Halloween 6

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(Recap: MJ, Ned and Flash are carrying out Peters plan to stop the Goblin while he does his own part...)

Michelle threw the double glass doors open with enough force to slam them onto the walls. Good thing they were bullet proof. The loud slap caught the attention of the entire lobby, which was still full of activity even in the middle of the night. It was Stark Industries, so of course it was still busy.

The receptionist opened her mouth in confusion. "Um, we don't have any candy–"

MJ stepped ahead of Ned and Flash, who shared a raised eyebrow, and slammed her shortened staff on the granite desk. "Evacuate the building. Now. And we need to get to Bruce Banner's main lab."

The receptionist expression hardened and heads turned at MJ's words. It was quiet as the two women had a staring contest.

Finally, the professionally dressed woman snapped, "If this is some dumb joke or dare just get out or I'll call security."

"Fine," the teen's eyes were unwavering. "I dare you."

The woman hesitated at her tone, hand halfway to her com set in her ear. She wasn't going to give MJ what she wanted. Michelle knew that Happy would recognize her and Ned easily. The receptionist lowered her hand and pointed out the door.

"Just leave."

MJ's lips tightened in barely noticeable irritation.

"FRIDAY," she shouted. "Evacuate the building. Override code 0810-Spider."

Lights turned red and Alarms started to wail. The woman stared at MJ with wide eyes along with Flash, Ned and pretty much everyone else in the lobby. A familiar voice was soon echoing throughout the room when people started to file out begrudgingly.

"WHERES THE KID?" The Head of security yelled in anger and stormed between people. He spotted the group and his face went beet red. "You three! I told you only to use that code in emergencies!"

Happy Hogan shoved a large finger in Flash's direction. The bully blinked in surprise under his mask's lenses. "Me? She was the one who said it!"

"You told her to code?" He boomed harshly. "That's it, I'm blaming you. Tony is going to know about this, kid, then it's gonna make us both look bad. You can't just–"

"We need to get to Dr. Banner's private lab," MJ interrupted.

Happy sputtered. "First you stage an Alpha Code evacuation and now you want to vandalize my boss's work partner's lab? No. Nope, not going to happen. I don't have access anyways...wait...why are you asking me? You has access to everything."

Happy looked straight at Flash with a suspicious glare. The bully shrugged and reached up hesitantly to take off his mask. Happy looked astonished. "Heh...hi."

"Oh my god," Happy groaned and put his head in his hands. "What has the kid gotten himself into this time?"

"He's fighting a loosing battle with the Goblin right now," Ned confessed worriedly, weighing his lightsaber grip in his hands.

"But it's okay," Michelle quickly reassured his when the head of security's face went pale. "We - well he - has a plan."

"And it's gonna work," Flash murmured in addition.

"Gah..." Happy ran a hand threw his non-existent hair and sighed. Try could all see the internal conflict even with the colored lighting and loud blaring horns. "Fine! You two have access to the Avenger's floor anyways. Go, I'll help evacuate people."

They nodded earnestly and thanked him. He told them to use the team's private elevator to avoids crowds trying to get out of the building.

"Hey!" He shouted at them as MJ hit the button for their main living quarters. "Don't mess this up!"

The three of them nodded as the elevator rose and took them up to the Avenger's lounge.


Peter would not recommend anyone tried what he was doing. Leading a mutated mad man around New York on a merry chase to get him where Peter wanted him to go - definitely have parent approval before you try anything, kids! The side effects my include broken bones, lose of blood and/or a death wish.

But he had to give his friends enough time to get their job done before he could do anything. He wasn't even sure his plan would work since the thing Bruce had been making was purely hypothetical. What other choice did he have?

"Get down!" He shouted to police that were attempting to build a barricade as he swung by.  Like it was actually going to hold him.

"Don't tell us how to do our jobs, Spider-Man!" One shouted. Another one with a tag reading: Officer Carl, elbowed the first and hissed something in his ear. The officer rolled his eyes. That was the last time Peter saw them after he swung around the corner.

Roaring followed in his wake.

Clear path, clear path, clear path, he changed in his head like a mantra, scanning the road beneath him.

