Guardians: Part 7

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(Recap: Peter shut down all the alien robots, but the Avengers are about to toss the ship back into space, not knowing he's still on it! How's our wall crawler going to get out of this one?)

"Guys, wait!" I shouted into the coms, but I think I broke them during my last fall. "Oh god. Oh god."

A red haze had already surrounded the ship, effectively blocking me off from my only escape route. Why did Wanda have to be so good at her job? I started pacing, knowing it wouldn't help, but I did it anyway.

"Stupid!" I told myself and stopped when o realized there was an easy solution to this. "Karen, call Mr. Stark."


Tony was relieved to say the least when FRIDAY announced an incoming call from Peter Parker. He settled on a rooftop to speak with the boy.

"Kid!" He sighed, letting his worry dissipate. "Where'd you end up? I'll come pick you up and we'll have a party, that sound good?"

It was strange. The kid's voice was staticky and kept fizzing out.

"Yeah okay Mr...but first...kinda on...alien"

Tony blinked in confusion. "What? Your connection is horrible."

As Tony tried to talk to him, he watched as Vision and Wanda worked together to push the warship away. It was pretty amazing to watch until the billionaire started to piece together what Peter had said.

"Please...I can't..."

"Oh shit!" He activated his thrusters and pushed off, going full speed for the ship. It was slowly disappearing through the clouds. The rain was letting up, Thor's light show finally over. The winds still howled thanks to him being so high up.

"Tony what the hell are you doing?" Steve yelled at him.

Sam languaged Steve, and Tony would have laughed, but the circumstances wouldn't let him. Instead he ignored them all and focused on Karen's weak connection.

"Pete, I need you to keep talking to me, alright?" He demanded.



It's fine...Mr. on his way...

Even my thinking was slow. Probably due to my lack of oxygen. I couldn't stand for the same reason. I had to sit leaning against the wall, using the last of my physical strength and willpower to stay sitting up. My eyes drooped. When did I get so tired?

"Kid? Peter don't close your eyes! Just keep talking to me..." Mr. Stark's voice faded out.

The pain in my shoulder had numbed. I couldn't even focus on that. Everything was uneven and confusing and blurry. Was the ship still moving? Was I in space?

My ragged breathing answered that. Not yet maybe. Almost, though. It was like breathing soup while my throat was clogged. My limbs were heavy. My chin dropped to my chest. I was too exhausted to look up.

Stay...awake...Mr. Stark...coming...

I pulled my mask off in an effort to breath easier. It didn't help much. I gasped in some air. Gasp. Breathe. Let it out. Shit.


Then I succumbed to the darkness.


Shit. Shitshitshit. Double shit.

"Wanda!" Tony shouted fiercely and banged on the red force. "Open this goddamn barrier! Peter's still in there!"

"What?" She screeched through his coms and immediately dropped it.

He didn't waste time repeating what he said. The hero ripped the hole wider on the side of the ship where the trio had entered before and stepped through. Light shine in behind him, illuminating the hallway.

Which way should I...?

The question trailed off in his head as he caught sight of Peter, sitting slumped over beside the exit. His breathing was loud and not very often. He clutched his mask in his two hands as if it anchored him in to the world. He was obviously unconscious.

"FRIDAY scan for injuries," I told her quickly, carefully scooping the boy up in my arms bridal style.

"His right shoulder is badly burned and he has a concussion. He passed out due to lack of oxygen."

Of course! Tony had to get him to the ground so he could breathe. He activated his thrusters and burst out of the side of the ship, Peter in his arms. He lowered them both to top of Avengers tower, ignoring Wanda and Vision's questions and rushing him downstairs.

"Dr. Cho!" He shouted frantically for the Avengers doctor. She was normally on standby. "Get a cot ready!"

Thankfully she was already awake, because of the attack. When Tony ran into the medical bay with an unconscious Spiderman in his arms, she furrowed her brows and motioned for him to set the boy in a bed with clean sheets.

"FRIDAY, what's wrong with him?" Cho asked the AI, not trusting Tony to be stable.

The AI repeated her earlier deduction. Helen nodded and shooed Tony out. He tried to argue, but she was stubborn and said she couldn't help him until Tony was gone. He grumbled and left.

The rest of the two teams started to gradually trickle in from around the city. Tony felt guilty about freaking out about Peter's condition when it was obviously not the worst the team had. Steve's thigh was covered with a nasty burn. Sam broke his arm in two places when he fell the wrong way. Clint carried Natasha in unconscious after she had been slammed into a marble statue head first. Bucky had nearly gotten his eye stabbed out and would have a bad scar. Only Thor and Vision had come out unscathed. Wanda kept glancing at Peter guiltily.

The Guardians joined them after finding Rocket and Groot on top of a building downtown. Quill had gotten stabbed in the arm and Gamora's head was bleeding pretty well. Otherwise, they were alright. Everyone gathered in the medical wing. Half of them were in beds anyway, so they might as well hang out there.

"Ha ha! We were victorious!" Drax held his knife high in achievement.

Everyone looked at him tiredly.

"Well thank god for that," a voice behind them said in exhaustion.

Tony was immediately at my bedside.

"Are you okay? Do you have a headache? I can get you some water."

"I'm fine, Mr. Stark," I smiled assuredly. "Thanks for saving me, I'm sorry I was too slow."

Tony sat down, returning my smile. "Don't be sorry, kid. That was the bravest thing I've ever seen anyone do."

"Like flying into a closing wormhole with a missile to save the city?" I scoffed groggily.

"Maybe," Tony winked. "Seriously though, kid. I'm proud of you."

I grinned at him, chest swelling with pride. He was proud of me. That was the greatest gift anyone could ever give me. I quickly hugged him and pulled away before he got a chance to reject yet another embrace.

To my surprise, he pulled me back in and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his shoulder and smiled.

Quill coughed awkwardly be hind us. Tony pulled away and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, sorry to break up this incredibly sentimental moment," Gamora smiled and rolled her eyes as he said it. "But we really have to get going. Galaxies to guard and stuff, so..."

"Don't forget to visit," Clint waved jokingly.

"Oh, we'll be back," Rocket stated.

Other Peter adjusted his wrapped arm. "Right. Maybe."

"Hey, Quill," Tony reaches into his pocket and pulled out a teched-up iPod. He threw it to the half human who caught it in surprise. "It has all the new songs on it. Catch up before you come back."

Other Peter snorted. "Yeah, thanks."

Groot and Gamora both gave me hugs before they left and Rocket secretly told me that he was going to leave the whipped cream gun. I grinned and showed him how to fist bump in return. Tony turned on the security camera so that they could all watch the ship take off.

"Aliens are so cool," I decided out loud.

The team looked at me and all laughed at once. I grinned along with them. I love this weird family.



Despite there being so many parts, I hope y'all liked it okay. It was fun to write something different like first person, but I think I'm better at third. What do you guys prefer?
Anyways, see you next time web heads.

- Wanda

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