I Can Walk!?!

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Peter has been in a wheelchair for as long as he could remember. When he was 10 he was in a hit and run with a motorcycle and became paralyzed from the waist down.

The first day he went to school in a wheelchair, he received looks of pity from everyone and taunts from his high school bully, Flash.

He was 14 now and he was being put on a bus to go on a field trip to Oscorp. He was so excited! They were doing genetic study on transferring qualities of certain creatures like spiders or lizards to humans.

"Hey Puny, you seem to be struggling? Maybe you should just kill yourself to end your misery." Flash whispered to him as he and his friends began to laugh.

Peter sighed. Most people don't see Peter as anything of value. He was just that one kid in the wheelchair and that's all he'll ever be. 

Everyone walked in, except for Peter, who was being rolled in by his best friend Ned. Ned was excitedly rambling about random things he saw and Peter zoned out. Some scientists there were showing us their genetically modified spiders.

"We took information from all 3 spiders into these 15 genetically designed super spiders-"

"There's 14." Michelle pointed out.

"I beg your pardon?"

"One's missing." Michelle repeated going back to drawing in her book.

"Yea!" Ned said after looking at the display again.

"Huh. I guess the research is working on that one." The tour guide suggested.

Everyone started to move on while Michelle, Ned, and Peter stayed back to observe the spiders.

Peter rolled his wheelchair back a little farther and coughed out.

"Hey, could I take a picture?" He asked MJ and Ned. "The school wants one with a few students in it."

They both nodded their heads and stood on either side of the display and posed. They then started to pose sillily. Michelle held a packet and flipped through it while pretending to be thinking. Ned turned his face to the side, towards the Spiders and clasped two hands on either side of his face adapting the classic shocked face. They all burst into a fit of laughter.
Peter didn't notice a certain red and blue spider crawling on his hand. The teacher called everyone over and Ned and Michelle ran over.

"Wait!", Peter called as he looked back at his camera. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain through his hand and looked to see a weird-looking spider on his hand. His eyes widened and he shook the spider off, watching as it crawled underneath a cabinet. 'What the hell? Shit, that hurt', Peter thought as he looked at the bite on his hand. He shrugged and moved on.


Peter didn't feel so good. He was tired and sweaty and cold. 'Ugh, I must have caught a fever from somewhere.'
He rolled into his apartment, with his hood up, and quickly rolled up the ramp next to the stairs not even greeting Aunt May and Uncle Ben. They looked at each other, worried.

Peter quickly got into his room, slammed the door and slowly started to pull himself onto the bed. He passed out before he could and fell unconscious on the floor.


Peter woke up the next morning feeling much better. He slowly opened his eyes and and saw his glasses next to him on the floor. His eyes widened. Why was everything so clear? I'm not wearing my glasses.

He put them on and everything became instantly blurry. Guess I don't need these anymore. Peter sat up and felt something move under him. He looked at his toes and wiggled them. OH MY GOD, I CAN FEEL MY LEGS.

Tears of joy leaked out of Peter's eyes and a wave of adrenaline rushed into him. He jumped up and did a backflip. When could I do a backflip!?! He got up and took his shirt off to change. Oh my god, I have abs. I'm totally ripped. When the hell did this happen? Thank God it's a Saturday.

Peter quickly changed so he could go down and surprise Aunt May and Uncle Ben. He wasn't really sure what was happening but it had to have some relation to that spider bite.

Peter made is way down the stairs. Oh my god, I'm walking down the stairs, this is so cool. It feels so weird. It's been way too long. At this point, Peter was crying tears of joy again. He peered out the hallway to see Aunt May sipping on some coffee and Uncle Ben watching the news.

"Aunt May! Uncle Ben! Look!" He exclaimed. May and Ben looked towards him and gasped in shock. May dropped her coffee and ran towards Peter. Ben was frozen in shock. He grabbed the remote turned off the TV and went to join May and Peter in a bear hug.

