Chapter 14

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As fast as it started, I grabbed my suit and left through my window. Tessa must of known what was happening because she whined and barked trying to get my attention. I ignored her to the best of my ability, even though it broke my heart hearing her like that.  

Now I'm swinging through the city, towards the Vultures location. 

Yes, 'the Vulture.' 

It's the name I gave him a few months back.

Flash back.....


Fire was everywhere. 

The Stark plane was burning. 

The Vulture lays a few feet next to me. I stand up, looking directly at him. He stands to, but we're both tired, so any movement we make is very slow. 

He looks at me" I told you to stay out of this," he says quietly, but his voice is dark.

I stare at him.

"Why get involved?" He asked.

I glare at him, anger building up "Do you have any idea what these weapons could do" I say my voice to sore to yell "Who could get hurt from them."

He doesn't say anything so I continue "Do you even realize the danger you would put people in if you sold these weapons" I say "The danger you put your family in."

He stares at me with a gaze that says he's thinking about what I just said. 

"I did what was best for my family," he finally said.

I don't say anything for a while, then....

"No" I say firmly "No, you didn't."

End of flash back.... 

After that I tied everything, including the Vulture, up. I still have nightmares of that night. 

Really bad ones.

 I can't remember the exact amount of time he got, but I know he shouldn't be out of jail so soon. 

But I guess I'll find out soon.


I reach the building, few minutes later. There are cops, and ambulances surrounding the building, looking at it as if it's the most confusing puzzle on earth. I move down onto the side of the building I'm on, and look at the building too.


I look down finding guns being pointed at me. I jump down when someone fires their gun. 

Before the chief can say anything else, I hear another cry for me. 

"SPIDER MAN" A women yells running up to me.

I catch her as she stumbles into me, holding onto her arms. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Please, Spider man" she begs "you have to help my daughter."

In a calm voice I ask "where's your daughter, ma'am."

She turns to the building, pointing up. 

"S-she went on a f-field trip," she says in a shaky voice.

I look at the building. There are kids in there, I question myself. I look back down at her. Before I can answer her, my spidey senses goes off. I grab the lady and move out of the way as fast as I can, as a gun shot goes off. I stumble to the ground with the lady. I stand up as quickly as I fell, bringing the lady up with me. 

I give her a look of reassurance " I will get your daughter back" I say "I promise." 

I didn't give her a chase to respond, before I started running towards the building. I reach the base on the building then start climbing. As big as the building is, I'm determined to save these kids.

This is going to take a while, I think to myself.

As I climb the building, I carefully look through every window trying to find them. I reach a open window, and climb through it without a second thought.

The room it's self is empty.

I look around the room, finding nobody. I finally find what I'm looking for.

An exit stair chase.

I push on the door, making sure nobody else is around, and go through it.   


After a while of walking up stairs, I come across a door that has rumble blocking it. I climb over top of the rumble and look though the uncovered window leading into the room. Out of pure instinct, I knock on the window.

Then a strawberry blonde appears in front of the window.

Hey guys sorry for not updating I've been busy with trying to fix parts of the story. This was a rushed chapter, so sorry if it's not that good. 

I also like to inform you that I'm going on vacation with my family so I most likely won't update for a week or two. I'm trying to add another chapter before Friday because that's when we leave, so I'll see about that.

Well, hope you all enjoyed, more chapters coming soon, peace.

p.s. Can anyone guess who the strawberry blonde is?


777 words  

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