Chapter 14

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Yay! New characters! Dedicated to Animelover3045

Crystal's POV
Crystal swam in her pool. Ever since the rain washed her away from the ocean she was stuck. At least I have all my waterproof manga.

She surfaced. The wise and magically Jym (Jim spelled different) had some clients she assumed.

Water splashed everywhere. A tiny fat unicorn was reading her Attack on Titan manga.

"Get out!" She yelled.

The tiny fat unicorn left as she possessively stroked her manga.

"You didn't get me any manga?" A voice called, she heard it underwater.

She surfaced again. A really buff guy that looked to be a cross between Goku from Dragon Ball Z kai and Natsu from Fairy Tail.

"Oh no! Its the Manga Queen," he screamed and started to worship her.

"Ummm, all my manga is written in mermaid sea speak," Crystal splashed her pretty fish tail that glimmered in the sunlight.

"Oh," He looked very sad and walked away.

She stroked a random manga and whispered, "My precious!"

Originally this chapter didn't exist but I added as a filler. How was this chapter? Do you have any questions for me? Comment them and I'll answer.

Feychild out! For now...


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