Accidents: Part 3

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(Recap: Okay so, Peter may have accidentally...killed a guy. He's been freaking out for days. And now he has to spend a day with the Avengers. Should he tell them? Should he keep it to himself? Even he's not sure yet...)

"Kid!" Happy waved from the car impatiently. The kid had been standing in front of the school chatting for almost ten minutes now! Ugh, teenage priorities. The head of security leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes under the sunglasses. Might as well get a nap in.

"Yeah, okay Ned I'll take some pictures," Peter laughed.

MJ pointed at him. "You better send those lame pictures to me too."

Peter smirked. "You got it."

Ned waved goodbye and the web slinger salutes dramatically. When he turned away from them he sighed, dropping his fake excitement. Worry clouded his mind. Stop it, he ordered his mind weakly. You don't have any more room for emotional baggage. Maybe he was overreacting. It would be fine. They would all have fun like normal. Nothing would go wrong.

He dragged himself over to Happy's Audi and pulled the door open. Happy didn't react. Even when he sat in the backseat, the driver remained motionless.

"Uh, Happy?" Peter waved a hand in front of the man's face.

Happy abruptly reached up and caught his hand, eyes still closed. He threw it back at Peter angrily.

"I'm trying to take a nap."

Peter looked at him for a second in disbelief. Really? Ugh. He leaned his head against the window and rubbed his face tiredly. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea. At least he had gotten some sleep last night though. He closed his eyes to rest them for a few minutes.

Why has it been quiet for so long? Happy wondered and opened one eye to check in the teen in the backseat. He was astonished to see the kid curled up on the door, obviously asleep and drooling. He has an off switch?

The man shook his head in wonder and started up the car. Note to self: Sleep and he will sleep. Teenagers are weird. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, beginning the hour drive to the compound. At least he wouldn't have to worry about the kid talking his ear off.

Peter was still asleep when they arrived. The Avengers all waited anxiously for the ball of sunshine to get there. When Happy walked in complaining about not wanting to carry any sleeping kids, they were all up off the couch and outside. Clint chuckled and took pictures. Sam snorted.

"He's drooling again," the Falcon pointed out.

Tony looked on uselessly. He could maybe lift him, Peter was a pretty light kid, but there was an equal chance he would drop him halfway. "Steve, could you...?"

"Yeah, I'll get him," the super soldier carefully opened the door and scooped Pete up bridal style.

Clint snapped another picture.

"Barton, give him some peace for once," Hope scolded.

"Peace sounds boring," he complained.

Nat shushed him and he grudgingly quieted down. She squinted at the bags under Peter's eyes and the slight frown on his face. A line in between his eyebrows signaled his distress. The assassin seemed to be the only one who noticed the boy wince in his sleep.

"Take him to his room," she ordered. "We should let him sleep."

Clint rolled his eyes. "Laaaaaame."

Nat glared until he sighed and looked away, grumbling about loosing his prank partner. No one else had the courage to argue with her. He did look exhausted, now that she mentioned it. Steve's protective motherly instincts started kicking in.

"I'll take him up right now."

Tony was immediately by his side. "I'm coming with."

His boyfriend didn't answer, seeing the worried look on his face. He's going to make a great dad one day, Steve thought fondly. He choked up mid-step when he realized what he just thought. Wait, what? Tony gave him a confused sideways glance, but didn't mention his stumble. He had more important things to worry about. Like the fact that Peter wasn't getting any sleep and looked sick and way too skinny to be healthy.

They set the boy in the room he used any time he slept over. Peter immediately curled up into a protective ball. Tony knitted his eyebrows together.

"What...?" He started, but trailed off when Peter let out a cry of alarm.

"He's still asleep," Steve sat on the bed next to him and shook the boy's shoulder. "I think he's having a nightmare."

Peter didn't wake up quickly. He stared mumbling things, most of which Tony didn't catch, but a few were more prominent.

"...I didn''s–it wasn't my my-my fault..."

It broke Tony's heart. He wasn't supposed to have a heart, yet his lie in pieces. Tears had built up under the boy's eyelids and were just now making their way down his face. Steve sucked in a breath and shook his shoulder again.

"Son, wake up," he said softly. "You're just dreaming, Peter, wake up."

The boy's eyes snapped open, panicked. He gripped the super soldier's arm tightly and threw him away forcefully. Steve yelled out in surprise along with Tony as he flew across the room and right through the wall to the left.

"Holy–Kid! Peter, calm down, it's fine," Tony grabbed the shoulders of the panicked and confused teenager. Peter's heavy breathing slowed a bit as his eyes focused on Tony.

"Mr–" Peter held onto Tony's arms for support. "Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah, kid, it's me," Tony hugged him to his chest. Peter gripped him as if he were the only thing anchoring him to the world.

Steve groaned and sat up in the other room. His head throbbed, but he knew it wouldn't last long. He'd taken worse hits before.

"Steve, are you okay?" Tony's asked worriedly, peaking through the Captain-America-shaped whole in the wall.

Steve stood and leaned through the gap. "Yeah, how about Peter."

"I'm f-fine," the boy's small voice answered, head still against Tony's chest. "It was just a nightmare, I'm fine."

"What in the name of hell?" A shocked Clint asked from the doorway of his bedroom, limply holding a bow half drawn.

"What did you do to my wall?"


Lmao I love Clint–marvel Clint, not the dick Clint. That guy was a jerk.
Anyways I'm not gonna drag this on anymore, because author notes are laaame. Thanks for reading web heads.

- Wanda

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