The Obligatory Field Trip One...

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This has got to be a nightmare.

That sentence was stuck in the young Avenger's head on repeat for the past eight weeks.

Yeah. Eight weeks.

Now, what kind of shitty situation must you be stuck in to have the same shitty sentence repeated over and over and over in your head?

Let me tell you: a field trip.

But not just any field trip.

A field to Stark's industry new science division quarters... Who's also an immediate neighbor to the Avengers compound...

But that's not all.

Since the building was quite up north, the school voted to make hotel reservations for a night so that the trip would be divided in two days.

But no: Mister Anthony Edward Stark thought it would be stupid to let eighty nerdy scient-y geeky teens waste money in an hotel.

That and apparently, his company was like Disney Land: how dare you spend only two days there.

So Tony motherfucking "I am Iron Man" Stark insisted that they stay for an ENTIRE week at his industry.

And where would eighty-three students, four teachers (including the school's principal!) and ten volunteer parents sleep?

Oh nowhere in particular.

Just the Avengers compound. On the same floor as the fucking Black Widow.

So how was Peter Parker feeling?

Like shit. 

This has got to be a nightmare.

This has got to be a nightmare.

You know what would be even worst?

If Peter Parker was Spiderman, the newest addition to the team of heroes and the only Avenger with a secret identity.

Oh wait.

"You cannot do this to me, dad!" He whined. "Mom! Do something!!"

Oh yeah.

And he was Tony Stark and Pepper Stark adopted son too.

You want a shitty situation?
Here you go.

"Sorry Peter, but you know how great an opportunity this is for your peers. We cannot canceled at the last minute too. You know how booked we are with school trips." His mom —Pepper— simply replied.

His dad simply smirked.

"We'll try not to embarrass you too much."

Wide eyes, face white as a sheet, sweat of horror running down his skin, Peter Parker shivered with fear.

"You monster."


"Ready for your lies to be exposed, Penis?" Mocked Flash.

This has got to be a nightmare.

Let me die now, please.

Three buses.

THREE buses.

And where was Eugene "Flash" Thompson?

Just in the same bus as him, unlike MJ and unlike Ned.

Fuck my life.

Yeah, Fuck his life.

"You know what Flash? If it turns out that this is a big ass scam and that I've been lying for the past three years, you can go all out buddy."

"I'm not your buddy, penis."

"And I'm not your penis, buddy."

The look of confusion on Flash face deserved three pages of his friend's crisis drawing notepad as well as a thank you to his Canadian boyfriend who had insisted to show him the South Park Musical Comedy.

He loved him so much.

And he missed him too.

Two weeks without him, not even a call or a texto, was hard, but he understood: Deadpool couldn't be compromised on missions so he always left his personal phone home.

Three hours later and they were finally arrived to his second home, his first being his Aunt May's appartement in Queens.

He only went home on weekends or when school was on break (summer, winter, spring break...).

That said, spending the second week of April at home (even though it was with other people) was a dream come true... Unless you were Peter Parker and your family was Earth's mightiest heroes.

"Everybody, stay in your seats please. A tour guide will be arriving shortly to explains rules and give us our guest badges for the week." Mr. Harrington explained. "Now everyone, remember that you are all representing Midtown and this trip will be at tolerance zero, do I make myself clear, Mr. Winchester?"

"Ai Ai, Captain!" the class clown replied.

Peter didn't know him per say, but he had heard plenty of rumors... Such as the lab explosion in November last year or the food fight from last month or even the "mug episode" from two years priors.

As Mr. Harrington sat down in his seat at the front, the conversation between the teens raised at a new high of volume.

Seriously, Peter felt so bad for the bus driver.

Not even five minutes later and the door finally opened. Chelsey Brown, a student of MIT and a proud head intern of Stark Industry got on the bus. She gave a box of white lanyards to the teacher and instructed him to pass them on to each students.

When her blues eyes met Peter, she let out a genuine smile. He waved at her as she did in return, ignoring Flash hatred look of disgust.

"Hello Midtown! Could I have the silence please?" She greeted.

It took a while, but silence finally came.

"Great! Thank you! Hello Midtown high and welcome to the Stark Industry Science Division Research Facility, or, as we like to call it, the SDRF of SI. My name is Chelsey and I will be one of the guides for your stay. Concerning the rules, Stark Industry has a strong policy on respect. Here, we believe in the P.E.P. which stands for the respect of your peers, the respect of your environment and of course, the respect of the planet. As most of you know, Stark Industry is a proud participant in ecology and earth's reusable energy. I ask all of you to —please— respect your environment and to put your trash either in the brown compartment if it's food or compostable, blue one if it's recyclable or in the black one if it's neither. Respect is key at the company and is obligatory. Non-respect of the P.E.P will entrain a loss of 2 points. Now, for the points. Since your are many students, we will divide in six groups. Five of fourteen and one of thirteen. Each groups will sleep in the same living quarters. Your goal is to learn and have fun! Each team will have a name and a starter pack of 50 points. You can win points and you can lose some. At the end of the week, the team with the most points will win, for each member, special Avengers merch, a brand new Stark watch or the newest Stark Phone."

