Chapter 8: The Ultimate Spider Rose

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We where hurrying to Atlast where on the ground people where in a panic of what was happening

Blake: This looks bad.

Yang: What's plan Y/N.

I looked on the ground and saw what was happening below

Y/N: Ok I got a plan, Weiss get on the ground and meet up with Winter help as many people as possible.

Weiss: Got it!

She jumped down and used a Glyph to glide down

Y/N: Illia, Sirrena and Trifa go find Weiss mother, get her away from the city.

They nodded with them jumping down with Trifa using some webbing to parachute herself down

Y/N: Now Yang, Blake and Eve head to the Atlast take care of Ironwood and get Penny we'll need her.

Yang: On it, come on!

Yang jumped and swung into the city with Blake and Eve running by the roof tops and me heading to where the weapon was.

Weiss POV

I was using my glyphs to help people get to the bulkheads leaving Atlast.

People: Help us!

Weiss: Hold on!

I summoned my knight to help some people trapped under some debris but it wasn't working until another appeared and help them out and where I saw Winter

Weiss: Glad to see your here Winter

Winter: You too sister, where's the rest of your team?

Weiss: Y/N is heading to the weapon, Yang, Blake and Eve are going to deal with Ironwood while the rest are going to help mother.

Winter: I guess it's the two of us. Listen that weapon that Ironwood is going to use father had a hand in it.

Weiss: What! I knew he was mad but not crazy!

Winter: I know but as it stands we are the only ones who can stop him at the moment

Weiss: Alright let's get going, he's going to pay for ruining the Schnee name.

We than hurried to where Father was.

Trifa POV

We where passing through the dark halls of the Schnee matter with art of Jaques on the walls making look like some form of savoir or hero

Sirrena: This place makes me feel sick

Illia: If only they knew what type of man he is.

Trifa: Don't worry he'll pay but for now we got to find Willow Schnee.

We kept going until we found a room with Willow hiding under a table, soon after we went up to her

Trifa: Are you hurt?

Willow: Who are you?

Trifa: I'm Trifa Webs or the Black Widow, Beacon spy and expect of espinoza.

Illia: Illia spy of Beacon just like Trifa

Sirrena: And I'm Sirrena ex leader of the White Fang.

Willow: What you three doing here?

Trifa: Spider Rose told us to come here to help you

Willow: Wait you know him? Who is he?

Trifa: That information is classified.

We where able to help her up until we saw Atlast guards coming to the manor.

Illia: We'll have to take the back way

We ran with the sounds of gun fire coming right behind us.

Yang POV

We made it to a lab where we looked around to see nothing and Penny offline

Yang: Penny is a robot?

Blake: Explains her werid behavior.

Eve: Just get her out

Blake went to help her but something felt off until

Yang: Blake look out!

But it was too late, Blake was shot by some unknown bullet and where we saw Ironwood holding a new gun

Ironwood: That's far enough.

Yang: You bastard!

Eve: You'll pay for your crimes!


Unknown to them the unknown material in the bullet that Blake was shot with was spreading out all over her body with the material being a mix of purple and black.


I was heading to the weapon to see if I could stop it

Y/N: I'm on my way to the weapon how everyone else doing?

Weiss: It seems Jaques had a hand with the weapon me and Winter are on our way there

Y/N: Take him down, Trifa how you on your girl's end

Trifa: We found Weiss mother, but it seems Ironwood was on to us, we are taking her to the back way out.

Y/N: Got it, Yang how you doing?

Yang: Not good Blake's down and me and Eve are dealing with Ironwood.

Y/N: Make sure you give him the heat, don't let what happened to Blake go for nothing. I'm heading to the weapon down see you soon.

I kept going until I saw some atlast troopers

Troop: Freeze, your under arrest.

Y/N: Look I don't have

So they where getting attacked by Quill and some other girls

Y/N: Quill

Quill: Get out of here young blood!

Y/N: What you doing here and who are they?

Quill: Friends of mine, and your mom filled me in what's happening.

On her friends being the tallest and having a hammer walked up to me

???: You got better things to take care of. We'll handle these guys

I than saw more soilders coming.

Y/N: Alrighr be careful.

I than swung to where the weapon was.

Trifa POV

We where running from Atlast soilders.

Trfia: Ms Schnee keep your head down!

