Nightmares - Part Sies

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(Before we get started...90...k...reads...and number one in multiple tags including Ironman...I'm so confused...I don't know why this thing deserves that...anyways continue...)

(Recap: Tony thinks he's seeing the future and Peter's gonna die. Peter went on the mission anyways and his web is currently racing a gun to save Steve's life.)

Peter's web caught the first Avenger in the back and the wall crawler immediately jerked the super soldier away with all his might. But the ray continued on and Steve yelled in pain as it hit him. Bucky shouted his name in a panic at hearing his cry and the ex-assassin fought vigorously to get to his best friend.

"STEVE!" Bucky yelled and skidded to a stop on his knees by the other super soldier. He lay on the ground unconscious, shield limp at his side. Peter couldn't tell how bad it was from his perch, but it didn't look good.

I was...I was too slow. It was my job to save him and...I was too slow?

"Kid!" Tony shouted over the comms. "What do you think you're–"

"GODAMNIT TONY!" A voice yelled at him that sounded suspiciously like Dr. Strange. "JUST LET HIM HELP."

The billionaire immediately shut up. Peter was so surprised he listened, the arachnid nearly got himself shot.

"Whoa!" The teen shouted and flipped up and over the oncoming bullets. He faced three men with different guns, all pointed at him. "Guys calm down there's enough for everyone."

One of the men spat angrily underneath his mask. "Enough wha–?"

He was cut off by his nose crunching under Peter's fist. The man screamed and fell in a heap. His two buddies backed away from Spider-Man in a sudden nervousness. That's right, jerks. I'm not just a kid. I'm a kid that can and will kick your bad guy butts, Peter thought confidently.

The arachnid crouched, fingertips lightly touching the ground, ready to pounce. The men glanced at each other before promptly charging at him. The didn't make it far seeing as he leapt forward and gracefully kicked them both in the face. Peter imagined a wrestlers bell ringing and coaches cheering as the referee announced K.O!

Clint and Bucky were pulling Steve carefully into the quinjet as the rest of the team worked hard. They were all obviously pissed at what had happened to Steve, none of them knowing if he would be okay.

Peter jumped up and was surprised to find, instead of the wall he had been aiming for, a circle of golden sparks that looked familiar...

He yelled in excitement as he went through the portal and popped out on the other side of the battlefield where Sam had been grounded and needed backup. Dr. Strange was further away and ripped his hand back from summoning him to defend himself.

"That was sort of the coolest thing I've ever done," Peter told Sam enthusiastically as the flight side by side.

"Not the time, kid," Sam grunted and reloaded his pistol expertly.

Peter chuckled and swept the legs out from a woman with an ice grenade in her hand. He webbed it away to a large group of gathering terrorists. "YEET."

Thor landed near him and glanced over skeptically. "That is a strange battle cry, Man of Spiders. Why do you say it?"

"Uh..." Peter stood dumbstruck for a moment. "It, uh, gives even the weakest of warriors strength after long, uh, battles."

Thor nodded grimly. "May I try out your cry of strength?"

"Go for it," Peter flipped him double thumbs up, glad he was wearing a mask so he didn't have to hide his grin.

Thor nodded in thanks and pulled his arm back. As he summoned all of his power and force, he threw his axe/hammer across the crater of a warehouse and bellowed it out so loudly that it stopped everyone in their tracks.


Lightning blasted the remainder of the bad guys, avoiding the team, knocking them all down in a single blow. Thor stood breathing heavily. He put his hand out to the side and waited for about ten seconds. Then his hammer seemed to appear out of nowhere and clapped into his open palm.

The team stared at him in astonishment.

He simply turned to Peter and told him, "You were right, Man of Spiders. I do feel a bit mightier."

"Yeah–uh," Peter stammered in amazement. "That was epic."

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Clint asked as they all gathered together.

Scott snorted. "Wikipedia?"

"No, probably Wiki-How," Peter grinned. "They have–"

"Pictures?" Tony finished grimly, landing beside him.

Peter chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it's an–"

"Inside joke?"

The teen frowned in confusion. "How are you–?"

Tony cut him off yet again, and gestured towards the quinjet. "We need to get Steve out of here now. Come on. Let's GO!"

He grabbed Peter's arm in an iron grip and suddenly launched them into the sky. Peter scrambled to hang onto the metal out layer of Tony's suit as the flew higher and higher.

As soon as they left the ground shots rang out below them and Peter yelped in surprise. He thought they'd gotten all of them! Obviously a guy had managed to dodge Thor's blast. But as Peter watched he seemed to have missed the team pretty badly.

"Wow, that guy was a horrible shot," Peter commented over the wind as Tony pulled his thrusters to a stop above the quinjet.

Tony didn't say anything. Instead he lowered them both to the ground by the ramp of the private jet, keeping a hand on Peter's arm, as if to assure himself he was still there. The rest of the team jogged up into the jet hurriedly, Steve already in a pre-prepared healing capsule that would keep him together until Dr. Cho could take a look. Bucky leaned in it and stared at his friend with tears barley held back. Clint was in the pilot seat by Nat's side in a matter of seconds.

"We gotta hurry," he mumbled, maybe to Nat, maybe to himself. It didn't matter either way, seeing as she heard it and used it to fuel her.

As they raced back to the compound, Tony stepped out of his suit. Not in his usual dramatic dementor, or playfully or jokingly. As soon as he was out he gripped Peter's shoulders, light stains on his face. Were those...dried tears?

"You're okay, kid?" He asked the arachnid sincerely.

He shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Then the billionaire pulled him into a hug. Peter blinked and hesitantly embraced him back. He smiled to himself, though he didn't know what the reason behind the hug was.

"What was that for?" He wondered with a childish smile of excitement still playing his lips.

Tony went back to glaring at him quickly. "For not dying. Why didn't you stay at the compound like I told you?"

His voice was quiet, no shouting. It scared Peter more then yelling would. "I couldn't let you guys do it alone. Whether I'm really part of this team or not."

"Kid," Tony sighed and pushed him arm length away, keeping his hands in his shoulders. "Pete. I'm sorry. You are a part of this team. Well, an honorable member." –Peter chuckled remembering his denial to the team to stay solo. "–I was just being selfish. I don't want to..."

The billionaire trailed off. The team watched them silently as Clint announced ten minutes to the compound. Stephan sucked in a sudden sharp breath as he realized something.

"That last man...that surprised you...he was the one who...?" The team looked at him in confusion, but Tony only nodded.

"That's how you got him away before he appeared. You knew." It was obviously a statement from the Doctor, not a question.

"Look, kiddo," Tony brought Peter's attention back to him. "I'm glad you ignored what I said. Because if you hadn't, Steve would be dead right now. But we may be able to save him. We will save him."

He grunted and pulled away in frustration. "I'm trying to–say, well I'm proud of you, of course, but also...thanks kid."

Peter rolled his mask around in his hands. "For...disobeying orders?"

"Sure Underoos. Let's go with that," Tony shrugged and collected himself. "Barton, what's our ETA?"

"Starting the landing sequence," Clint replied. "Normally you're supposed to sit down and get buckled, but...I'm sure a few Avengers can handle some turbulence."

Rhodey could hear the smirk in his voice. "Clint, I swear to god if you damage Steve's cradle–"

"Chillax grandpa, I was joking," he mumbled and landed in the garage smoothly.

Bucky and Sam were the first ones out - surprisingly - working together to push the healing pod out of the jet and into the medical bay. The rest of the team slowly trickled in with small injuries, or to be there for their teammates. Dr. Cho and her fellow nurse kept grumbling in irritation about someone messing up something or another, but eventually got everyone settled in.

They all waited anxiously as Helen (Cho) closed a curtain off to take a look at Steve. As she did, Bruce stumbled into the room frantically.

"Tony! The kid, he..." he laid eyes on a blushing Peter. "...he's right there. Okay, never mind then."

The team chuckled at his tardiness. Unfortunately most of them were forced. Steve was on all of their minds now. Was he going to be okay? Was he going into a coma? Was he going to die?

All they could do was wait.


Helen stepped out of the curtain nearly six hours later. Those who were awake enough to stand, did so. Most of them just snapped their heads up from where they sat on the medical cots.

"Dr. Cho. Is he going to be okay?" Bucky asked fearfully and held his breath along with everyone else in the room.

"I believe he will live. But..." Helen's eyes were sad. She sighed and forced the words out. "I'm not sure if he is going to ever walk again."

They all sucked in painful breaths at hearing the news. Rhodey shifted his own motorized stilts in reminder that Cap wouldn't be the only one.

"Can we...can we see him?" The Winter Soldier asked pleadingly.

Helen nodded but told them only for a few minutes. The team agreed quickly and she opened the curtain to reveal Steve sitting up in bed, sipping on what appeared to be apple juice. He looked over at them with wide eyes of surprise.

Then he smiled, though it was a grim one. "Good work team."

They all surged forward as the trance broke, Bucky and Peter ahead of everyone else. Bucky immediately started asking him if he was uncomfortable, was there anything he could do, did he need–

"Buck," Steve laughed. "It's fine. I'm good."

"No you aren't," Peter cried, burying his face in his hands. "It's all my fault. I should have been faster! Ugh, I just wish..."

Steve put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Son, calm down. You saved my life. I'm grateful for that."

Peter looked up through a tearful gaze and gave him a small smile of acceptance. Steve sighed in relief. He did not want Peter to feel guilt like he had when Bucky had supposedly died way back when.

The team jokingly congratulated him on not dying before Helen kicked them out claiming he needed rest. Clint stuck his tongue out at her and she threatened to sedate him. The team laughed as she picked up a needle to make good on her promise.

Strange coughed awkwardly across the room next to Wong. The team looked back at them as if realizing they were still there.

"Well, if everything is sorted out here, we'll just be going–"

He was cut off as a certain teenage arachnid crushed him in a hug. "Thank you Dr. Strange!"

Much to Wong's shock, the sorcerer supreme let it happen. I suppose some miracles can happen, the Chinese man thought wisely.

Finally Stephan pushed him lightly away. He promised there was no hard feelings about attacking his partner - who's sharp glare obviously disagreed - before magicking himself a portal and disappearing with a final goodbye with Wong.

"Pete, you should make a hugging booth or something," Scott snorted. "You hug every new person you like."

"No I don't!" Peter's cheeks heated.

"Gamora. Groot. King T'Challa. Sue Storm." Clint counted on his fingers.

"All of us," Sam continued. "Dr. Strange."

Peter rolled his eyes, ignoring his burning face. That would be embarrassing. He did not hug every new superhero he met.

...did he?



There. Got the last part out. Sorry the ending was rushed, I hope it's still okay.

And yay! Next time I'm starting requests! I have quite a few to get through, but I promise to try to do everyone's, or at least incorporate them all. Feel free to leave any, too! I'm going to be going first to last commented.

Thank you web heads! Love you all for being awesomeness supporting this book!

- Wanda

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