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"You tell me to move in it with you to get away from the humans here, and then you go into town and talk to one. Nice logic there Hoseok."

Hoseok laughed softly as he looked down to the pages of the spell book he had just purchased, the flames of Jungkook's candles dancing across his fingertips and kissing his skin. It didn't burn him, of course, he had cast a spell that wouldn't let it, it simply tingled in a way that tickled just a little bit.

"It's because I know how to actually interact with humans in a way that won't get me killed." Hoseok chuckled. "You're oblivious to that, Jungkook. You can't go into town wearing a cape, they'll shoot you down on the spot." He nodded his head in the direction of Jungkook's attire, a playful smile on his face as he focused his gaze onto the flame.

"I wouldn't wear this into town." Jungkook scoffed, watching as Hoseok swiped his hand across the cradle, stealing the flame off of the wick and allowing it to dance in the palm of his hand instead.

"And yet you still got caught wearing it in the comfort of your own home." He hummed, pulling his wand out of his pocket. He pointed it close to the flame, gaze intensely focused on the fire as he used his wand to slowly levitate it into the air. "Bet you were wearing your pointed hat too. Had the whole witchy package didn't you?"

Hoseok moved his hand out from under the flame, the wand focused on it keeping it floating and still burning bright right in fright of Hoseok's nose. It really was interesting to watch Hoseok's powers in action, the sight of a flame suspended in mid air was extremely mesmerizing. It cast a golden glow against Hoseok's skin, dancing and sparking so wonderfully.

"I didn't have my pointed hat." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I'm really not that stupid." Hoseok scoffed and flicked his wand in Jungkook's direction, the younger witch shrieking as the flame came hurdling in his direction.

The airborne fire missed hitting Jungkook's robe by just a hair, Hoseok more that succeeding on giving him a near heart attack.

"Yes you are." Hoseok laughed, not able to hold back his amused smile as he watched Jungkook frantically stomp out the flame that had begun to dance in front of his feet. The younger witch scowled, sending a glare in Hoseok's direction.

"What have I told you about using magic recklessly in my house?" He scolded, crouching down and looking to make sure that he hadn't accidentally burnt some of the plants that were growing underneath his workstation. He breathed a sigh of relief as he came to see that all of his plants were left unharmed and still thriving. "The entire place is basically flammable. You're lucky I even let you in here."

"Don't be like that, Jungkook." Hoseok chuckled, snapping his fingers and instantly lighting the candle once more. "They do say that fire wielding witches are the most unpredictable don't they?" He fanned the flame, Jungkook immediately becoming concerned when he watched the flame immediately double in size.

Jungkook watched him warily, quickly walking over and moving some of his succulents away from Hoseok's little fire show.

"Get your unpredictability under control." He muttered, setting the plants on his kitchen counter and pressing a kiss to each one of them. The action of affection would help them thrive more, and allow them to grow twice as fast as they would without the help of a green witch. "Fire is dangerous Hoseok. You need to be more careful."

Hoseok couldn't help but roll his eyes, blowing a puff of air to the candle and causing the flame to grow even more. He really did just want to test Jungkook's limits, twirling his finger around the edge of the flame and causing the fire to spin in the corresponding direction. "Hoseok."

"Loosen up, Jungkook." Hoseok laughed, cupping his hands and scooping up part of the flames into them. He enclosed the fire within his palms, slowly forming the dancing flames into a sphere that only spiked Jungkook's anxieties even more. "Or, actually I take that back. I think you've already loosened up quite a bit, huh?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow confusedly, not quite understanding what Hoseok meant by his statement. "I saw the lemon rinds on your workstation. Last time I checked, there's only two potions that use lemon considering that it's a pretty uncommon ingredient." Jungkook's eyes widened, immediately regretting that he didn't clean up properly after himself. "You're a young witch so I don't really think you'd need the potion that helps you... uh.." Hoseok couldn't hide his smirk." "Get it up."

"Hoseok.." Jungkook groaned, bringing his hands up to rub his temples. The redhead merely smirked, shrugging.

"Which only leaves one other potion that you could have been attempting." Jungkook covered his face in his hands, not even wanting to face the witch in front of him anymore. "Was somebody attempting to whip up a batch of witch's weed?"

"Hoseok I can explain-" Jungkook tried, though he was immediately cut off by the older.

"Without me?" Hoseok let out a loud laugh, snapping his fingers and causing all of the flames to diminish instantaneously. "Jungkookie, I really didn't think you were the type to get high when you're bored." Jungkook huffed, taking off his pointed hat and running a hand through his ruffled up hair.

"Hey, Hoseok." He breathed, picking a metal pot off of his counter. "If I make you something to drink, will you finally shut shut up about this?"

Of course, Hoseok simply smirked.

"Depends what's in the drink." He chuckled. "Hey, did you know that humans have this drink that's basically like their own form of potion?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, waiting for Hoseok to continue as he walked over to his cabinets to collect the ingredients he would need. "Gosh, I wish I could remember what it's called! I can't really get ahold of it because you need a human ID to, but apparently it makes you dizzy and talk really weird."

"What type of potion is that?" Jungkook scoffed, leaning up onto his tip toes to grab his hat of juniper berries. "Sounds absolutely useless." He grabbed snakeroot and beeswax as well, piling them into his arms before walking back over to his workstation.

"No, apparently it's extremely popular. One of my human friends called it 'liquid courage' once, which sounds pretty interesting to me." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at Hoseok's words, leaning over to his counter and grabbing his jar of honey.

"We have a liquid courage potion, and I'm sure it's worlds better than whatever flawed concoction they've come up with." Jungkook frowned, opening the tiny fridge he had and pulling out a glass bottle of milk. "They can't even use magic, it's not a potion."