Illia helped her find some cover as I fired some shoots at them and Sirrena able to slice some of them with her whip.

Sirrena: There too many of them.

Willow: Wait.

She ran into a room with Illia taking a shoot for her in the arm

Trifa: You ok?

Illia: Just a flesh wound.

I took the bullet out and was able to make some type of cast for her arm with my webs and soon after Willow came back with a small fire dust vile

Willow: Shoot at this

She tossed it at them and I shoot it which caused a explosion causing some debris to fall

Sirrena: That will hold for now, come on let's hurry.

We than made a B line for the exit.

Weiss POV

We made it to the bunker he was at.

Weiss: This seems to be it.

Winter: Be ready.

We armed ourselves and we kicked the door down with him standing and looking out a window watching the chaos and drinking wine

Weiss: End of the road father!

Winter: Your tyrannical rain ends here.

He just sat there looking at the chaos

Jaques: You know this could make a lot of lien with the right PR department.

Weiss: That's what you care about lien this lien that, you don't care who your stepping on or how your going to step on them. You just won't stop until you get your way!

Winter: And that ends here!

He puts his glass down

Jaques: Very well then

and unsteaths the family's sword

Jaques: Have it your way.

Yang POV

We been trying to fight him but it seems something was in his favor. Eve try to slice him with her sword but he blocked and when I try to punch him he dodged and grab a hold of me and tossed me at Eve.

Ironwood: Don't you see you can't win. My Semeblance puts this fight into my favor.

He than pointed his gun at my head

Ironwood: You'll be seeing your friend Blake real soon.

???: Sooner than you think

He than turned with him getting impaled by a black slime like blade and where we saw what happened to Blake

Yang: B-Blake?

She than reared her head back and chopped down on Ironwood head and ripped his head off and ate it too and soon after tossed his body away like it was nothing but trash

Yang: Um Blake?

Eve: How you feeling?

Soon the werid mask she had kinda retracted and showed her face.

Blake: I feel great, I feel stronger, faster. I feel like I can do anything.

She than pulled out a mutated version of her cleaver and it than morphed into an axe.

Yang: I guess it seems it's not only you that seemed to change.

Blake: You said it. But I can get used to this.

We than powered on Penny as her eyes opened with life.

Yang: You feeling ok?

Penny: I feel great, love your new outfits and who's the faunus girl

Blake: Wait me or Eve?

Penny: The bull faunus, your name is Eve?

Eve: Yes but not important right now, can you check to see if anyone is in danger.

Penny: Yes mam!

She than took off with Eve looking a bit confused

Eve: I'm not that old to be called mam right?

Yang: I don't know now come on.

We than ran out to go help Penny with her search.

Weiss POV

We where fighting Father and for quite a old man he wasn't a amateur.

Jaques: You must see that your swordsmenship cleary comes from my side of the family.

Winter: Probably the only thing we got from you.

Winter try to attack him from the front and I try to attack from behind but he blocked me with the sheath and blocked Winter with the sword.

Jaques: Enough of this.

He than summoned a glyph below him and pushed us back and soon saw he had summon some type a knight on a armored horse

Jaques: You two have defied me for the last time!

Weiss: Two can play at that game father!

I than summoned my giant knight

Winter: Make that three

She than summoned a giant manticorn.

While I try to strike father with my giant sword Winter took the chance to ram into the horse. Soon the horse knocked Winter's manticorn back which I pushed father sword back and was able to slice him and his horse.

Jaques: You've always been disobedient even sence you where born!

Weiss: At least I try to fix what's broken unlike you!

I than stabbed the knight in the chest which seemed to hurt him but he pushed me back but soon Winter rammed I to him impaling the horse and I finished it off cutting the knights head off with the whole thing dissipating and him on the ground defeated.

We than got unsummoned our summons and walked up to me

Jaques: What will you do now kill me. That will make you as evil as I am daughter.

We than looked at each other and smirked

Winter: It's not us you have to worry about.

Weiss: But mother on the other hand would like some payback.

We than knocked him out and started to drag him away.


I swung to where the weapon was and saw it was about to launch.

Y/N: Ok how can I stop it?

I saw it was going to launch really soon.

Y/N: There's no time to stop the launch, but what if I. Worth a try!

