AN: I Needs Help

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First of all, sorry, your regularly scheduled angst is after this. It's already up if you want to just skip over this note. I just need some advise.

So, if I were to, say, write a Hogwarts/Marvel crossover, which house would everyone be in?? So I made this list I just need some nerds like you to tell me if it's okay or if they should be in different houses.

Natasha/Black Widow - Slytherin

Clint/Hawkeye - Hufflepuff

Tony/Iron Man - Ravenclaw

Bruce Banner - Ravenclaw

Steve/Captain America - Griffindor

Bucky/Winter Soldier - Griffindor (I guess he could be Slytherin too)

Peter/Spiderman - Hufflepuff

Sam/Falcon - Griffindor

Scott/Antman - Hufflepuff

Hope/Wasp- Slytherin

Wanda/Scarlet Witch - Ravenclaw

Pietro/Quicksilver - Griffindor

Thor/Thor - Griffindor

Loki/Loki - Slytherin

Pepper Potts - Ravenclaw

Rhodey/War Machine - Griffindor

Ned Leeds - Hufflepuff

MJ/Michelle - Ravenclaw

Shuri - Ravenclaw

T'Challa/Black Panther - Griffindor

Stephan/Dr. Strange - Ravenclaw


Okoye (the badass general) - Griffindor
Nakia (the badass girlfriend) - Slytherin
Happy Hogan - (idk Slytherin??)
Starlord - Griffindor
Gamora - Slytherin
Rocket - Ravenclaw
Groot - Hufflepuff
Drax - Griffindor)

(Oof that was a long list, sorry).
Just vote on which houses they should be in or if you approve of the ones I chose. If there is anyone else I should add, please tell me that too. Thank you so much if you did, I promise all comments will be helpful!

Anyways, back to angsty Spiderman stuff. >

- WandaMaximoff24

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