After a whole ten minutes, Ben finally spoke up.

"H-how did this happen?", Ben said while wiping his eyes.

"I-I", Peter started to say. Shit, I can't tell them I got bit by a spider or something.

"I've actually been practicing for the past few months. I perfected a few days ago and thought I would surprise you." Peter said making everything up.

"Oh honey, we are so proud!", May let out covering her mouth.

"I love you guys so much." Peter muttered, going for another hug.

"We love you too, Pete.", Ben said while May nodded her head along with him.

After a minute, Peter then said, "I can't wait to see everyone's face when I go to school Monday.", earning a laugh from May and Ben.


On Monday, Peter decided to walk to school. It wasn't a long walk but Ben always drove him on the way to work because of his disability.

Peter strutted into school wearing a black biker jacket and a tan hoodie underneath. He also wore black jeans to match it.


Everyone was staring at the mysterious figure in the hallway. They were all thinking the same thing. Who is that hottie and why did he look so familiar? The mysterious figure went to his locker and started to put in his locker combination.


Ned went to school and immediately went to Peter's locker to help him with his books. The lockers were too high for Peter to reach, it became a daily routine to help him out. He turned the corner and was met with a random dude opening Peter's locker. What the? What is he doing?

"Hey! What are you doing!?" He shouted really loudly. Everyone in the hallway stopped and looked towards the commotion. "Why are you opening Peter's locker?!"

The mysterious figure turned around. His shirt must have been caught in his jacket zipper because everyone had a clear view of his 8-pack.

He looked around the room and looked at Ned.

"I am Peter." He simply said.

Heyyy what's shapoppin my dudes. So hoped you like that. I already have another oneshot that is finished but just needs to be edited. I'll be posting that and then start writing the one's y'all wanted when I asked for a vote.

Bonus: >>

Everyone gasped in surprise. It was so silent one could here a pin drop.

"No," Ned began, "you're lying, Peter can't walk."

"He got in a hit and run and lost that ability. You aren't Peter. You can't be..." Ned continued, less and less and less sure of himself. He started to see the resemblance. Everyone looked back and forth at the two. They started to believe this supposed 'Peter'.

"Ned, it's me. It's really me." Peter started to say. "I-I've been practicing..."

'I can't tell him what really happened' Peter thought as he tugged on his shirt.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! You can walk! Peter!" Ned exclaimed running towards him.

"Peter?" They both turned around to see MJ.

She ran up and joined the hug. They all started to laugh as the crowd around them cheered.

The next day, Betty and Jason aired the story on the school news. Someone took this photo of Peter and put it up on the TV:

It was when Peter was at his locker talking to Ned and noticed the camera. He had looked down at the photographer, who was secretly trying get his photo, and gave an intimidated stare to scare him off. He also had his hands in his pocket. It was the perfect moment to take the photo. So the photographer took it quickly and left.

Whenever Peter walked the hallways people would cheer and give Peter a high five or dab him up.

It was getting old.

Another Bonus:

Flash was annoyed with all the attention Parker was getting. So he did the only thing he was capable of doing.

Peter was walking the halls when he heard an unfortunately familiar voice.

"Hey Puny! So you can walk now, huh?"

"Yeah Flash. Just leave me alone."

"Shut up, you think your so entitled now? Just so you can walk? Your aunt and uncle probably kept you around because they pity you? They're probably gonna kick you out." Flash spit out. "Because your a worthless piece of shit."

Peter was getting more and more pissed by the minute.

"Just 'cause you can walk doesn't mean you can be happy Parker." Peter grit his teeth.

"I bet your aunt and uncle will just kill themelves instead of dealing with a pile of crap like you."

Peter turned around with the most menacing look in his eyes. All he could see was red.

"That's it!" Peter said as he jumped up in the air and punched Flash square in the face.

Flash flew back 10 feet before landing with a thud.

Peter turned to look at the people watching in the halls.

"If you tell anyone what happened, you'll end up like this fucker."

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