His spidey sense made him jerk to the side in the nick of time as a police car, siren still whining, flew past him at sixty miles an hour.

"Holy shit!" He yelled and twisted away. The arachnid lunged for a wall and caught the car with an expert web. The officer inside sat wide-eyed, hands gripped on the steering wheel.

"Get out!" Peter yelled and jerked the door open with his web-shooters. The man scrambled out, unsheathing his gun and backing down an alley. Good.

When the Goblin came into full view, that was his cue. Keep him just out of eye sight. Give him glances but not the full figure. When he's mad, he's rash, when he's rash he's reckless and stupid. Keep him angry.

The arachnid mentally scrolled through the facts he had collected over the years fighting this guy. Yeah there were lots. He does not find Christmas cards amusing. He can't take jokes in general, actually.

Trying to distract himself was failing miserably.

"Karen...Karen, contact FRIDAY," he demanded as he stopped on the side of s building, hugging the wall and the shadows, chest heaving.

"Hello, Peter," FRIDAY's familiar voice filled the suit. He guessed they always had contact with each other.

"Did my friends–Did they make it to the tower?" He asked.

"Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds and Eugene Thompson arrived safely. They are in the boss's and the Avengers main living floor. The rest of the building is evacuating."

"Great," he breathed. "And have they found Dr. Banner's lab yet?"

"I'm sorry, Peter, I can not give them access without direct consent from Dr. Bruce Banner."

"Wait–But–" he froze as growling broke through the emptied street's silent barrier. Peter held his breath as the Goblin passed by the alleyway he hid in. He was near the top of it, bathed in darkness, but his enemy's senses were supreme. Peter knew not to underestimate him. It would be a fatal mistake.

The Goblin glared around, nose scrunched up. Don't look up, don't look up, please...

Peter heard his heart beating loudly in the otherwise silent area. So loud he was afraid it would give him away. How do you get your heart to shut up without actually dying?

The Goblin froze, green ears peeking up. Peter tensed, trying to keep from trembling and bit his lip hard enough to add more blood to the mix. His aunt was so gonna kill him if he survived. Wait but Tony was going to kill him too. Not to mention MJ and most of the Avengers...remind me why I even try anymore, he asked himself, surprising a sigh.

Something down in a dumpster taped against the side.

The Goblin dove in with ferocious violence, yowling like a mountain cat, claws hands extended as he threw the entire six thousand fifty hundred pound dumpster aside. Peter closely crept up the wall, crab style in the commotion. He barely had time to see the Goblin come up with a rat trapped in between his claws, squirming.

If he eats that, Peter shuddered and crawled over the flat rooftop, no longer able to see his enemy. I'm going to puke. What? He had seen it a billion times in movies! The monster catches the small animal, said monster
proceeds to eat it before trying to eat the hero...Wait, did the Green Goblin eat people?

Peter shook his head, deciding not to think about it. Instead, he shouted at nothing, jumping across rooftops. "Call Dr. Bruce Banner!"

"Calling Green Eggs and Ham," Karen assured him.

It didn't take long for an answer. Bruce's glasses were crooked when his answered, hair disheveled and ash rubbed on his face. "Peter! Thank god! Wait why are you in your suit—Damn Peter please don't tell me you–"

"Sorry, Doc, no time to catch up!" He interrupted bluntly. "I need you to give MJ and Ned access to your lab!"

He shifted uncomfortably. "Uh, Peter, you're allowed in any time, but I don't really want your friends–"

"Dr. Banner, the Goblin is here! I have a plan, but I need that thing you showed me to do it!"

"Peter..." he sighed and looked up weakly. "There's only enough for one monster. Without SHIELD backing me up with those rare supplies anymore, I don't know if I can remake it. Then if the Hulk goes rouge...there won't be anything to stop him from–from–"

"Dr. Banner, please. You have the strongest will I know. You can control the Hulk. Norman can't. I know how much I'm asking and I'm so sorry, but..." Peter's voice cracked painfully. "I-I don't know what else to do. I'm all by myself. Bruce what if–what if I can't–"

"It's okay Pete," Bruce sighed. "I'm so sorry we're not there. It's not your fault, it's ours. I guess the least I could do...FRIDAY, are you there?"