As she finished explaining this, she took a breath and got a green lanyard from her pocket.

"Now, S.I is very keen on security, especially this close to the Avengers private living arrangements. Each of you signed an NDA and provided a picture of yourself as well as a medical sheet for allergies and other conditions. This lanyard is your badge. You cannot enter a building nor a room without it. Do. Not. Lose. It. You only have one. On the back of your badge, there's a clip. It's not for decoration. You need to clip your badge on the left side of your shirt and keep it on at all time. Now, concerning the NDA you all sign, it is usual procedure for all tour group, however, this week we are receiving some visit at the compound from Wakanda as well as from the X-men and maybe the Gardiens of the Galaxy. There's no worries, no civil wars or imminent dangers, they're simply celebrating for an upcoming wedding. The NDA is mostly to protect the identity of a few individuals, including Spiderman who might be here, we don't really know, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Stark's son. If anything comes to worse, the NDA are here to protect you and our special guests. Any questions?"

A bus full of hand were suddenly raised in the air.

"Any questions that are not about spiderman?"

More than half of the hands disappeared.

"Yes, you, in the back!"

Of course.

Of course she would pick Flash.

It's official: I'm living in a nightmare.

When is Wade coming back again...?

"Do you have internship for high schoolers?" He asked, his voice "smug".

"No—" ("HA! Told you penis!!") "—However, we did make an exception for one individual who I'm usually not allowed to mention... But, seeing as he is sitting behind you, I need to mention that Mr. Parker is a very important part of S.I. and that bullying is not accepted under any circumstance. I shouldn't have to repeat myself under any circumstances. You are a school of science with smarts students. Bullying is part of the respect of your peers in the P.E.P. so, please, restrain yourself from insulting, degrading or bullying your fellow classmates or employees. Thank you."

Peter had to admit, he loved her fake smile, fluffy threats and her aura of overall powers that smelt like a dare encouraging you to fuck with her.

A few questions later and Chelsey finally got off the bus.

"Now, students, I will be distributing your badge. When I call your name, take your bag, get your lanyard, and go wait outside where someone will unpack the storing compartment and give you the rest of your luggage."

And so it began.


Peter got lucky... At about eighty percent. The teachers decided to divide the teams themselves and he got put in with his fellow classmates from the Decathlon team. They were accompanied (Thank the Gods above) no parents, but rather Mr. Harrington as well as their tour group: Maya Jorgens.

Maya, whom Peter had never met prior to this day, was kind and quite smiley. She guided them to the Compound where she pointed them to their room for the week.
While everybody got settled in their bunk bed, Peter sneaked out the door and went to get their guide Maya.

"Mrs. Jorgens? Sorry to bother you, but could I steal you for a brief instant? For reasons you are about to understand, I need to introduce myself..."

Gods. Why did he always sound so awkward?

A fresh cup of tea in her hand, she glanced at the teen, smiled, and welcomed him to do so.

"My name is Peter Stark, nice to meet you," he smiled.

The look of terror on her face would have been hilarious if it hadn't been for this situation.

"Y-y-you're Tony Starks and Pepper Starks son!?"

He nodded quickly.

"I don't usually introduce myself, but it would have been weird if I hadn't, since, hum, you know, I have my own bedroom two floors up as well as full clearance and well, I'm not home often and well... hum..."

To that, she began laughing.

"I'm so sorry for making you uneasy, Mr. Starks. Don't you worry, I'll keep your secret. You'll sleep better in your own bed anyway!"

Peter then decided that Maya Jorgens? He liked her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jorgens, I really appreciate that."


After a good lunch in one of the conferences room, Maya claimed back the attention in the room.

"Now, seeing as this is the first time that I'm meeting all of you, I would like you to introduce yourself in turn, not only so that I can make sure that I didn't lose a student, but also to get to know you seeing as we'll be together for the rest of the week. When I call out your name, tell the table something about you. It can be science related or not, you choose.

🚧Unfinished Work

liste des kids:
Abe Brown
Betty Brant
Cindy Mood
Eugene Thompson
Michelle John
Jason Ionello
Seymour O'Reilly
Susan Yang
Peter Parker
Edward Leeds

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