Chapter 1: Secerts revealed

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Y/N POV ( 15 years old )

It's been five years sence I've became Spider Rose, lately I had to juggle being Spider Rose and Y/N Rose the hunter. Sometimes I had to make mistakes on purpose even if I knew how to anticipate them, but it wasn't so bad I've made some good friends, like my friends of team JNPR my team mates Weiss and Blake who we learn was a faunus and there where others like Coco and Velvet who we hang out with once and awhile. The one hard part is trying to keep my secret of me being spider rose a secret, but right now we where done visiting mom for our weekend break before going back to Beacon.

Y/N: Well mom it was nice catching bit it seems we have to go.

Summer: Ok well it was nice to meet you Blake and Weiss, take care

Y/N: Later mom

We than left bit for some reason I feel like I've forgotten something

Summer POV

I just got done hanging out with my son's new friends/Teammates if only Tai got to see how far Y/N has come as a hunter. I than soon his room was a bit of a mess

Summer: ( Sighs ) That boy, you win some you lose some

I than rolled up my sleeves and started cleaning up a bit until I found a unknown bag he had.

Summer: Strange what is this?

I than put my hand in it expecting something gross or lewd but I saw he had some form of bracelet.

Summer: What's this?

I than pressed a button which than fired a string of webbing.

Summer: Strnage this looks like the shooters Spider Rose uses. Wait a minute

I kept looking and found some stuff he where's like his hoodie, shoes and everything and finally his mask

Summer: My son, is Spider Rose. He has much to explain.


Wait, I forgot my spider rose gear better hurry and grab it

Y/N: Hey guys I forgot something be right back

Yang: Oh, ok just don't take long the bulkhead comes soon

I ran back into my room to see my gear missing

Y/N: Where is it, it should be here?

Summer: Looking for this

She held my bag with all my gear inside

Summer: Spider Rose

My eyes expanded in surprise, but than saw soon she was holding my mask

Y/N: Mom I.

Summer: You have alot of explaining to do young man.

Soon the others came in

Yang: Hey Y/N you where taking awhile so. We. Decide to come. Help

They all saw my mom holding my mask

Weiss: Y/N

Blake: Your

Yang: Spider Rose

Y/N: Ok look let me explain down stairs


I than explained about how I got my powers after dad died and how I made all my gear and me having to hide my powers

Weiss: You mean there where problems you could've stopped but didn't

Y/N: Yeah, cause how do you explain dodging something you can't see coming and having extreme strength to a normal person and it's not Yang can do the same as much I can lift

Yang: Ok I'm more jealous than anything

Summer: How long have been doing this for?

Y/N: Five years

Summer: Five Years! You've been putting yourself in danger for five years that was when you where ten, what if you could've got hurt or killed what then!

Y/N: Look it's not the matter if I wanted to it, it matters that I had to do cause no one else could. If dad was still alive he agree with me too! Either way like it or not I'm staying as Spider Rose, even if you disagree

We staired at each other until the news turned on

Lisa: It seems the white fang are attacking the vale main bridge, officers are holding back but they won't be able to hold for long

Mom then looked at me

Summer: Y/N no.

Y/N: Sorry mom but I have to

I than dissapeared which made everyone shocked that I dissapeared

Weiss: Where he go?

I than grabbed my gear and was hanging on the window with them all able to see me opening it

Y/N: I promise to be home by dinner

Summer: Y/N No!

I jumped out the window I put my mask and shooters on along with my hoodie and shoes along with my black gloves and make it to the bridge catching a ride underneath the bulkhead.

Weiss POV

We all got underneath the bulkhead as it left for Vale

Summer: Great it will take too long until a new bulkhead shows up

Yang: Got any ideas Weiss

Weiss: I, don't know. On one hand it's true he can get hurt but on the other hand he's right. He has to do this.

Summer: My son is in danger!

Weiss: I respect his wishes and so should you too, your his mother!

Summer: I'm trying to protect him!

Weiss: That doesn't mean your helping him!

She than sighed

Summer: Fine but can you atleast take us there so we can see what's going to happen

Weiss: Fine but none of us will get involve that goes for you too Ms. Rose

I than made a nevermore with my Glyphs and we than rode it after him.


I than made it to Vale with me swinging over to the Vale Bridge

Y/N: Ok how hard is it to find a bridge, it's probably the only bridge in Vale

My spider sence went off showing me where the white fang where

Y/N: Someone while get killed in the cross fire, got to stop this fast.

Soon a White fang member was about to shoot a officers but I thank kicked the guy to a pillar and webbed him to it.

Y/N: You ok officer?

Officer: We just called in for backup mins ago.

Y/N: I guess I'm it, what's your status?

Officer: Where pinned down, if we don't hurry someone will get killed.

I looked seeing civilians getting attacked by some white fang troppers with me finding the leader in charge of this

Y/N: Ok, I'll take care of the white fang you, you get your men to get the civilians out of here.

Officer: Got it

I left as soon he started giving orders and using a web bomb to web up the guys keeping some people still at gun point and kicking one off the ledge but I caught him and hung him upside down.

WF: Oh crap it's Spider Rose

Y/N: Hey guys who's ready for their afternoon dose of bodily harm. Warn you I'm quite punchy and zappy.

WF: Get him!

