Ch. 31: Family

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Skara started to wake up.

"Mmm, mmm. My head." Skara muttered, slowly blinking her eyes open.

"Yeah, a good few kicks will do that." Luz said, hanging from the ceiling, "Do you remember anything?"

"I...I don't know, it's all a bit fuzzy and-" Skara shot up in the bed in shock as she looked up at Luz. "HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT AND WHO ARE YOU?!"

"I'm the vigilante you've heard so much about." Luz said, dropping from the ceiling, "And I know things you don't know of... such as your family."

"W-What do you know about my family?" Skara asked, cautious.

Luz pulled out the flash drive.

"I found this when I was tracking you... it can tell you things you probably don't know." Luz said.

"Like where I am right now?" Skara asked, reaching for the jump drive.

"I'll fill that in after you see what's on it." Luz said, giving Skara the jump drive. "I'll be back with my laptop and something for you to eat, if you're hungry."

Luz closed the door and took her mask off.

"Oh I am so unsure of what to do." Luz said.

"I figured as much." Eda said from behind Luz.

"So, I have another niece, huh?" Eda asked.

Luz would've jolted in surprise if she wasn't used to Eda sneaking up on her without setting off her spider sense.

"Yeah, it would seem so."

"How do you think she'll take the news?" Eda asked.

"Hard. VERY hard, but hopefully, learning she has a sister will help cushion the emotional blow." Luz said as she walked past Eda.

Luz started walking towards the kitchen.

"And what are you going to do about the whole secret identity thing?" Eda asked.

Luz stopped.

"I... I don't know."

'I should've thought more ahead but maybe I can just not tell her yet?' Luz thought.

Luz just was so confused, a lot has happened in the last hour. The hospital was damaged, Amity was missing, the monster turned out to be her sister, and her mother worked for the same company that gave them both their powers! Blight Industries! It was too much to take in!

'I feel like my brain is going to overload from all of this crazy shit soon.' Luz thought.

Luz walked to the kitchen. For now, she can focus on making Skara a meal before revealing everything to her. Hopefully some food WILL cushion the mental and emotional blow. It was going to be hard. Meanwhile with Skara, she was staring at the jump drive as she had multiple questions going through her mind and praying that whatever was in the drive could answer them. She had no idea what... what she even was... she became some giant lizard creature.

'How did I become that? Did I hurt anyone? Did I KILL anyone?!' Skara thought as she trying breathing to stay calm. 'Did-Did baba know about this and keep it from me?'

Skara was so scared, and confused, and so many other emotions that she didn't know she had. But one of them at the moment, strongest of all, was fear. Skara was so afraid right now, afraid of HERSELF because she didn't know how or when she could transform into that lizard monster again! She just sat there, hugging her arms. Skara didn't know what was going to happen next and that also scared her.

'... I'm a freak.'

Skara began to cry in silence, feeling more scared and alone than ever before as her worldview came crashing down. She was so focused on her sorrow, that she didn't notice Luz coming back into the room with her laptop and a hot meal.

"Hey." Luz said, "I know how you're feeling. I can relate to feeling like a freak."

Skara looked up to Luz, seeing her mask was off but still in her vigilante suit.

"You...I remember seeing you around school." Skara said in surprise.

"Yep." Luz said, "And you'll be seeing me around a lot more."

"What do you mean?"

Luz opened her laptop and put the drive in.

"Just watch and you'll see." Luz said before sitting by Skara.

The video started playing and Skara watched it, trying to understand what she was seeing. The woman was a scientist named Camila Noceda and she worked for Blight Industries. When it ended, Luz closed the laptop.

"That was my mother." Luz said, "And that makes you my sister."

"M-My sister?" Skara asked, looking at Luz in shock.

"Yeah, I guess it would technically be half sister I guess... I mean... it's hard to tell since you were... a test tube baby." Luz said, "Plus... you're kind of... half human half lizard... so there's that."

"And you...with the whole spider thing?" Skara asked, confused.

"Also powers I got from Blight Industries, one of their test spiders bit me." Luz explained before gesturing to Skara's food. "But that's not important right now, you need to eat."

Skara looked down and couldn't help but look at the stump from where they amputated her leg. She ran her hand over it... knowing that this is what caused her lizard DNA to activate. This meant she could never have a normal leg again. A prosthetic maybe, but a real leg? Out of the question. Even a limb transplant could make her go lizard again. She hated this.

"Sis?" Luz asked, bringing Skara out of her despairing thoughts.

"I-I'm fine. I-I just-" she said but couldn't as she tried not to cry.

Understanding, Luz did what she thought was best and pulled Skara into a hug. It was all she could really do and all Skara could do was cry softly into her embrace, silently accepting Luz as her sister and thankful for her comfort.

And Skara wasn't the only one thankful as two people were peaking in from the cracked door to the room.

"So she knows, huh?" Raine asked softly.

"Yeah, they both do." Eda said back.

"This is crazy... as if knowing she was getting an amputation wasn't bad enough, she then becomes this massive lizard beast." Raine said.

"And we both know who to blame for that." Eda said, crossing her arms with a glare.


'Wonder what that heartless bitch is thinking about this right now?' Eda thought as she peaked back in to Luz and Skara.

Skara seemed to have calmed down enough to eat, which made Luz, Eda, and Raine happy at least. For now anyway.

In another part of the city, Odalia was working on the new version of the Lizard serum, on the table, Amity was laying. The destruction at the hospital provided the perfect cover to take her.

'To think, the first experiment was so close and I never knew it.' Odalia thought, glancing to a monitor showing the news about the hospital attack.

"No matter." She said, holding up a needle, "Soon there will be a better version."

Odalia went over to the table and was about to inject Amity... when Amity started to stir.

"Mmmm... w-w-where am I?" Amity asked, opening her eyes.

Odalia hid the needle behind her back.

"Amity, I'm so glad you're finally awake!" Odalia said, "I brought you to a lab to treat you better than a boring old hospital."

"The hospital? What happened at the hospital?" Amity asked, holding her head.

She soon got her answer as she gazed at the same monitor Odalia looked at earlier, showing the news about the giant lizard attack and how the vigilante fought the beast.

"Let's just say I don't trust it." Odalia said, "Now just rest, I'll be back later."

Odalia walked out of the room.

"Mmmm." Amity hummed, narrowing her eyes at her retreating mother.

This was not like the mother she knew. Not in the slightest.

'She's hiding something.' Amity thought.

Pushing herself up from the exam table, Amity walked towards the console and began looking through any recent files.

'What are you up to?' Amity thought, before finding some things, 'Secret labs? They're all across the city.'

Amity knew her mother had secrets but she never thought she had something this big. She quickly sent the locations to her phone. She would be able to check some of them out later.

"Let's see what else you're hiding, mother." Amity muttered as she glanced back at her door before turning back to the monitor.

'Don't know when mom will come back, so I need to hurry.' Amity thought.

She found dozens of secret files, with most information protected and encrypted. She did see her siblings names though, but she doesn't know what is going on with them, but she knows her mother did something with them. She would find out.

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