Field Trip: Continued Sequel

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(Recap: Peter went to the compound with a black eye thanks to Flash and the Avengers got protective, so when Peter's class takes a trip to Stark tower, he knows what's up. In just a few minutes Tony Stark and some 'special guests' are going to give a speech about who knows what...well Peter knows what, but he hopes he's wrong. Happy reading, web-heads.)

Peter groaned as all the students lined up and filed out of the room to hear Tony's speech. The boy tapped his leg anxiously as they were shoved into a large conference room, like a lecture hall, easily big enough to fit the year's sophomore class. Everyone found seats as fast as possible, chatting, phones out texting, reading. One kid had somehow smuggled a football in and was rolling it around. Voices and sounds echoed off the walls, making Peter's hyper sensitive hearing act up. He winced, clutching the attention of his best friend.

"You okay, dude?" Ned poked him in the arm.

Peter gave a weak smile and nodded encouragingly. They found seats near the back, Peter hoping that Mr. Stark wouldn't be able to spot him from down below. Ned and Peter dropped their backpacks in front of them and waited for everyone else to find a seat before the lights faded and the room went dark. The dim lighting didn't affect Peter much with his heightened vision, though some students shifted around uncomfortably. Peter rolled his eyes. His mentor always had a flair for drama.

A spot light lit up on the edge of the stage revealing, the one and only, Tony Stark. The billionaire strutted to the podium confidently, flashing a grin as the audience erupted in enthusiastic applause. He stood at center stage, allowing the worship for a few moments before holding up a hand to quiet them. He kept it silent for an extra second than needed before speaking.

"So, have you guys been having fun?"

The auditorium was once again filled with happy shouts and loud claps as students told him they were having a great time. It was true, the tour had been fun so far. Aside from the fact that one of the scientists had asked Peter to help him out with a formula for a few minutes and the security thing, the web slinger's day had gone smoothly.

Tony continued on to talk about how amazing Midtown Tech was and how he was proud to say that some of the brightest young minds he knew went there (Peter swore Mr. Stark's gaze lingered on him in the dark corner). He then went in to talk about his own schooling days and accomplishments and gave the 'you can get to where I am too' speech.

Afterwards, he asked for questions. Peter was so relieved that Tony hadn't mentioned him that he slumped down in his chair, shoulders sagging tiredly.

"Do you actually have an internship program for kids our age?"

Oh, fick. Peter recognized that voice.

"No, sorry kid," Tony gave him a sideways grin. "You'll have to wait for collage."

Flash immediately jumped up from his seat and pointed a triumphant finger at the young hero. "Ha! I knew it! Penis Parker was lying!"

"Excuse me?" Tony said sharply. Flash turned back around in surprise to see the esteemed hero's face going red in anger.

"I'll have you know that Peter is smarter than any collage graduate that I have ever met. In fact he's probably more intelligent then most people in this building. Now, I know you may have a hard time pronouncing some things, Flash Thompson, due to your stupidity, but I'll help you with this one. It's pronounced Peeeeter. Come on, say it with me."

Everyone watched holding back laughs as the great Iron Man treated to coolest jock in school like a six year old. Flash was completely red in the face embarrassed, but Tony didn't stop until he said it right. Then he sat down, glaring daggers at Peter as if it were his fault. Then Tony continued to answer questions like nothing happened. The students left the auditorium with grins on their faces, especially Peter. All except Flash, whom everyone laughed at when he came out, fueling his hate for the Parker kid even more.

The last thing they would be doing was a string of rotations that Peter was excited for and stiff about at the same time when he learned that the Avengers themselves would be teaching. There were only three 'classes' that they had decided to teach together. Ned was fangirling the entire time, but so was pretty much everyone else. The first one was going to be taught by Steve, Bucky, Sam and Rhodey. Well this is going to be interesting.

As soon as their group walked in with a bunch of other groups, the heroes immediately zoomed in on me. They didn't really try to make it subtle, either.

"Pete!" Bucky wrapped his metal arm around my shoulder and looped the other around Ned, who looked like he was going to faint. "And you must be Ned."

"Pl-Pl-Pleasure to meet you, ah, sir," Ned mumbled with wide eyes full of astonishment.

"Hey, Peter," Rhodey called. "We were going to order pizza for dinner tonight, so what do you want?"

He held up a notepad. Whoever was on food duty always had to write everything down because there was so many orders and it was hard to keep track of.

"Uh," Peter's face turned red as he caught the wide-eyes stares of his classmates. "Three meat is fine."

"Aight," he scribbled something down and turned around to set the pad on a desk.

It seemed like they wanted Peter's schoolmates to know that the Avengers knew the nerd personally.

It was a long class about war history and battle tactics. It would have been boring if the four men hadn't been acting everything out in extreme drama. Flash surprisingly stayed silent the entire time, but there was no way that Peter could miss the bully's eyes drumming into the back of his head. A dull throb from his spidey sense kept going on, as if he were constantly in danger of being punched, but it couldn't decide when.

Hope, Scott, Bruce and Thor had the next class, exaggerating the fact that they knew him. Bruce even asked him to check his work on a project. He was being completely serious, though, Peter was smart enough to catch him mistakes. He made a good lab assistant. The only thing that made Peter's heart pump loudly in his chest was that when he went in, the god of thunder walked right up to him and said:

"Hello Man of Sp-"

"Hi!" Peter loudly cut him off and gestured that his identity had to remain secret. Thor only shrugged and went back to hugging the teen.

Their final class was with Wanda, Vision, Clint and Natasha.

Wanda hugged him and told him to help them out. Clint 'accidentally' shot an arrow in Flash's direction. Vision reminded him to stop being immature. It was in the final hours of their time in the tower that Flash made a horrible mistake.

"Move over, Penis-"

He was cut off by Natasha drawing a knife and lunging at him. Clint and Vision had to hold her back from getting sued. The look on Flash's face was so worth it though as the bully stumbled over a chair in an attempt to get away.

"Never call him that again," she hissed through clenched teeth.

Flash didn't even look at him the rest of the day. Or the next week.

His life was looking better already.

That is...until Clint started what would soon be known as 'The Prank War to End All Prank Wars.'



Wait, no it's not! Well of that story/four shot thing. (Do you guys actually want me to write the prank war?) Thanks for not being bored, or at least finishing this and hopefully commenting. Sorry for rushing the end, it's like two in the morning so, I wanna sleep.
Read through the next authors note please, it's really important.
Later, web-heads!


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