Chapter 1

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The day started as any other day for Peter, waking up and making himself some eggs and sharing half of them with his gray pitbull, Tessa. Who was a gift from his Aunt May. She got her for Peter because she knows he's been feeling down lately and she thought it would help him feel better if he had Tessa, and it doesn't help with the fact that May is never really home anymore she's been going out, and working hard to pay their rent.

Peter look down under the table at Tessa and smiled as he saw her laying at his feet staring up at him with that adorable face of hers and chuckled.

He got up from where he was sitting at the table and went over to the cabinets, grabbing a plate and returning to the table, shoving half of the eggs on the plate. He place it on the floor beside him, and watched as the adorable faced munchkin starts to gobble down the eggs.

"Your so lucky that you where blessed with such a cute face, otherwise you would not be eating those".

Tessa looked up at him, not even half done with the eggs, and barked happily and went back to eating the stolen eggs.

Peter rolled his eyes, "Yeah, Yeah, your welcome".

Peter finished eating his eggs and walked into his room as Tessa stayed to finish her eggs.

Peter started packing his books and broken phone.

Which got broken one night out on patrol, you'd think it would survive a fall from a 10 story building, but sadly no.

Peter, still being in his pajamas, began taking his shirt and pants off, but before putting his school cloths on, Peter put his spider man costume on underneath.

Peter started putting his school cloths on, starting with his blue jeans, and continuing pulling his Stark tech shirt on that May got for his fourteenth birthday.

Peter finally got the shirt fully on, and there sitting in front of him was his adorable baby.

She stood up, and jumped up and down barking as if congratulating Peter for getting his shirt on. 

Peter smiled in amusement,"thank you, thank you" Peter said, bowing, as he rubbed her head and went back to getting ready.

Peter finished getting ready and put his thin dark green jacket on, and threw his backpack over his shoulder.

Peter walked out of his room to the front door, Tessa following.

Peter never liked leaving her, but she had to go to puppy service dog training today. Even though she really didn't need it, but that's the only way they'd let her be Peter's service dog as a puppy.

Peter's neighbor said she'd take her, but it didn't help with his 'not wanting to leave her'.

Peter turned to look at her as she stumbled along. She looked up at Peter, almost frowning, and whimpers.

Peter crouched down in front of her " Hey, I'll be back home after school, you know this, we've done this before girl".

She stands on her hind legs, her front legs on Peter's knees, and licks his face as if saying 'ok, I understand' Peter stood up and opened the door, but not before turning around and saying, "love you Tess", and she barked as if saying it back. Peter turned back to the outside world and walked out, closing the door behind him.


Today was the first day of December, and it didn't help that Peter's thin jacket's not doing shit.

Peter walked slowly on the sidewalk towards his school, to make matters worst it snowed last night. Peter might as well be a corpse because of how cold his skin was, but it won't matter once he's in the warm school so he kept walking. Why couldn't spiders be able to thermoregulate?

He finally arrive to the school freezing cold. Peter continued to his locker still not having any effects of the warm school.

Peter got to his locker, opening it and tossing any books in he didn't need for his first class.

All of a sudden Peter felt a warm hand on his shoulder. Peter jumped a little, turning around to come face to face with his best friend, Ned.

"woah, sorry man, didn't mean to scare you" Ned chuckled.

"no, no it's fine you just surprised me that's all", Peter laughed still in shock.

Ned smiled at Peter,"well if we don't want to be late for class", Ned said pointing at the clock,"we should probably get going".

Peter finished getting his books and he and Ned walk to class. Ned asking Peter all about last nights patrol and being the very annoying best friend he is.

Man, Peter thought, today is going to be a long day.

( first chapter done, I know it not that good but I hope you like it. New chapter coming soon,

Thanks for reading~)


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