Over Haul not Kingpin

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I wake up in my small apartment, it's nothing special but I'm calling it home for now. My phone alarm is going off cause of the police are currently trying to stop a crime. I check my phone to see " All unites he to the Over Haul's tower" in the police coms

???: Over Haul?!

Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya. I am 24 years old and I am the world's #1 ranked and symbol of peace. This is a story with a real bitter end. but there are some silver linings. 

I get dressed in my hero suit (he is the number 1 hero, rent is not going to be a problem) and use my quirk "one for all" to leap out of my window and run across the rooftops to get to Over Hal's Tower. Over hal is one of the most powerful villains I have over faced. It took me got beyond all of my limits "plus ultra style" to beat. Now that I'm 8 years older, and have more control over One For All, I can beat him by myself.

I get a call (his bunny hood (which he is wearing) is very high tech) form, Mellissa, I girl I met 8 years ago and we became good friends. She is quirkless but she has incredible intelligence. has moved for inland with over  10,000 scientists. (P.S I have not watched the movie yet so sorry if I present her character wrong)

Melissa: #1 Pro hero Deku. Come in.

Deku: Ah man, I still blush a little when I hear that. Did you get to the Over Haul tower?

Melissa: Not yet, he just broke out of prison. What's the story with this creepy guy.

Deku: I fought him 8 years ago. I had to use 100% full cowling to fight him.

Melissa: Wait I thought that-

Deku: Long story, but just roll with it.

Melissa: Ok, but still. If you had to go beyond all out to beat him, then he must be one of the strongest villains I have ever seen.

Deku: I'm heading over to the tower, stay safe!

Melissa: Ok, I will.

I run over the rooftops to see the police fighting a group of Over Haul's minions and getting overwhelmed by them. I have to stop them! I jump in and use 5% of my power and knock one of them out. They all have guns but I am much faster than bullets with 5% so before they can even fire I knock them out with a few attacks.

Deku: Ok Mellissa, everything is clear over here. How is it go-

I hear a big explosion near Over Hal's tower. THAT WHERE MELLISSA IS.


I rush over to where that explosion was and to see if Mellissa's ok. When I arrive to see the base of Over Haul's tower on fire with his men shooting at the police. I see Mellissa hiding behind an armed car for cover.

Deku: Mellissa! are you ok!

Melissa: I'm fine! We have located Over Hal at the top of the tower!

Deku: I'm going.

Melissa: Do it.

I run up the side of the building dogging all over the bullets Over Hal's goons and shooting at me. I crash throw a window to enter the building (Why didn't Spider-Man just run up to the wall and go straight to fisk IDK)

The guards see me enter and start to shoot, but I doge and start punching and kicking my way throw them. All of them got down without me getting a scratch.

I come up to the elevator with the police and we all find out that the elevators are down. The police take the stairs well I pry open the elevator door and start running up the elevator shaft. I get to the top and see a vent that I can fit in so I start crawling throw the vent to see where it leads. I get a call from my mom and I may be working right now but I have some time right?

Izuku: Hi mom!

Inko: Hey Izuku. What's that noise.

Izuku: Oh, I'm... working right now.

Inko: Oh, Is this a bad time.

Izuku: NO, No It's fine. Anyways what's up.

Inko: I was just making sure we were still on for dinner tonight.

Izuku: Right, Dinner sounds great! Won't miss it! Uh, I got to go now bye mom, love you.

Inko: Love you too.

I exit the vent to find the control room and a bunch of Over Hal's men. I get the jump and take out a few of them. Before they all know, most of them are taken out and they don't know where I am. I finish off the few lefts and see what was on Over Hal's computer.

I use my flash drive to download the data that Over Hal has been hiding out on the heroes when they took him to jail.

???: Hiding in the control room. Low... Even for you. 

I look up at the screen to see the man himself 

Izuku: Over Hal! It's been a while.

Over Hal: Do you really think that you can beat me. Last time you couldn't even stand up to me without straining yourself.

Izuku: I have gotten stronger, I don't think I need to go all out fighting you.