"Yes sir," another voice joined Bruce's and Karen's in Peter's ear.

"Do me a favor, FRI," Bruce told her. "Give Ned Leeds full access and direct him towards project 12-18."

"Already done, sir."

"Thank you, Dr. Banner. I promise I'll make it worth it," Peter breathed in relief. He skidded to a stop when he came up on the building right next to the tower.

"Go get him, Pete."

"You got it Bruce. Thank you so much," Peter nodded grimly. "Again."

The call disconnected and his Spidey sense poked him. Oh, hey, by the way, there's a mutated billionaire charging at you, buddy.

Thanks a-freaking-lot for the warning.

Peter didn't have time to turn around when he was hit with hard blunt force in the back. He screamed and swore at the top of his lungs and he flew towards the tower. The arachnid broke straight through the bullet prof glass like ur was nothing, rolling over himself and the tempered glass. Thank god. He would have been swiss cheese if Tony hadn't bothered to follow safety regulations.

Regardless, the hit and the crash knocked the wind, and sense out of him for a few seconds. He rolled over on his back with his eyes closed, wincing. The teen let out a painful groan that was soon followed by a little gasp – which...hadn't come from him?

Can't I just get a freaking break– He prayed, but the thought froze when he recognized his surroundings.

Okay, he had to admit, his luck was pretty horrible–but how the hell did the Goblin manage to punch him straight through the Avengers living room? He really hoped Aunt May wasn't there.

His friends definitely were.

"Peter!" MJ shouted in fear and ran up to him, baseball sliding through the blunt glass. "Holy shit! When you said you'd meet us here, I though you would at least use the door. Peter? Can you sit up? ...C'mon you loser don't mess with me...Peter!"

She rambled and shook his shoulders. No. Stop. Let him sleep. All he wanted was a five minutes nap. Five minutes. Please. Something was off though...wait...why was Michelle Jones panicking? She always kept a level head.

Oh shit. Where was Flash?

"Peter? What the hell?" Flash asked MJ in confusion from the back of the room. Oh shit no. Peter's face paled from under his mask while realization covered Flash's. "No way. No fricking way. Parker?"

Ignore the problem and it'll go away. Ignore the problem and it'll go away. Ignore the Flash and he'll go away. Peter wanted to be mad at MJ, but his dread and hopelessness pushed out the anger and he just looked at her sadly under the mask.

"Parker?" Horror filled the bully's eyes. "Holy shit. What the fu–"

"Language," Peter interrupted weakly and coughed into MJ's shoulder.

"What the fu–" Flash's mouth fell open, but he couldn't quite finish the sentence.

"MJ, what's wrong?" Peter demanded, using her for support. "Where's Ned? Did you guys get it?"

"Peter...I'm so sorry I-I forgot he was even–"

"MJ, don't sorry about it, where is Ned and the formula?"

She supported him to the bad so that he could lean on it, guilt weighing her gaze down. "FRIDAY only let him in. I've been stuck with chuckle head over there while he tries to find it. He's been in there for a while though so I don't know–"

Flash suddenly broke out of his daze to make a little squeaking sound and pointed towards the window. MJ and Peter both looked up in horror to find their enemy landing in the living room from his ginormous leap.

"Too late," he drawled.

Peter sighed. This was startling to get repetitive (@ author) He pushed MJ behind him, but she easily over powered his weak muscles, standing in front of him and extending her rod. Wow, she was badass.

"It's over. You grow weaker while I grow stronger," Goblin announced. "There is no one to help you now."

It actually seemed that way as Michelle and Flash hefted their weapons of vibranium and a frying pan. What were one puny hero and three normal kids going to do against that?

"Think again, dickhead," a woman snapped, stepping from the shadows with fire axe resting on her shoulder. A large man entered the room with double pistols in his hands, both trained on the monster.

"May?" Peter's mouth fell open through his half-mask. "Happy?"

