Flirting with fire

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This is a request from Allison993961

Today's story starts with a truth or dare game between webs and the other bad guys (except shark and pirahna, they're out shopping) and wolf gives webs a dare that she is gonna regret.

"Ok snake truth or dare" webs asked.

"Dare" he points his tail at her and laughs.

Then webs smirks mischievously, "I dare lick wolf"

Wolf and snake blush as they look at each other, "on second thought...I choose truth"

"What was the most embarrassing thing you and wolf ever did" she leaned against the couch with her elbow on her face.

Then finally snake gave up and he groaned as he slithered to wolf and shivers as he licks him.

"Ugh" he spits in disgust with wolf wiping his face.

Then when webs laughed at them, wolf glared but then he gets an awful idea as he smiles mischievously.

Now it was his turn...his turn for revenge.

"Ok webs truth or dare" wolf asked.

"Uh dare..I'm not telling you any secrets"

"Ok, I dare flirt with piranha"

The dare hit her like a weight of 10 thousand brinks on her head.

"What! Piranha! No I can't do that" she crosses her arms and looks away.

Then wolf grins ever wider with snake smiling along, he knew his friend too well.

"Ok...then let's make it interesting...I dare you to flirt with piranha for the whole day starting tomorrow...if you win snake has to be nice for a whole month"

"What!" Snake snaps at him.

"But if you you lose, then you have to be in a bee costume for a month" he picks up an embarrassing bee costume in her size with antennas.

Webs gasped in horror, "you wouldn't dare bring that up"

"It's the same one from that see Diane years ago we were doing this heist webs had to dressed in a bee costume to scare away people from the bank while we grabbed the loot"

"AuYou can't be serious" webs growled.

"Well unless you want to chicken out"

Webs was about to hesitate but she lives on a streak of not chickening out, she wasn't going to break that record.

"Alright deal" she and wolf shake.

"Good luck tomorrow" wolf chuckles with snake laughing and following him.

Diane looks at webs with worried, then webs palm face herself.

Ugh..what have I gotten myself into"

It's not like she didn't care about the bee costume...ok she did...but it was mostly about piranha, she gets nervous about him mainly because...she liked him.

So the next day wolf and snake were upstairs keeping an eye on webs to be sure she was keeping her part of the deal and not chickening out.

"And the dare" wolf says as he starts his timewatch"

Webs was hiding behind the doorway between the dinning hall and the living room.

Piranha was seen sitting on the couch, watching his favorite show: the masked singer.

Diane decided to help webs, seeing how much webs liked piranha and didn't wanted to get humiliated.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" webs says.

"Relax it'll be fine"

Webs takes a deep breath and crawls in the living room slowly.

When she sees piranha on the couch, she takes a smile.

"Hey piranha" she hit his attention as he turns around to face her, "I must be lost...and out of my mind, because you're driving me crazy" she flashes her eyes.

But piranha just stares at her, he didn't even know she was flirting with him.


Then webs laughs and continues to smile as she felt embarrassed.

"Uh nothing" then she crawls away backwards, leaving piranha to continue watching his show.

After she disappeared into the kitchen, she hits her head on the back of the wall, her face bright red.

"Ugh" she covers her face, "that was stupid"

"Hey webs if you don't want to do it, we could call off the dare" she looks up to wolf, "but then you would still have to wear the bee costume" he holds up the tiny bee costume reminding her the deal they had.

"Heck no" she screams as she goes back to the living room to try again, Diane follows her.

"You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to, there's no Shame in backing down besides I think you look cute in a bee costume"

"No way I can do this, I can do this, how can I flirt with him, he's so temperamental and dangerously naïve character, never thinks before he acts, he's hot headed, disgusting and a pig, how am I supposed to flirt with him"

"Try complimenting his eyes" Diane encourage her.

Webs lays on the couch next to piranha, giving him sleepy like eyes, staring at him.

It took him a second to noticed when we caught her staring.

"What?" He asked.

"What I can't look at your eyes"

"What about them" he asked.

"There-um-" she tries to think of a good pick up line, "I-uh-I like how...yellow they look" she smiles nervously then piranha laughs.

"If you're gonna flirt with're gonna have to try better then that" piranha says as he walks away.

Webs groans in defeat as she crawls to her room and falls on her bed.

She was under pressure, she only had 22 hours till the date was over unless she wanted to wear a bee costume, she needed help.

"Ugh" so she pulls out her phone and types something, "I can't believe I'm doing this" she press search and on her phone was different sites from the following of her search: flirt ways to make him crazy about you.

So later that evening, Piranha was getting some coffee as he was getting ready for work.

He was wearing a new formal tuxedo with a fedora.

When he pour himself a cup of coffee, he sets it down on the table and as he was about to take a sip, he sees webs crawls up to the table, next to his cup.

