Chapter 16

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"you know" Peter said "your not freaking out as much as I thought you would" 

"Oh I've been in much worst situations then this" Pepper said with a bit of annoyance. It wasn't directed towards him, but more so someone else. Even if she wasn't freaking out, at all, it still came to a shock for Peter; it's not everyday you have to hold onto spider man's back as he scales a Stark building.

"Like what?" Peter as curiously.

"Have you ever been picked up by a giant coca cola can"Pepper says in a casual voice.

"What!?!" Peter said, stopping his climb and turning back to her.

Pepper just giggled and told him to keep going. Which he did.

A few minutes pass before Pepper starts talking again.

"so tell me spider man" she says "what's your story?"

Peter stopped moving and looked back at her "W-what do you mean?"

"Well it's sound kind of young" Pepper answered.

Peter tensed as she said this. He prayed she didn't notice, but to his horror she did. There was a pregnant pause, the only sounds to be heard were the ones that came from way below them. Peter could feel her stare on him. It wasn't a hard stare it was more of a soft one. 

After a few more minutes pass Pepper goes to speak again when she feels a buzz come from her phone. Carefully, she made sure to tighten her hold on the remaining arm wrapped around Peter and reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

Her eyes widened as she looked at her phone.

"They're locking the windows, we have to go through this one if we still want to get inside?!?" Pepper yelled, and as fast as it happened Peter grabbed the window lack and flung open the window, pushing Pepper inside, and throwing himself in after. It worked because they made it in just in time as the window pulled its self shut, locking it.

Peter was breathing hard, trying to process what just happened in such a short span of time. Pepper sat up from the ground and moved over to where Peter sat on the ground.

"are you ok?!" she asked frantically.

It took a moment for Peter to respond, still trying to caught his breath.

"yeah...yeah I'm oka-" before Peter could finish his sentence, he was engulfed in a hug. This wasn't any ordinary hug, no. No, this was the kind of hug a mother gives her child when they get off the school bus from their first day of school. It took a minute for Peter to react, considering he'd never really had his mother in his life, it was hard to remember what it was like. But thanks to Aunt May the feeling was never really gone.

When Peter did react he hugged her back like any mother and child would. The moment didn't last long before Pepper pulled back, smiling at him. She stood up, pulling Peter with her, still smiling.

Then the building shook again, causing the two to bring their attention back to the task at hand.

Peter turned her attention back to Pepper who was now smirking at him. 

"We got to do your plan" She said picking her phone off the floor.

"Now it's time for mine"

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and a bit of Pepper being Peters Iron mom....or strawberry mom. Which one do u guys like better Iron mom or strawberry mom. Also do u guys think Pepper knows Peters a kid, just a few questions to keep the comments going.

Any way I'd like to give my thanks to people who submitted there ideas to me:






(sorry if I missed u)

And my special thanks goes to EnderMiner7 for helping me with ideas and giving me the courage to write my ideas. Go check out her profile, she has an awesome spider man story over there that I think is worth checking out. (also check out the others)

And don't forget, I'm always looking for new ideas so don't be afraid to share. well that's all for now, hope you enjoyed, more chapters coming soon, peace.


676 words  



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