Blake POV

We than made it to the bridge with officers guarding the bridge and getting people out of there. Summer try to get by but they didn't let her pass

Officer: Mam please the situation is being taken care of

Summer: But my son is there!

Officer: Mam please stand back Spider Rose will find him

We all saw him fighting the white fang and I saw instead unlike most where they would have killed them, did fight them but he didn't kill them or let them die, like one fell of the bridge and he caught him and just left him hanging.

Blake: Wow, he's a real hero.

Yang: Yeah they might be trying to kill him he doesn't kill back.

Weiss: That's what makes him pure. That's what makes him a real hero

Blake: No, he's Spider Rose

I looked and saw Summer watching and even if she didn't say anything I could tell that we where right.


Was taking care of the White fang members at the same time saving people who where either trapped by debris or cornered by the white fang while also not letting the white fang killed cause even if they where evil they where still people neither the less.

I was almost there meeting up with the one in charged

Y/N: Hey you know your really giving us spiders a bad name don't you know?

She try to use her webs but she didn't in counter with super strength

I grabbed the webs with my hands being free and tossing her into a pillar and soon breaking free

???: I'll kill you!

Y/N: Sorry my doctor said that dying is bad for my health, I can tell you he's great at his work

She pulled out some dangers and try to charge me but I dodged underneath her and hopped on her back and pull the small knives from her hands

Y/N: Say these things are quite sharp made them yourself

Soon after my spider sence went off showing that the bridge was collapsing, and saw some people where trapped, so I just used some spider drones to keep her at bay

Y/N: You play with my little friends while I take care of work.

I swung over by some people trapped by fire, with no way putting it out. I than used my spider appendages ready

Y/N: Hey listen I can help just remain calm

I fired webbing from my shooters and appendages to the people with each one and swinging them by a ambience

Y/N: Here take them to the hospital as fast as possible.

Paramedic: On it

Soon I made it back to see some of the white fang abandoning the leader behind as the bridge collapse.

Y/N: Ok not cool, not at all

Soon a shock wave cause her to fall but I fired some web to catch her.

Y/N: Hey it's ok I got you now hold on.

I placed her on my back and made it to some people trapped. I fired multiple webs and made a string of webs on both sides and pulled both sides together.

Yang POV

We saw Y/N go under the bridge but we than saw both sides of the broken bridge come together and I we saw underneath the bridge Y/N pulling both sides together with his bare hands

Yang: Damn he got some muscle, I don't think I could that normally but have powers just like well, who knows how much I could lift


After everyone got out I launched myself upward and landed and sliding across the ground in a heroic pose

The leader soon got of my back

???: Thank you Spider Rose.

Y/N: Just doing my job

Soon the cops showed up with guns pointed at her

Y/N: Wait don't shoot she cleary didn't know this was going to happen let alone get involved in this, she's just a victim under circumstances so please let her go.

The officer than grabbed his walkytalky and explained the situation to the chief

Officer: Fine she can go, but she'll be on watch any other "accidents" like this she'll be tossed away. Have a good night Spider Rose

Y/N: Thank you and good luck on the paper work

Officer: Don't remind me, probably thw worse part of the job

Y/N: Don't worry I'll drop some doughnuts off at the station, sound good.

Officer: ( Chuckles ) You know doughnuts sound good right about now, just leave them on the roof and we'll be equal cool.

Y/N: You got it

They than left to get people to the hospital and back to the station, I than looked at the girl who was in charged

Y/N: Hey um?

???: Trifa.

Y/N: Trifa, hey if you don't have a place to stay there's a place called "F.E.A.S.T' all are welcomed even faunus

Trifa: Really. I might check it out, thanks Spider Rose, you're my hero

Y/N: Don't mention it

I swung away to change back into my normal clothing and texting my mom where I was at and was ready to be scold at.

Summer POV

I soon got a text saying "Meet me at the doughnut shop I owe the cops some doughnuts"

Weiss: I'll admit Y/N is a good hunter but he's a better hero.

Blake: Agreed he didn't kill any of them but still fought them

Yang: And did you see those gadgets and that strength boy I wish I could do some of that, what you think mom?

Summer: I have some choice words come on let's go


I sat down on the couch playing with my thumbs with my mom infront of me

Y/N: Look I can tell you didn't like me lying to you and I'm sorry but if I told you.

Summer: I what?

Y/N: You. You probably try to get me out of it either though I had to do it. So look I'm still going to be Spider Rose, what you have to say.

Summer: All I have to say is this. I'm proud of you.

Y/N: Wait what?

Summer: You know what I said. I'm proud of you. At first I was against it but after seeing you fight today and saving all those people and even turning someone life around, I couldn't be more proud of you then you can ever imagine. What I'm saying is keep being Spider Rose in and out of Beacon, cause the world needs you. The world needs Spider Rose.

Y/N: Thanks mom

She than tossed out my hoddie and gloves

Y/N: Hey you said you where proud of me?

Summer: I am but if you are going to do this more often you'll need something more appealing than that.

Y/N: Well I did have one idea for a new look


I was swinging around the city with my new suit that me and mom worked together to make

And it felt like a dream and tons of people watched my new suit

Woman: Looking good spidey

Y/N: Hello Vale! I hope your ready for me cause I'm sure ready for you!

That was it for the first Chapter of Spider Rose and I hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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