Chapter 1

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Treta swiped her hand against the worn out books of Fawle Library. There was a special isle that she liked best, because that's where she found the best books. Treta sat in the isle and picked a random book from the shelf. The cover read The Dark Time War. Treta's eyes were drawn to it so she opened it to the first page.
~Chapter one : The Snow leopard
Long ago a young wizardess grew powerful . As she grew with more power she got very greedy. Soon she mastered dark magic and was terrorizing people. One day a young wizard cast a curse on her turning her into a snow leopard . Later on eight wizards were sent to defeat her. She was too powerful for them and killed two of the Wizards . The five that were left put a sleeping potion on her trapping her in a hourglass. Only a wizard with true potential can release her. ~
When she finish reading that selection she was awestruck. Had wizards really existed! Her grandmother was always yammering on about magic and fairies, but her mother said that she was just old and crazy.
Treta turned to the next chapter in the book and saw only one page left . It read: The Future.
~ Twined together
Bound with leather
The leopard , the feather
The cold harsh weather
A spell to be found
Hidden in the ground
Search around
In the caves
The hourglass waits
Till the one with the traits~
The chapter ended and Treta was determined to figure out what it meant. She ripped the paper out of the book then ran out of the library.

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