New York? I think you mean Hell.

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Peter yawned and fell onto the couch. Ever since he left the depths of hell and took refuge in New York, life hasn't been the same. Its been way more lively.

All he did in hell was sit around and torture people for ages.

In New York, however, he was bitten by a radioactive spider which led to him saving people on a daily basis, met a bunch of annoying superheroes, and now he attends a prestigious school!

(He does get bullied by the insufferable Flash Thompson, but it's far more easier to deal with knowing he'll eventually be tortured for all of eternity.)

It may sound like fun to most of Generation Z, but being the Devil was boring as hell.

Not anymore though, because his devilish powers got him through a lot of messed up stuff. His ability to draw out people's desires really came in handy.

Right now though, he was an Avenger. Spider-Man, to be exact. A hero loved by, well most.

And no one knows who Peter Parker really is. Everyone thinks he's this cute, lovable, 16-year-old virgin.

When really he's NONE of those things.

It was all an act.

And the Avengers used it to their advantage. Once they saw his real identity, they constantly teased him for being a "baby". Peter scoffed, I've been around longer than literally all of you.


"You're my honeybunch, sugar plum. Pumpy-umpy-umpkin. You're my sweetie pie. You're my cuppycake, gumdrop. Snoogums, boogums, you're the apple of my eye!!~~~" Was the song that was currently being blasted through the speakers as Peter walked in. Clint fell on the floor laughing as the rest of the Avengers praised him and Tony for the joke.

When the song finally stopped. Peter fake smiled. "Ha. Ha. Very funny, guys."

Do you know how many people I've tortured into sheer AGONY!?

"C'mon, you cute wittle baby boyyyyy!"

"Aww, don't cry~~"

Do I look like-

"You're so adorable!"

More shouts of babying echoed across the room. Peter could usually tolerate this, until he heard something that sent a heat of anger throughout his body.

"Will you ever amount to anything besides being a stupid, whiny child?" Loki said darkly, looking up at him with a knowing smile. He knew who Peter was and this was his attempt at provoking him.

Peter thought he wasn't joking.

(He was)

