Chapter 11

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Its been a week since the hulk incident, and it feels like my world is crumbling down. Ned and Michelle left for winter break. The morning I got back from fighting the hulk they were waiting there with Tessa. Apparently, they had spent the night there since I hadn't come back. They spent an hour crying about how they where so worried and told me how 'we told you to be careful'. Eventually, after all the crying had stopped, they broke the news about leaving for Christmas.

My world just stopped when I heard this, and they seem to pick up on that. They brought up the idea of them staying behind, so that they could celebrate Christmas with me. But I was quick to shut that idea down, because I didn't want to keep them away from their family's.

After a few hours, Ned and Michelle left looking really upset. I know if they had known about the trips they would have told me, but it was a surprise after all. 

So now here I am. 

Michelle and Ned went to Flordia, Aunt May has to work, and now winter break has started. With how things are turning out it looks like I'll be alone for Christmas.

Well, except Tessa, she'll definitely be here for Christmas.

Anyway, the week went by okay, I guess, Michelle and Ned both left Wednesday, so we had a few days together before that had to leave. They also did promise they'd video chat on Christmas with me, so guess that's cool.

May's still is working, but said she should be getting a two day break, as she put it, soon.

Tessa's doing good, she's not with me at the moment because I'm out as spider man. 

Well, that's a summary of everything that's going on in my life right now, so I guess you want to know what's going on now, right? of course you do. Well here go again.


I'm currently perched at the top of a building, looking down at the city I call my home. It's a bit warmer today, parents are in the park with their children.


They look so.....happy.

Like, nothing in the world matters than this moment.

I love that about people, that they can put everything aside just to have one good moment.

I watch as kids play on the equipment, some of them play with other kids or their parents. Today is a great day to be outside.

But of course something has to go wrong, because my spidey senses are going off. I look around trying to find the source, then I see it. 

A little girl is sitting on the side walk next to the park, and an out of control car heading right for her. I'm quick into action, as I swing towards to girl grabbing her just in time, as the car drove over the spot the little girl was sitting. 

My web breaks sending me and the little girl tumbling onto the park grass. I hold her to my chest making sure to keep her safe. I take a second to regrain my breath, looking down at the little girl in my arms.

"hey, you okay down there?" 

She looks up at me. "yeah I'm o-okay", I let go of her, helping her stand up.

"thank you, mister", she says. I smile at her "your very welcome, missy", I say getting a laugh out of her.

"My names Cassie", she says smiling at me.

"My names spider man", I say smiling back at her.

"So uh where's your-" 


A man with greenish eyes and dark hair yelled running towards Cassie and I, before grabbing her and pulling her into a big hug.

"thank god your okay", the man says to Cassie.

Cassie hug him back, tight, before saying "I'm okay daddy, spider man saved me".

He turned towards me, letting go of Cassie, and walking to me. He then proceeded to pull me into a bear hug. I yelped in surprise.

"thank you so much", he said, sounding like he was going to cry.

I hug back awkwardly "y-yeah, uh, no problem man", I say.

He pulled away, wiping his eyes a little bit "yeah, thank you so much, you saved my daughter, man", he says holding his hand out to me. 

"I'm Scott, Scott Lang."

The world seem to stop. 

He's Ant man.

Fear started rising up in me. 

He's part of the avengers.

"hey man, you okay?", Scott says, still holding his hand out towards me, looking concerned.

I stay frozen, paralyzed with fear. Then in a quick movement, I turn, shoot my web, and swing away.

"Hey, wait!!!" I hear Scott's voice, along with a smaller voice, that I amuse is Cassie's, calling for me, but I don't listen. I'm to scared.

Hey guys, hope this is a good way to go in the story. I honestly thought of it while writing the first part of this chapter, like I've said in previous updates, I had no idea what to write about next, so I hope this is good enough for you guys.

I might write more tomorrow but we'll have to see cause my big sister is coming to visit us from another state so I have to go see her later this week. I'm also have to go play animal crossing with my little sister. yeah -_-.

So yeah, hope you enjoyed more to come soon, peace.


words 919


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