Chapter 5

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Theletta ran towards the hourglass almost falling over in the process. She had to get the hourglass. Her mother was still waiting. And She was coming. Theletta thought , as she reached for the hourglass . She fumbled it and it fell out of her hands and cracked. Black sand rushed out of the glass and spilled on the floor . Theletta tried to pick it up , but an unnatural force was stopping her. The sand turned black and took the form of a snow leopard.
All of a sudden Theletta's life flashed before her eyes. Grey clouds swept into the room . The dust of the hourglass rose up and blew around like a tornado. Theletta covered her eyes. But it was too much, she fainted. Theletta could here lightning and the angry sounds of a storm .
Soon seven people appeared surrounded by the same weather she was feeling. The seven people all had cloaks on and were chanting mysterious words. Then she realized someone in the corner that was the victim of the chants. It was a girl about 19 years old . She was dark haired and fairly pretty. She had an exaggerated cloak and was chanting at the seven people. She threw black dust at them , and two of them dropped dead. Theletta no longer knew if this was a dream. Especially because she could feel the storm . The girl then faltered. One of the cloaked figures had shot a spell at her . The girl then growled. The person had turned her into an even fiercer beast. A snow leopard. Now the girl lashed at the people . The clawed three of them to death and two remained. One of them shot a amethyst-purple spell into the air and disappeared with the other cloaked figure. The leopard mimicked their spell and followed them. The people took off their cloaks and revealed their identities. It was gramma and Wizcullis.
Theletta felt like she'd been hit in the gut. Grandma started to chant" in my hand I save this land. The glass will take essence of thee . Taking spirit until released. " Then gramma shot a bolt at the snow leopard turning her to dust. " I'm sorry I had to do this Alice." Grandma said then blew the dust into the hourglass. The same hourglass That Theletta just released a spirit from.

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