cheaper 3 - miles feel bad of lsabella and lsabella hurt noir

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A/N:hi guys I know our read is low but remember when the story called Noir peni and porker meets someone well Is still that but different they meet miles again and everyone bullys lsabella because she weak of reason so yeah but lsabella will and....well you see so enjoy
----------------noir pov-----------------------
I was waiting of anut may to come with a new people then peni look at me "what"I said with confused "what do you think if the new people going be"peni said with confused then porker just don't know and me well I just says nothing I look at peni and peni is wrong "well I think it will be a girl"I said with kindness then peni looks at me and smile "yeah maybe you right"peni said with a smile
------lsabella pov---------------
I come with anut "you maybe need this"anut may said with name card and a pen then i hear something and look up and I see a male with mask with goggles and a black vest and a light gray shirt underneath and a dark gray pants and black gloves and black boots and a black hat "hi dealing"noir said with open his hat a little and close it "is he in a black and white and where is the wind

coming from we in the underground"I said with little confused and excited voice "wherever I go the wind follows and the wind? It smells like rain"noir said with a cool voice "so cool!"I said with a amazing voice then she see a female with shirt and a cosplay sweater and a pleated skirt and a black and red striped cotton socks and black boots and purple athletic shoelace and a backpack

she have black shot hair and brown eyes "hi miss konnichiwa hajimemashite yoroshite"peni said jump down with her big robot and do cool stuff then peni jump on her robot and the robot put on glass (thats so badass I sit down and raised her hand "well is nice to meet you"I said then peni shake lsabella hand "nice to meet you too miss"peni said with a smile "this is not going get

weird"I said with confused and happy then porker come "it can be weirder i just washed my hands thats why is wet of nothing reason"porker said then lsabella shake his hand "well is nice to meet you"I said then I stand up "so who are you people"i said with confused "my name is Peter parker"noir said "my name is peni Parker"peni said "my name is Peter porker"porker said "I was bite

by radioactive spider"noir said "I was bite by radioactive spider"peni said "i was bite by radioactive pig"porker said "in my universe it's 1933 and I'm a private eye i like to drink egg cream and I like to fight nazis A lot"noir said "i am from New York in the year 3145 I have psychic link with a spider who lives in my father robot and we're best friends forever"peni said "sometimes I let

matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something anything"noir said "im a photographer for the daily beagle and when I'm not pooching around im working like a dog trying to sniff out the latest story i frolic and I dance and I do this with my pants-"peter porker going finish the say but the elevator is going down everyone is ready to fight but me im not so noir pull me

behide his back and I think he protecting me "um thanks?"I said with a little pink blush "no problem kid"noir said with his still cool voice then it was a female spider girl and a spider man but fat and miles I was shock to see miles "Miles!?"I said with shock then everyone is shock when I said miles "lsabella!?"miles said with also shock "you know him?"peni said with confused "yeah

miles is my friend"i said with a clam voice "everyone this is my granddaughter lsabella"anut may said peni is amazingly of lsabella name Peter porker is think is ok Peter b parker don't care gwen and miles put thumbs-up and noir just like the name "lsabella is a good name of a girl like you"noir said kindly then I smile brightly "Thanks"i said then noir nod I think it means you welcome
------time skip------
"No no no. you guys don't get it"miles said everyone is confused "don't get what?"peni said with confused then noir peni porker b parker and gwen are glitching and lsabella help noir then the glitch stop "none of you can stay here if you stay here you'll lsabella"said with worried "im the lady who gonna turn it off. "lsabella said "and im gonna get you all home before I do"lsabella

said "look i made a promise so I have to keep it"lsabella said with proudness voice then noir and miles look at lsabella with shock and happy "who are you again"noir with confused "this is lsabella"miles said "and she gonna save the multiverse"miles said "yeah may"lsabella said with proudness voice then everyone just think that she won't do it "aw, man."noir said with nothing "look I've

seen her in action she can save the universe"peni said with kindness "i think she gonna get us home"peni said with a smile and lsabella smile "okay little girl kingpin's gonna send a lot of mugs after ya"noir said walk circles to lsabella "im talkin' hard boys real biscuit boxers can you fight them all at once"noir said ready to fight then is also ready to fight "I haven't actually fought

anyone"lsabella said with confused voice "surprise attack!"noir said he rolled and sweep her feet away then lsabella fell "can you rewire a mainframe while being shot at?"peni said throw a mainframe to lsabella "can I what?"lsabella said with confused "show me!"peni said "surprise attack!"noir said punch lsabella "can you fight and save of a trained dancer?"gwen said then noir walk to

lsabella and lsabella walk backwards "can you close off feelings so you don't get the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?"noir said "can you help you aunt create an online dating she get out of the dang house once in a while?"anut may said "can you float through the air when you smell a delicious pie?"peter porker said "can you be strong?" "ruthless?"

"disciplined?" "I don't know maybe" "psychic?" Show me some moxie soldier!" Above all, no matter how many times you get hit, can you get back up?" Then gwen kick lsabella on the floor
Noir:cause when a spider man is on the floor.....

Porker:when you think you can't keep goin'....
Gwen:come on lsabella
Peni:come on you can do it

Gwen:you can do this
As lsabella try to get up but all of the talk of get up she....get....flashback..... then she garb her own hair and she feel like she been yelled by her family "EVERYONE STOP"miles yelled then everyone is shock and walk backwards miles walk to lsabella and help

her up "look what you did she inpain"miles said and try to cheer up lsabella "pff did her dad trained her this"noir said with don't care voice then lsabella start to freak out then noir and everyone look at her "bella are you okay?"miles said with worried then lsabella steps up with a shadow faces and she ready to fight noir "oh a fight? Ok kid"noir said and he ready to fight her she get a

bat and noir get hurt by lsabella bat then she blink and see noir is hurt she going help noit but "you hurt my friend"peni said with little said "I-im sorry peni i-i didn't know what hap-"lsabella was going finish her words but got cut of by peni "oh no no No you can't say 'sorry' you just Ugly Mean MONSTER!"peni said with anger then lsabella have a little tear on her face slow running to

her face "lsabella?"peni said places her hand on lsabella shoulder but lsabella smacked it and walk to a elevator "Wait Lsabella I didn't mean to say that"peni said but lsabella didn't hear that and peni feels bad and the others feel bad of lsabella
1445 words ok sorry of make it shot or long but yeah have good night or day

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