What the fu

"AHHHHHHH–" a battle cry came from the hallway. Ned sprinted out with a large gun swing over his shoulder and a war face on, pale with fear but none showed in his determined eyes.

The Goblin was looking almost as confused as Peter felt at the new additions when Ned pulled the trigger. A giant needle shot out, catching the big form in the shoulder blade. The Goblin howled in pain and angry, reaching up to pull it out.

"Don't let him get that out!" Ned yelled suddenly. The other four jumped into action, leaving Peter in a shocked paralysis.

Happy shot four bullets in quick succession, not breaking the green skin, but certainly producing a distraction. May slapped the Goblin's hand away from the needle with the side of her axe while Flash banged him on the head with his iron. It rung with vibrations and the Goblin swayed dizzily. MJ topped it off by swinging her metal staff up and between his legs hard. The Goblin cries out and fell beneath their attack, eyelids drooping tiredly as the Hulk-sedative kicked in. His whole body eventually gave way leaving a Goblin carpet beneath Peter's friends feet.

Flash was the first to pump his fist and cheer. Ned soon followed, waving his tranq gun in the air. May smiled in accomplishment and Happy blew the smoke away from his gun's barrels before hooking them to his belt again. MJ grinned, swinging her staff around in mesmerizing patterns.

"Avengers who?" She snorted and leaned on her weapon.

"We rule!" Flash laughed.

Ned sighed. "That was freaking epic. You do that every day, dude? Awesome."

"Peter!" May suddenly remembered, dropping her axe as her nephew's legs gave way to a stool.

Happy roller his eyes. "How the hell do you get into these situations, kid?"

"That was–That was–" Peter struggled to find the right wording. "What the hell just happened? Holy shi–"


They all spun around to see the Quinjet rise up to the broken window and the Avengers staring out of it in shock. Steve's mouth had curved onto a proud smile while everybody else stared. The flying Avengers joined them, landing inside and looking around. Tony showed up last, face plate coming up to find an awed confusion on it.

"Kid–Explain–Now." He said simply. "Please?"

Peter shook his head in astonishment. "I don't even know Mr. Stark."


After getting beat up so bad you had broken bones, internal bleeding and getting enough cuts and bruises to kill a normal guy, you'd think you'd get a break from school, right? Obviously the answer would be yes...unless you were Peter Parker and you healed fifteen times faster than a normal human.

"Parker! Whatsup man?" Flash greeted him with a high five as soon as he walked in.

So they were friends now. It was...really, really weird, to say the least.

"Nothing much dude, what about you?" Peter returned the high five. Ned and MJ soon joined the two boys.

"I was just thinking," his old bully continued. "What if we got like a superhero team name? Because every team needs one and–"

MJ cut him off. "We are not a superhero team."

"But still," he totally disregarded. "We need a name. What about...the Predators? Outcasts? The Kickers? Cause, y'know we kick bad guys into jails–"

"Those are the most horrible names I've ever heard," Ned shook his head as they all walked down the hallway and hooked his thumbs in his backpack straps. "How about...the Arachnids?"

"Ned I'm the only arachnid here."

"The Web Warriors!"

"Once again, only spider here, dude."

"Fine, how about..." he trailed off in thought.

MJ cocked her head. "The Guardians. Because we watch out for the little people. Like guards."

"Sounds good to me," Ned and Flash said at the same time before glowering at each other.

Peter laughed. "Sure. We can be the Guardians. Just saying, though, the Guardians if the Galaxy are already a thing.

"Well they can put a cork in it," MJ snorted. "We'll be...The Guardians of New York."

He smiled happily. "I think we can handle that."



I liked writing the end of that one. It was cute. Hope you guys liked it (even tho it's December.) I'm going to do a Christmas ONE SHOT next THEN the wedding like I promised a million years ago.

First though...I wrote like three more stories...sorry.

So do you guys want one? It'll be longer chapters and more detailed but it will mean less updates for everything else.

There ain't enough amnesia fics in this fandom, which was brought to my attention earlier lol so that's what it is. Vote yes/no here:



Okay see ya web-heads. (Yes I'm bringing that back.)

- Wanda

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