He Was My Son...

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This one's angsty as heeellllll... OOF.


Tony never felt like this before. The overwhelming amount of sadness he was feeling right now was soul-crushing. He missed him. Peter, the light of his life, his son. When he held Peter in his arms as he faded away while apologizing, his heart ripped in two. Peter was everything to him and he didn't know what to do.

Nebula placed an arm on Tony's shoulder, "It's time we go, we must fix the ship."

Tony nodded as he got up. It took a week to fix it and after they did they made their worm-holed their way to Earth. As Tony neared Earth he got a notification from Steve to meet in Wakanda and instructions to get there. Nebula landed the ship and they both got out with Nebula at the front and Tony sulking behind. He looked up to see the rest of the Rogue Avengers and Bruce. He nodded his head at them as a way of acknowledgment.

"Hey, Tony," Steve muttered.

"Steve." was all he got back as a reply.

They all walked into Shuri's, T'challa's sister, lab to meet up and discuss plans on what to do. When Tony walked in he was met with a dead Vision with a hole in his forehead lying grey and motionless on a gurney.

"No... Vis..." He muttered under his breath. He had to remain strong. He had to. Even if it hurt like hell. He honestly couldn't hold it any longer. He just wanted to sob his eyes out at the thought of never being able to see his son again. He would jump at the opportunity of being alone. He needed to be alone right now. It was too much to bear.

"So, we lost." Steve pointed out.

"Yea, dipshit, I think we know that." Tony snapped. Everyone turned to look at a depressed Tony. 

"Okay, calm down Stark," Thor said glumly.

"We need a plan of action, any ideas?" Steve continued.

Immediately everyone started shouting their ideas and it was hard to make any of them out.

"Okay, okay this isn't working," Steve stated. "Everyone just... raise your hands."

Everyone put their hand up except for Tony. Steve took note of this as he called everyone and put their ideas on a whiteboard.

As he wrote the last word Steve pointed out, "Tony, what about you?", Steve turned around and was met with no response. Tony was gone.

"Tony? TONY!"

"What the?" Steve said as he saw Tony in the corner pacing and mumbling to himself. Steve went up to him and dragged his arm up to the group.

"Tony, you entitled piece of crap, you need to get your act together," Steve started, "You have literally lost no one important to you unlike everyone else and all of us are still trying to help out. What makes you any different? Take the suit away and what are you? A selfish idiot of a person that gives a crap about no one. Now I want you to get your act together and-"

Steve was cut off with a punch to his face. He looked up to see Tony standing over him with some of his nanotech formed on his hand. Steve put a hand to his face and pulled away to see blood. He looked around to see everyone with a shocked expression imprinted on their face. Except for Natasha, she was leaning on the wall with a condescending smirk on her face.

"You! You have no idea who I've lost and what I've been through!" Tony began, "Thanos threw a fucking moon at me and he stabbed me and he messed with my mind. You have no right to say that, Steve, no right."

At this point, everyone in the room was looking at Tony with shock. Thanos did what to him?

"Yes, I do! I lost my best friend. Okoye lost her king and Shuri lost her brother! Everyone here lost people and YOU had no one. Everyone you are remotely close to is alive and well. You are the cold and heartless Tony Stark. You don't know what we've been through, I have every right to call you out."

"Shut up! SHUT THE FUCK UP STEVE." Tony couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't keep it in. He couldn't keep up the facade that he had put up of himself. He fell to his knees sobbing.

"I lost my son! He was everything to me! I loved him, Steve. He was my son. My son."

"Y-your son? You have a son?"

He could hear everyone in the room mutter, "Tony has a son?" in many different ways. He had a son.

"Yes! And he's gone and I had to watch him crumble in my arms. He didn't wanna go. He felt it all too. The pain, everything. At least your loved ones passed away without feeling anything."

"Tony, oh god, I'm so sorry."

"Your son is Spider-Man?" Nebula asked as Tony nodded his head. "Oh."

Steve embraced Tony and muttered multiple apologies. They both seemed to stay like that for a while. Tony felt better now after he let everything out. He had hope. He had the ambition of a thousand angry Thors. He was going to kill Thanos. No matter what it takes.


So that kinda had a lil Stony at the end. Ik this is a Spider-Man one-shot book and this one-shot didn't have Spider-Man in it but like its fine right? cuz it was ab Spider-Man. ugh idek.

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