, and then we can go where we want."

"I'm thinking the Bahamas, I can't stand the cold," he said, leaning closer.

"Of to the Bahamas, then," Kennedy replied, grabbing his neck and drawing him closer.

Their lips met and the kiss depended fast, kissing felt different this time. In a way, it felt like a dream come true for both of them. 

The End.

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