Peter's Last Fight

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Thanos tauntingly held up the infinity gauntlet in front of Peter, who he had thrown a few feet in front of him.
"And I... Am inevitable..." He said slowly.

All the heroes around the both of them stopped in shock as Thanos snapped his fingers.

He chuckled and waited for the inevitable to happen.

But nothing ever did.

Everyone heard a light snickering, sounding more like a keyboard smash, from Peter.

Peter lifted his right hand up to reveal the infinity stones imbedded into his Iron Spider suit.

Peter smirked. "And I... OOP!" He said as he covered a hand over his mouth in fake shock.

"Peter NO!" Tony shouted as everyone began to race towards him.

But it was too late, for Peter snapped before anyone could stop him.

"Oooh!" Shuri exclaimed. "Sister snapped!" She shouted popping the 'p'.

Peter flew backwards, while softly smiling at Shuri's words. His back crashed into a huge stone making him groan.

Tony slid up to him, tears pricking his eyes.

"It was supposed to me..." He softly told him.

Peter smiled in reassurance as Tony sobbed.

"Mr. Stark, it's oka-"

Tony softly shushed him. "You don't have to speak. Just listen."

"But-" Peter was interrupted again by Tony's soft shushes.

"Peter, I love you 300. Son, you meant everything to me..."

'Meant?' Peter thought. 'Why the hell is he using past tense?'

"But I'm fi-" Peter tried to protest.

Tony grabbed Peter's face and slowly closed Peter's eyelids. "It's okay. You can rest now..."

Tony knew Peter couldn't have survived this. With Peter's ghostly, pale-like appearance, he already looked half-dead. Everyone else agreed.

Peter could hear soft sniffles in front of him and Tony's light sobs. Why is everyone sobbing? If only I could open my eyes... Wait why am I closing them in the first place!?!

Peter slowly cracked his eyes open to see everyone bowing to him. Peter internally scoffed. 'Do they even want me alive at this point?' Peter joked to himself. 'Eh they're probably just messing with me!'

As they bowed, Peter took this time to sneak out. He webbed his way to his Aunt May's house.

Tony and the rest of the heros opened their eyes to see Peter gone.

"Where did he go?" Pepper said in wonder.

"He's with God now..." Steve said solemnly.

Everyone unanimously hummed in agreeance. Anything was possible at this point.

They decided to hold a discreet funeral for him near Tony's house in the woods.


"Hey Peter?"

"Yeah, May?"

"Why is there an invitation in my mail for your funeral?"

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