"Oh coffee, thanks" she drinks half his coffee and crawls to the living room.

Piranha looks down at his half coffee then he smirks as he walks over to webs, pulling her arm, she smiles when she is facing him.

"Hey you just drunk my coffee"

"Yeah and what are you gonna do about it" she teases him.

"Well then I'm just gonna have to punish you" he growled tensely but softly.

Webs opened her eyes open in shocked but then he lets go.

"But probably not now, I'm have to go to wok now, maybe tonight...if you behave, I'll see you later you naughty girl"

After he left, webs started to panic, she was running out of time.

So she found another way to flirt with him, she was pacing back and forth thinking about the decision she was about to make, she looks at the clock, time was almost up, she looks at her phone on her contact was Piranha's phone number.

She shaking but she took a deep breath and called him, and after finishing his solo, Piranha  saw he was getting a call from webs.


"I'm waiting for your bed"

"Oh, what are you doing on my bed"

"I want you so bad...I can't wait to see your handsome face"

Piranha started to get excited by each flirt.

"I'm wondering how your fishy lips would feel on mines"

"Is that so"

"Guess what I'm wearing"


"Nothing...I'm laying naked in your bed"

Then Piranha's face turns red and his Mohawk fin wags.

"Are you tuned on...because I'm getting wet just thinking about you"

Piranha was breathing rapidly then he couldn't wait.

"Hang on webs, I'm coming home" he hangs up and ran.

In piranha's room, webs was in his covers, with her hoodie on.

"Oh what have I done"

Webs started to panic, knowing Piranha, he's probably going through the speed of light, on his way to see her right now.

She decided to call Diane, "Diane I think I it didn't now"

"What happened?"

"I over did it with the flirting and now Piranha wants to do it with me"

But before the fight the fight could continue any longer, bursting through the doors was Piranha.

He looked excited then webs dropped her phone as she started to panic, then Piranha smug a at her as he slowly approached the bed, webs gets out scooting far from him.

Then he catches her, sitting besides her on the edge of the bed, trapping her.


Webs was scared, her heart racing with anxiety.

But then....

"You know webs, this is a side of you I never really knew, you're always so smart sassy always say what's on your mind and never too afraid say it out loud and that's what I like about you"


"You're never too afraid to say when it come to your mind, where I'm from...angry is my only Insecurity from the world because I'm afraid to show my true self" then he cups her hand, "and you make me see that I shouldn't be afraid"

Now this was a side of Piranha webs never knew, he was so sweet, caring, sentimental and..

Her eyes started to feel heavy when webs stared deep into his eyes, she sees him staring into hers, then slowly as they leaned in, they closed their eyes as his lips connected to her.

They kissed very passionately, Piranha cupped her head and webs puts her hands on his chest, it was a moment that seem so real, she didn't wanted it to let go.

Then Piranha pulls out his phone and takes a picture of him and webs kissing.

That's when webs realized something when shark came in.

"HA got it, I told you I do it"

Piranha and shark laugh as webs was confused when snake and wolf came in.

"What-what's going on"

"Well I guess when your right...your right" shark says as he pulls out a 20$ and gives it to Piranha.

As Piranha was feeling pride in himself, then he looks at webs and sits beside her.

"You see yesterday me and shark made a bet, the bet was I have to make you my girlfriend and it worked...mawh"

Webs was confused, "I don't understand why did you do it" she asked then Piranha makes a concern face as he bends down to her.

"Because I like you more then a friend...also I wanted the money"

Webs was touched by this when Piranha takes her hand.

"So webs...would you like to be my girlfriend"

It wasn't long till she nodded, this makes Piranha wag when...,

"Well the dates lost webs"

Webs was stumped, "wh-what...but I flirt with piranha the whole day"

"Not entirely the whole day"

She saw the was twelve o'clock-midnight, she stopped around 11:30.

"Ugh" she groaned as she slams her head on the bed, piranha smiles at her tenderly.

Wolf snake and shark laughed at her, "a deal's a deal...see you tomorrow...bumblebee" wolf joked as they leave the new couple alone.

"What was the bet" piranha asked.

"It was more like a dare, the dare was...I have to flirt with you the whole day and if I lose, ugh, I have to dress up like a bee from the bank bee heist"

Piranha saw how upset his friend was so he helps her up.

"Well from what's it worth...I really do like you"

"I know...I like you too"

They smiled at each other then...

"And I have this bee costume...i hope you might like"

A minute later, webs entered the room, in a sexy bee costume, wearing a black long sleeve leotard with her butt in a yellow and black strip making her the perfect bee.

Piranha was bewildered as he gawks at her, webs on the other hand was blushing red from embarrassment rubbing her arm.

"Are...are there any flowers here" she asked and felt awkward about it, "please don't laugh"

But piranha just laughs, pulling her inside and closing the door.

"Don't worry...I think you look cute"

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