He already heard enough crap from God, his Father. He finally escaped Him and His constant scolding. It felt like He was here, yelling at him and casting him down to Hell again.

~~~~****< NO OFFENSE, YOU GUYS but you have to admit this is what Lucifer aka Samael aka the Devil aka the Prince of darkness aka Peter Parker would think about God...  BUT I DON'T AND Y'ALL SHOULDN'T UNLESS YOU'RE A SATANIST OR ATHEIST - THEN YOU DO YOU BOO>****~~~~

Peter whipped his head towards Loki with a scary amount of speed. Everyone stopped talking once they noticed his eyes turn red.

"Woah.. Peter? ᴵˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵖᶦ⁻ᵉʸᵉˀ" Clint asked quietly, knowing deep down it wasn't.

Peter growled. "Shut up!" Peter yelled, his voice sounding unusually demonic. His voice was layered with low, soul-sucking vocals that did not sound like their Peter Parker. Everyone jumped back, except for Natasha, it would take a lot more to startle her.

Everyone looked at Peter's face in confusion. His eyes were a fiery red, outlined into a dark black. Small, unnoticeable sparks of fire danced around his finger tips.

Peter calmed his hands down before walking up to Loki and grabbing the collar of his shirt. He rammed him against the wall so his face didn't face the rest of the Avengers.

"Listen here, head*ss, look at me!" he thundered.

He flashed his Devil face at Loki and grinned as Loki widened his eyes.

"You ain't sh*t."

Peter calmed himself and let his face turn back to normal before letting go of Loki with a loud huff.

He turned around to see the mortified faces of the rest of the Avengers.


The Avengers had decided against questioning Peter on what just happened. They were even more suspicious when Peter blamed his red eyes on the lighting and pink eye. But, alas, they decided to let it go.

They still could only see him as a baby, though. It was impossible not to, with him and his adorable doe eyes.

Peter walked into the room with a scowl on his face.

Tony frowned. What's up with him?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tony asked, showing a hint of concern. Can't show the kid that I care.

"Nothing." Peter muttered. It's not 'nothing'. My subjects, the volatile demons of Hell, are trying to institute a coup d'état. They think I don't know. What a joke!
I'm an angel for Father's sake, they underestimate me too much.

"-Ete, Pete? Earth to Peter!" Tony continuously snapped in front of Peter's face.

Peter groaned and rubbed his head. He grabbed the cup of coffee Tony had made for him and moved over to the couch in front of the T.V., muttering a small 'thanks'.

"Is there anything good on-"

Peter's hairs stood up and he had goosebumps all over. 

The elevator opened and Peter nervously looked towards its general direction.


"Tony, get out of here."

"What, why?" Tony said looking up. And when he did he saw a crowd of random people looking at Peter.

"Holy FU- How the hell did they get up here? What the hell happened to security?"

"Probably dead. Get out of here, Mr. Stark." Peter sternly suggested.

"Why the hell would I do that? I am Iron Man."

"Yeah and soon you'll be Iron Dead if you don't leave!"

"I'm already dead." Tony said darkly.

Peter looked over at him confused.

"Drop dead gorgeous!" 

"Tony, now's not the TIME!"

"Fine, I'm calling for backup. Uh and why the hell are they just standing there?" Tony wondered while looking over at the group of still people. They were just looking at Peter. As if they were daring him to say something to them. 

Tony immediately initiated the emergency plan he set up. Friday alerted the Avengers and as they all came up, one of these people(?) spoke up.

"My Lord... Where have you been?"

"None of your business, Squee!"

"It IS our business. What are we supposed to do without our King!?"

"I don't care. What I do care about is the fact that you all decided to blatantly ignore my orders. I clearly remember banning the possession of human souls? Or did that just not happen?" Peter said in a loud and menacing voice.

"We're sorry, my Lord. But we had to know where you were. We were worried! You never even told us you were leaving!"

"That was for a reason!"

Meanwhile, the Avengers started to get tired staying in battle position for so long. They slowly looked around and stood straight.

"Why the hell are they calling that brat 'Lord'?" Sam whispered to Bucky.

Sam just shrugged his shoulders in response, too engrossed in the conversation to care. 

Peter's pupils became red while the veins around his eyes began to crack and redden like molten lava. 


Squee laughed. "I've been watching you for a while, my Lord..."

Peter scoffed. "And?"

"And... I must say you've grown quite soft." Squee said with a daunting smirk. 

"You're mistaken, Squee. Now, get the hell out before I make you." Peter said as his hands lit on fire. 


"Shit, DAWG"

"LANGUAGE, but also holy motherfluffing shirtballs"

Peter rolled his eyes at the Avengers behind him. And they call me the baby...

He quickly ran into battle as his once loyal subjects ran towards him in as well. 

The Avengers quickly broke out of their stupor and followed the baby into battle as well.

The Avengers hesitated to hurt the civilians, though. They found it as their civil duty to not hurt innocent people. 

Peter groaned. "These horres are already dead, a**holes. The demons can only possess newly deceased bodies." 

The Avengers simultaneously thought "what the f*ck" and shrugged their shoulders. They'll deal with this later. 

The elevator dinged as more and more people ran out to attack Peter and the Avengers. 

Squee then took that moment of distraction to drop-kick Peter out the window. 

Tony shouted in anguish at the loss of the kid, knowing full well that Peter didn't have his web-shooters with him so early in the morning. He tried to run towards the window but the demons clawed at him, immobilizing him and enabling him to not be able to get his suit on. 

What he didn't expect was for the impossible to happen.


Peter found himself falling in the blink of an eye. He didn't even realize it was happening until just a few seconds ago. Peter groaned and muttered profanities as he let his angel wings grow out and carry him up to the top floor of the Tower. He shot up like a bullet and landing on the tower in the classic Iron Man pose. He slowly looked up at the demons in anger.

Tony looked over in shock. 

"YOU HAVE WINGS!?!" Scott shouted.

Peter flapped them twice before shrugging and letting them disappear into his back. 

"I guess." He blankly responded before resuming battle with his trusted subjects turned enemies.

"How the hell did so many of you get here so fast!?!" Peter screamed over the commotion. 

As Peter heard Squee's laughter, he quickly realized what the demons were doing. 

"Don't tell me you're killing them and then using their bodies as a vessel..." Peter trailed off as he knocked out more demons using his fire. He was furious. But he wasn't fast enough to take all of them down in one go. 

Peter came up with an unfortunate plan. It would reveal his identity to the Avengers, but all he cared about was protecting these innocent people's lives. 


They all looked towards him.

"I'm not aboutta cop your line, Cap." Peter reassured Captain America. "But I need y'all to move away from the goddamn demons." 

"Yeah, a little hard to do, dipsh*t." Tony yelled out. That's when Peter noticed all the Avengers were cornered by the demons. 

Peter was on the other side rubbing his forehead at the idiotic people that the world depends on. 

"Listen UP, horres!" Peter yelled, letting his human form burn away as he revealed his devilish self in front of his newfound family.

Peter really looked like the devil now. His skin was blood-red and his face had all kinds of scars and ancient rune marks on it. 

His voice turned demonic and commanding. All the demons froze and turned around, bowing down at their king.

"As your King, the Devil himself, I command all of you to go back to Hell and NEVER return!" Peter's voice was like a megaphone as he engulfed the attackers in flames. 

All the demons left the human bodies, making them all simultaneously fall to the ground. 

Peter reverted to his much more pleasing, human form. 

He sighed as he used his flames to burn all of the bodies into ashes. He opened the windows and grew out his wings once again, flapping them precisely enough so they would fly out the window. 

He landed in front of the Avengers and cracked his shoulders as his wings disappeared into his back. 

Peter smirked.

"Any questions?"


UGH. It's been forever. 

Btw, I watched Engame premiere night and I haven't talked about it once because I was in pure shock. The movie was infinity/10. So good. For some reason, I didn't get bored at all even though it was 3 hours. I was thoroughly entertained. Probably because I got all the Marvel jokes and references lmao. 

[SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] Thor's new look LMAO also cap just copped the hammer like shit dawg. everyone snatched my wig especially Natasha. also that feminist moment was hella forced but like whatever, what shit's new anyways. and once again brie larson almost ruined the movie, thank god she wasn't in it the whole time i would have DIED. she aint a good actor imo. 


This chapter was trash, I know. I was inspired at first and kept it in my drafts forever. Then, I just gave up and forced myself to finish it. I have tons of HW to do though so yay. 

Yippi-ki-yay motherf*ckers!

- stuffy 

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