Chapter 7: Infiltration

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We got back to Beacon and Ozpina aloud Raven and Vernal to stay at Beacon as long 1 Raven works as a teacher and Vernal becomes a student. Meanwhile the rest of us where getting ready to go to the white fang base.

Y/N: Alright you guys ready

Weiss: I have emergency dust just in case things go bad

Y/N: Good call, we better get going soon

???: Actually before you go can we have a word with you four

We turned to see Gylnda looking at us

Yang: What is it we're kinda in a hurry

Glynda: Just come with me.

We than just shrugged and followed her to Ozpina office

Ozpina: Ah Y/N glad you can make it, thank you for retrieving them for me Glynda.

Y/N: Um well not to be rude but why you call us, we're kinda busy

Ozpina: With the white fang

We all just staired at her surprised.

Blake: How you know?

Ozpina: We heard you over talking about the white fang so we decided to give you some help from our spies from the white fang. Meet Illia and Trifa

We looked and saw the spider faunus from before and another faunus, this one being a camilina faunus

And I saw that Trifa was in sometype of suit

Y/N: Wait you?

Trifa: Oh if it ain't spider rose, your just as I image underneath that mask. Handsome~

She started to rub my check with her right hand while Blake had a different reaction to the other faunus

Blake: Illia, you where a spy this whole time?

Y/N: Friend of yours?

Blake: You see we where both in the white fang as we where young, but I never expect you to be a spy

Illia: That's what us spies call "Hiding in plane sight"

Ozpina: They will go with you to the white fang main base.

Trifa: You should take the offer we can be big help~

Y/N: ( Blushes ) Well it would be nice to have people who know the place inside out.

Yang: Alright then let's go!

Y/N: In that case, lead the way guys


Sometime later we made it to what looked like the base

Illia: This is the place.

Blake: Been a long time sence I've been here. Brings back so many memories.

Yang: Ok what's the plan

Trifa: We've been watching them for awhile, it's the same pattern everyday.

I than put my mask on and looked inside the place.

Y/N: Alright my an analytics show there's about a quite a bit inside, lease being what looks like a training room and the other being more dangerous is the main hall. So we should split into two separate teams

Weiss: That was we can cover more ground and see what we can find

I just try to Weiss and smirk

Y/N: Your getting good at this

Weiss: Well I got a boyfriend who is literally Spider Rose.

Yang: Ok then what are the teams?

Y/N: Ok how about, Illia you take Weiss and Yang to the main hall while me, Blake and Trifa go towards the battle arena, it seems it's closest from their interel is at if we destroy it the white fang with have no more operations

Illia: Sure that will work?

Y/N: Hey worth a try

Yang: Fine by me

I held Weiss hand tight

Y/N: Be safe

Weiss: You too tiger.

We than split up with us going through the vents

Blake: Man it's cramped how do you deal with this?

Y/N: One of many benefits of having spider powers I guess.

We than dropped in into the training room and it was lit with dark red lights.

Y/N: Talk about welcoming.

Blake: Something feels off.

Trifa: You said it

We than heard what sounded like a sword being unshearthed, we turned to see a bright red light with a female faunus pulling a sword out

Blake: Oh no Eve!

Y/N: Friend of yours!

Blake: You can say that.

Trifa: Either way we got to pass her if we want the intel

Y/N: Ok let's do this

Yang POV

Meanwhile we where making our way to the head honcho of the white fang, until we saw a big door with a red white fang symbol

Weiss: Yeah that isn't evil in the slightest.

Illia: The symbol used to be more civil or something like that

Yang: You mean more tamed

Illia: Correct

???: Well what I see is power and fear

We turned to see the leader of the white fang

Yang: Oh shit.

Weiss: Well here we go!


We where having to deal with Blake's old friend and she was not only strong but she was also fast, I had to keep moving and try to web her up any opportunity I had

Y/N: Hey does she have any weakness Blake?

Blake: Not any I can think of.

Eve: That's because I have no weakness!

Y/N: That's true I've been doing this for years and I learn everyone has a weakness.

Eve tried to slice me multiple time but I jumped backwards and lauched myself into her kicking her in the face then Trifa took over punching her in the gut and kicked her masked off and headbutted her in the head which caused her to tumble back letting me see her face.

Y/N: Your face?

I saw she had a SDC logo burned into her face.

Eve: Don't you see what I've been through!

She kept trying to hit me but I just kept dodging with her leaving slight cuts on my suit until I was able to tie her up with some webs and Blake was able to hold her in place with Gambol Shroud

Y/N: Hey Blake you mind you give us a moment

Blake nodded while I sat by Eve

Y/N: Listen I can tell you've been through alot of pain! But that doesn't give you the right to hurt people just because how you where treated.

Eve: You know nothing! You don't know how much I suffered!

Y/N: Ok I'll give you that I never went what you went through I'll give you that one, but I know how it is to feel hurt losing something or someone you care about. I lost my dad years ago and one day I did find his killer and did I kill him? No cause that's not what he want for me and I knew he would want better for me and I knew I could be better so I choose not to kill him cause that make me as bad or worse as him.