Over Hal: don't get too cocky.

I hear an explosion and run out to see that the floor above me has been blown up. I contact Mellissa

Izuku: Mellissa the floor above me just-

Melissa: I saw! there could be more! I send in the bomb squad.

Izuku: I'll save any civilians (let's play a game take a shot every time I typed civilian, you will have a big hangover)

The bomb squad arrives to get rid of the bombs, but they can't get to the trapped civilians, so that's up to me. 

I reach the civilian that got caught in the explosion, they are caught under the rubble. I use 5% to lift up the rubble but more rubble falls down, I almost crush me and the civilians. I buff up my strength 8% full cowling and lift it up to free the civilians

I leap up to the top floor of the tower to see the police already there.

Izuku: Is everyone alright!

Officer: We were just about to call for backup 

Izuku: Well I'm here! I'll lead the way.

Officer: Fine by me.

I walk ahead a few steps. I turn around to say something to the police but I see them all ready to fire at me. They put the trigger and me doge and knock them all out easily. I call Mellissa to tell her what happened.

Izuku: Mellissa! Some of your officers were working for Over Haul. They were right outside Over Hauls office

Melissa: What! Really! Wait, your outside Over Haul's office!

Izuku: Yeah, why?

Melissa: What are you waiting for! Take him down!

Izuku: R-Right!

There is nothing stopping me now, I'm a little scared but I'll never let that stop me. 

When I enter the room I immediately look Over Haul in the eye, but unlike last time he's not looking down at me cause I'm a kid.

Over Haul: I'm surprised you made it this far.

He charges at me so I get ready to fight. 

(Over haul's quirk he can disassemble and reassemble anything he touches. He can fuse things into his body and transform himself but with a hard hit you can disassemble the form his transformation)


I doge then kick him in the face knocking off his bird mark (I know it's not really a bird mask up it is just to make fun of him) 

He launches a boulder at me to which I kick the bolder into pieces and charge at him. I start up with 25% when I run to him he knocks me away fuses the broken bolder with his shoulder and charge tackles me into a wall. He tries to knock me down again but I buff it up to 30% and block his attack, I hit him with a high kick sending him upwards. I jump to him as he tries to use his rock arm to hit me in mid-air but I see that coming and use shoot-style and break away his rock arm, get above him and yell...

Izuku: MANCHESTER SMASH (that brings back memories)

I hit strike him in the back of the head sending him down. He picks himself up and makes both of his arms infused with the rubble that was cause for this fight and punches me straight throw a wall.

I am a little disoriented but quickly recover. His goons surround me as he stands back thinking that I can't beat then after the crash throw the wall. But I soon prove him wrong but using one punch I hit one of the guys into the other, into the other, into the other, into th- you get it by now.

He tries to sneak attack me, but I saw him coming for a mile way and donkey kick him way with 40% of my power. He tries to hit me again but I jump off over his attack and try to counter but he moves too fast for me to see him jump as well as kick me down to the ground. A hunk of metal fall from the collapsing roof (The internet tower on top of the building) which he uses to make his arms metal getting rid of the rocks. He grabs me by the neck and chokes me but I kick him away and think he is not messing around... Well then neither should I.

I buff up to 50% take a page for Grand Torino and start darting off the walls and roof. I'm much faster then Torino so it is a lot easier for me to jump around bigger areas then he was. I start kicking, punching, and beating him down. I'm to fast for him to keep up with, I end the combo breaker with a left hook to his jaw.

I kick him up in the air and immediately he reacts to my attack, grabs my arm, and pins me down on the ground. I tries to smash my head but I doge his attack causing him to break the floor and send up falling down the tower. He lands on a solid walkway on the tower but I crash into in causing it to break and for both of us to fall again. 

When we are falling I grab hold of him and start waling on him with a fury of punches to his face. We crash at the bottom floor with me standing on top of Over Haul, he knocks out, and me standing the victor, razing my hand to the sky. Like the All Might, the previous symbol of peace, and my mentor. I miss him... a lot.

 But he died long ago



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