I ran to it and grabbed a hold of the weapon and soon started to absorb the energy and I could feel it's energy corsling through me and I could feel it ripping some of my mask to the point my left eye was visible and my mouth was exposed


Soon the weapon was disabled but I could feel it's energy coursing through me and I couldn't hold it in

Y/N: Now. Need to. Find a way. To release this energy. But where?

I looked up and staired into the stary sky.

Y/N: That's it.


Everyone but Y/N met up in the center of Atlast

Trifa: Everyone ok?

Yang: Yeah.

Weiss looked around and couldn't find Y/N

Weiss: Wait where's Y/N?

Winter: Penny you see him.

She scanned the area to see Y/N on a roof.

Penny: Up there!

She pointed and they saw him jump off.

Sirrena: What's he doing!?

He soon actived his spider appendages to shoot some webs to make a giant web which he than slingshot himself into the air with tons of force that he went above the academy, the clouds and even the sky to where he was in space with all the stars and the sun glowing so bright and he looked down to see his world below him and with the memories of the promise he made to his dad

Y/N ( Past ): I'll be a hero who wears the mask of a hero.

Y/N than smiled and closed his eyes with a tear streaming down his face as he soon released the energy inside of him in a form of a giant explosion.

On the ground all the people below saw a giant explosion of venom power spearding acrouse the sky and acrouse space

All the people watching  around the world saw the energy of the explosion expand a long reach destroying tons of stars, even breaking the sun just like the moon

Eve: Oh my oum.

They than saw the young boy falling from the sky at a rapid pace.

Illia: Hurry someone catch him!

Soon after Penny grabbed the boy and landed down gently and rested the boy on the ground with most of his costume ripped apart and soon his girlfriend Weiss running up to him and hugging him and crying as he stood still

Weiss: Y/N please, say something!

She kept crying as she hold him.

Weiss than felt Y/N hug her back and she saw his eyes where open.

Y/N: Yang.

Yang just staired at him with surprise and some with tears in their eyes

Y/N: Dad said "Hi".

Yang/Weiss/Blake: Y/N!!!

They than hugged him tightly as they cried

Weiss: We thought we lose you! I thought I lose you.

He than made her look at him.

Y/N: I never leave you, any of you.

They than got up with Yang helping him up.

Y/N: So what I miss?

Blake: You missed alot Y/N


It was than on the whole news with Jaques getting arrested and as me as Spider Rose saved Maginrea with many people seeing the explosion and Blake told me her new suit

Y/N: I guess super hero outfits are kinda catching on

Blake: Yeah, but it isn't a bad trend.

We than saw Winter come out with also the people who helped Quill

Y/N: So what's the word


Yang: Fired?!

Winter: Yeah what happened today the council removed all of us our jobs.

Blake: So what will happen to you all?

Winter: I'm not sure.

Y/N: Well you can come to Beacon we could use some veterans around

Harriet: Thanks hun~

Weiss: What about Atlast? Who will be incharge

Winter than showed us Penny father

Winter: Meet General Pietro.

Yang: Really can you lead

Pietro: Can't be that heard better than working in a lab. And Y/N as thanks we are willing to let you make a new suit with whatever technology we have.

Y/N: Well I got something in mind.


After some work I came back in my new suit

Yang: Ok that screams you

Y/N: Yep it has all my old stuff but improved and it's a mix of programmable matter and a Nano tech mesh, with the Nano tech being the first layer then my aura then the programmable matter thrid and the last layer is little old me. I even gave it a holographic glowing red cape along with the rest of the red glowing.

Eve: Nice

Winter: Well it be best we get going.

Before we left Pietro stopped me

Pietro: Y/N can I talk to you.

Y/N: Sure, what is it?

Pietro: I want you to take my daughter. I want her to have a life of her own.

Y/N: I see come on Penny.

Penny: So does this make us friends still

Y/N: Acourse we are unless you want to change our relationship?

Penny: Alright soon to be more than friend Y/N.

She than left with it only being me and Pietro

Pietro: Thank you Spider Rose

Y/N: Actually from now on I'm. The Ultimate Spider Rose.

I than left swinging my way out of the atlast tower and following the others with Penny flying by my side.

Man what a rush, well I hope you enjoyed and next up will kinda be a update on Y/N bio and showing what Blake has become and until then I'll see you next time. BYE!!!

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