Ch. 17: Reveal

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Willow and Luz were doing their best to keep Amity awake, which wasn't easy... you know... since she just took the impact of a fucking bomb. She was barely speaking above a mumble, and her eyes were only half open. Gus looked back at them.

"Okay, we're almost there."

Suddenly, Luz's spider sense went off, and several bullets just barely hit the wall above their heads. A warning shot, don't move or else. Willow and Gus quickly turned the corner to avoid the shots, but Luz wasn't so lucky, she was however, the only one able to dodge bullets. As they fired again, Luz jumped, flipped, ran, anything to avoid the bullets. As she was dodging the bullets, a thug snuck up on Willow and Gus, hitting them in the back of the head with his pistol. They fell to the ground and Luz heard this, turning and seeing Willow and Gus on the ground, with the person pointing his gun at their heads. Luz had a small flashback, because her mom was in the same position when she was murdered. She remembered what Eda said earlier.

"Criminals won't wait until you're ready, you need to be faster, stronger, smarter."

Without thinking, she fired two webs at the wall behind the thug. This resulted in a distraction to the thug, because you naturally never expect that a long line of web to shoot in the front and back of your head. He turned just in time to see Luz sling shot herself at him and hit him with a strong kick. He hit the wall hard enough to crack it and fell to the ground in pain. Willow and Gus looked at Luz in shock as she stood there breathing heavily before turning to the group of shooters.

'Faster, stronger, smarter? Yeah, I can do that.' Luz thought.

She was faster.

With the speed she had, she dodged the bullets they fired, and they ran out of ammo.

She was stronger.

She ran at them and grabbed the fist of one, before grabbing them by the shirt and slammed them into the lockers and then throwing them to the other wall.

She was smarter.

Luz fired a web and the fire extinguisher on the wall and pulled the hose off of it, resulting in the condensed foam to shoot out and create a cloud of foam that temporarily blinding the shooters. Luz jumped to the ceiling and ran on it until she made it to the ground. She fired two webs at the ground and slammed to the ground, knocking several of them back. Luz began firing webs at several of them, sticking them to the wall. She kicked one of them away from her, before delivering a punch to another one, both of them were knocked out from the strength of her punch and kick. She fired two webs at another two by their feet and pulled their legs out from under them. She ran and jumped up, before using her webs and using them to slingshot herself down onto them, hitting them face first with her feet. She flipped off them and ran back over to Willow and Gus, who were completely shocked by this.

"Are you guys okay?" Luz asked.

"H-h-how did-"

"Gus, we can talk about this later, you guys take Amity to the Music Room, I'll clear the way." Luz said, opening her locker which they just so happened to be in front of.

She grabbed her blue hoodie and ski mask, making sure the hoodie was zipped up to hide any clothing that could reveal her identity. More people began to run in and point their guns at Luz.

"Go!" Luz said, as Willow and Gus carried Amity away, "Alright... you want to play?"

Luz web struck one of them and began to unleash with punches. Elsewhere, Willow and Gus finally made it to the music room. They found the exit and began to move over to it. They saw lot of bullet holes in the walls, and seeing the red come from the foggy doors of the sound booth... they tried their best to keep their mind off that subject.

"Let's just... let's just go to the door." Willow said, "Amity needs our help more than a few... bodies."

Gus opened the door a bit and looked around before opening it fully and helping Willow get out with Amity. It seemed that everything was going to go well... until they heard the click of a gun. They looked up and saw a person holding a rifle.

"Sorry kids, looks like class is over, permanently." He said, raising the gun at them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

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