Eve still looked mad but she seemed to calm down a bit

Eve: Where are you going with this.

Y/N: Simple I said I would be better then who I was before after losing my dad after he was killed so maybe you could do the same instead of trying to hurt people maybe you can show those who did you wrong by doing good.

Eve didn't say anything but I could see she was crying

Y/N: Blake let her go.

Blake was surprised but after seeing Eve tears she compiled and let her go.

Y/N: What is wrong?

Eve: I. I. I. I don't know what to do.

I than placed my hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: I said the same thing back then but I then found a way

I took off my mask to show my face.

Y/N: I used the powers I got to help others whoever needed me cause along the way I learn this "With great power comes great responsibility". Maybe you should use your gift to help others and maybe by you helping humans instead of attacking them maybe things will actually change. You willing to give it a chance?

I held my hand out to her and she didn't take it but she hugged me instead

Y/N: Oh looks like got ourselves a hugger.

I than hugged her back and patted er back too until she let go.

Eve: Thank you.

Y/N: No problem.

We than soon got a call from Weiss

Y/N: Weiss what's wrong

Weiss: We're bit in a bit of a jam is all it be nice if you all oh I don't know. GIVE US A HAND!!!

Y/N: On our way just hold on. Come on the others need us.

We than made haste to where Weiss and the others where at.

Weiss POV

Sirrena kept trying to slash us with her chain whip with her able to get a good hits on with Illia being lauched into some glass.

Weiss: You alright?

Illia: I'm fine.

Yang than try to hit her with her fist on fire but she caught Yang fist with her whip and was able to make Yang punch herself with her soon landing on her back and Sirrena had her whip ready with it leaving sparks as it was dragged over to Yang.

Sirrena: This is the end for you.

She was about to strike Yang with her chain whip with Y/N coming in time to stop her

Y/N: NO!

He fired some web onto Sirrena hand and tossed her into the next room over and him joining her soon. Soon Blake and Trifa along with a bull Faunus showed up and help Yang up.

Blake: You ok Yang?

Yang: Yeah I'm ok just a scratch.

Trifa: You think he can handle her?

Weiss: Acrouse he can, cause he's Spider Rose.


I got up with Sirrena infront of me with her robe ripped up.

Sirrena: You think you can stop me!

Y/N: I can atleast try.

Sirrena try to launch her chain whip at me but I dodged out of the way and kept dodging as she kept trying to hit me until I fired some webbing in her face before I lauched forward and kicked her in the face and used my spider appendages to grab a hold of her and toss her into a wall.

She was able to bounce back and used her whip to grab some debris to hit me but I jumped on to the debris and lauched myself to her and using my webs to hit her but she deflected them with me soon firing a trip wire to make her fall to the ground face first. I than hopped on her back and used some venom power to electrocute her.

She was soon able to get me off her and wrapped her chain whip around me which cut into some of my suit and tossed me into a wall.

Y/N: Oh come on me and my mom worked hard on the suit!

She kept trying to strike me but I was able to keep dodging and soon after I slid under her and activated my spider appendages and soon I kicked her in the air and soon started punching and hitting her with my spider appendages and soon slamming her into the ground again.

Y/N: You know what your doing is wrong! Nothing about this will change if you keep doing what your doing!

Sirrena: What do you mean it does works, they attack us we than attack back that's how it works. It's the only way to get our way!

Y/N: No your wrong! It will only make things worse, they attack you and then you attack them, what happens then they'll just keep attacking you if you keep going, if you want it to end is to be the one to end the violence, you have to be the better of the two!

Sirrena: How you sure it will work!

Y/N: It must be better than this!

We kept fighting with Sirrena cutting the fabric on my arm exposing my web shooters but still functional and it also cut apart of my mask but I soon punched her and was soon able to tie her up with my webs.

Y/N: Please when does the violence ends?

Sirrena: You don't get it! You don't know how much I lost how much I suffered!

Y/N: Than talk to me about it! What is it?!

Sirrena than stopped it felt she had no reason to keep going.

Sirrena: You see, I always try to do something good for the white fang but it seems anytime something good happens I mostly get the blame. I just want to make things better.

Y/N: Then come with us and help us make things better

I held my hand to her which she took where we got back to the others

Weiss: Y/N you ok!?!

Y/N: I'm find it's just a scratch just needs some simple repairs.

Weiss: That's good

Yang: Let's go hoke guys

Before we could leave we got a call from Winter.

Weiss: Winter what's wrong?

Winter: Weiss you and your friends need to get here quick! Ironwood has gon nuts and he has this new weapon to destroy all of Megeinare!

Blake: My home!

Y/N: Hold on we are on the way!

We than hung up and made it to the bulkhead

Illia: There's no way we can make it in time to Atlast with this peice of junk!

Y/N: Hold on give me a moment.

I opened the hatch and punched it giving it some venom power which seemed to power it up

Y/N: Next stop Atlast

We soon punched it to Atlast in a big hurry

That's it for now I hope you enjoyed and until then see you later. BYE!!!

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