Hoseok couldn't help but chuckle, sitting down in an old wooden chair that was sat in front of a small coffee table (made of wood as well). He undid the buttons of the deep maroon cloak he was wearing, folding it carefully over the back of the chair. Jungkook could tell it was new, the dyed fabric still soft and unmarred, jewel adornments still shining and far from dull. Compared to his own, which was a faded charcoal shade, fabric beginning to fray as rip, jewel embellishments either cloudy and scratched or long gone, it was obvious who's was superior.

Yet another advantage of being a witch who lived outside of Busan.

"Didn't think you'd take potion making to heart like that." Hoseok chuckled, the sleeves of his sheer black oversized button up pooling around his elbows.

"Potion making is my entire life, Hoseok." Jungkook sighed, turning on the burner beneath his pot to heat it up as he added two cups of milk into it. "I just don't like it when people make a mockery of my craft."

Hoseok let out a snort of laughter, resting his head on his hand.

"You should see what they've done to All Hallow's Eve then." He sighed, knowing that it would absolutely kill Jungkook to see humans parading down the streets dressed as the exact things they had mass executed just nearly a witch's decade beforehand. It was hard for even Hoseok to look at, and he was much more accustomed to human behaviour than Jungkook was.

It would hurt even more to see that they didn't even show who they were accurately, painted green skin, fake warts, and crooked noses being essentials to all of their costumes. Hoseok supposed it was just them portraying witches as they still saw them; monsters.

"What have they done to All Hallow's Eve?" Jungkook dropped in the juniper berries and honey next, smiling softly at how aromatic the potion was.

All Hallow's Eve was just such a special time to Jungkook, beautiful memories of his family always coming to mind whenever he heard the name of the holiday. He could recall gathering around the cauldron in their living room, his father always teaching him one new potion and spell each year. He would always get it wrong the first time, but his father was so patient, giving him all the time he needed to create it perfectly.

His mother would whip up a homemade batch of lavender lemonade, and the three of them would drink it around their fireplace, warming their toes as his mother told tales of her adventures as a young witch. She would ruffle up his hair and smooth her thumb against her cheek, telling him that one day he would be an even better witch than her and his father.

Jungkook had to pause where he stood, grip tight on his wand as he felt tears build up in the corners of his eyes.

Oh how he shouldn't have thought of them. He missed them too much to allow them to live in his thoughts often.

It just hurt too much.

With one thought leading to another, his mother's smiling face in his memories was gone, and now he could see her panicked expression in his mind, telling him all too sweetly to 'go hide in dad's closet alright, my little witch? Mommy will be there to come get you as soon as it's safe.'

Hoseok immediately sensed the change in Jungkook's demeanour, watching in growing panic how the plants on the table right beside him had begun to wilt, too affected by the concentrated sorrow that was beginning to radiate around the witch.

"Jungkook?" Hoseok stood up, cautiously walking over to the younger witch. Upon closer inspection, he could see Jungkook's hands trembling as he continued to attempt working on his potion, hardly even able to keep a grip on his wand anymore. "Hey, talk to me."

He rested his hand gently on Jungkook's shoulder, looking down and inhaling sharply as he saw the growing flowers at Jungkook's feet begin the wither as well. Green witches had such a direct effect on nature, their emotions could clearly be displayed by how plants were thriving around them.

"I miss them." Jungkook choked out, wand slipping out of his trembling hand and hitting the dirt ground when it fell. "I want them back Hoseok, I want them back."

Jungkook felt as if he was eleven years old again, hidden in a dark and stuffy box at the back of his father's closet, fingers plugging up his ears as he tried to block out his parents cries. It didn't work, and he still heard them. He heard his mother crying and crying, his father yelling and protesting that they had done absolutely no wrong.

But maybe, it was the silence afterwards that was worse than the screams.

Silence meant that the fight was over, but Jungkook still hid. His mother said that she would get him when it was safe, and so he stayed and waited for her. Jungkook couldn't even remember how long he waited, but he waited through a grumbling stomach and dry tongue, he waited through cramped limbs and lack of fresh air for God only knows how long.

But she just never came.

Jungkook started to sob. Hoseok watched with a look of panic evident on his features as Jungkook's body became wracked with sobs, legs going weak as he knees buckled and he sunk to the ground. It had been so long since he thought about his parents, and now that he had once more it was if he couldn't breathe.

It hurt so much to remember.

He remembered crawling out of the box after what felt like an eternity, rubbing his eyes to get them used to the light after so long in the dark box. He tiptoed through the eerily quiet home, calling out for his parents - neither of whom answering.

Hoseok kneeled down next to the sobbing witch, attempting to get him to breath in between the sobs that just didn't seem to be letting up. Jungkook wailed, reaching to grab onto Hoseok's shirt as he dove into the darkest depths of his memories, his chest aching excruciatingly as images of his dead parents flashed before his eyes.

"Jungkook, it's alright." Hoseok rubbed soothing circles against the young witch's back, gulping as he couldn't even imagine what could be going on in Jungkook's head right now. Jungkook never gave him full detail of his parents death, but that seemed to be exactly what he was experiencing right then.

Jungkook could see it so vividly. There was just so much blood. His mother's once bright blue eyes had gone grey, his father's deep green ones gone purely white. Their skin was pale and lifeless, blood staining it where it dripped from the gashes in both of their necks. He remembered tears streaming down his face just as they were doing now as he walked up to their crumpled up bodies, hardly able to comprehend what he was truly seeing.

"Why did I have to lose them?" Jungkook cried, grip tightening on Hoseok. "I can't do this. I just can't do it without them."

"You can." Hoseok spoke gently. "You can, and you have been. They would be so proud of where you are."

Hoseok's heart ached as he watched Jungkook simply shake his head, teardrops dripping off of his chin.

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