Wakanda: Part 3

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(Sorry that last chap was kind of a filler because I needed to get my shit together before writing more.
Recap: Happy drove a bus full of Avengers into a mountain. Sorta. Oh, just continue!)

The Avengers all abruptly closed their mouths in awe as the bus passed straight through the hill without a scratch on it. It was as if it were never there. Probably because it wasn't. It was the Wakandan camouflage field and Tony knew all about it. Which is why at the moment he was laughing his ass off at his teams reactions. I mean, they're the Avengers. They're supposed to be brave super heroes. Tony was suddenly regretting not taking a video. He would have gotten a million hits on YouTube.

"Tony, what was that?" Steve broke the silence.

"Modern technology Rogers," the billionaire remarked. "You wouldn't understand."

Everyone started to argue again. Sam and Bucky were practically choking each other while Steve returned Tony's smug look with The Eyebrows of Disappointment (TM). Clint was staring at Dr. Banner with a confused expression as the scientist emerged from his music to chat about the fascinating barrier. Scott was complaining to Hope, Rhodey and Vision were having a normal conversation, Wanda stared out the window, bored once again. All the while Happy looked like he wanted to die. Peter shared a knowing look with Pepper.

"Does this mean we're almost there?" She asked rather loudly, catching everyone's attention.

"Yep," Tony confirmed. "In fact you should be able to see it right about...now."

Gasps spread throughout the crowded bus as the beautiful city came into view. The smooth, tall buildings sparkled in the middle of a traditional Wakandan village, seeming to grow out of the earth itself. The tops of the sky scrapers reached for the clouds, ranging in colors; golds, silvers, blues and blacks all of them covered in windows. The Wakandans has somehow made the modern masterpiece to appear natural surrounded by leafy trees and grassy fields.

Even from that distance, Peter could tell there was a plentiful amount of Africans going about. What amazed him was they were doing normal things. Street vendors sold jewelry and patterned rugs, women and men alike carried toddlers on their backs and water buckets on either side of them, baskets on their partners heads. Teenagers played hackysack with colorful balls of cloth. Toddlers ran around, chasing each other and laughing with crayons and splashing their friends with cups of water. Let's just say the ordinary scenes within the strange environment amazed the web slinger.

"Holy shit," Clint commented.

Sam nodded. "What he said."

"It's amazing!" Wanda gasped, pressing her hands against the window, as if she were already there.

"Yes, it is quite an extraordinary sight," Vision agreed.

Rhodey snorted. "That's an understatement."

They were in the city within minutes, the crowded streets slowly merging around them. Kids grinned at them and waved. Peter rolled down his window so he could return the gesture. Tony snorted but didn't stop him. In fact, Scott and Clint joined him, then a hesitant Wanda. Even Bucky did, after spending  so long there, he knew there was nothing to be anxious about. They were just welcoming the team.

Other natives glared in annoyance or even malice at them. Obviously not everyone was happy when King T'Challa opened Wakanda to the world. Not just anybody was allowed in, of course. There wasn't any tourism. But it hardly made those few feel better.

They reached the center of the city to see a large delicately decorated building lined with gold and reflective windows. It was obviously the palace, lined with guards. Tony blinked at the sight of the serious looking, bald, tattooed women with fancy metal spears and bead necklaces. Peter caught his doubtful look and chuckled. The teenager had read all about the badass women. He had a feeling Tony was going to find out about them the hard way.

The king himself along with three woman welcomed them.

"Stark," Peter had a feeling the king didn't really consider Tony and him friends, but decided the Avengers should be present for his mothers birthday celebration to be perfect.

"I'm glad you could make it," T'Challa shook the billionaire's hand and went down the line of Avengers, welcoming them in turn.

When he reached Peter, he paused. "You are...Stark's son, yes? Peter. He had told e about you on multiple occasions."

Peter's ears turned pink. "Um, actually, I'm the Spider guy. From the airport."

"Are you not a bit young to fight men's battles?" The older of the woman asked. She must have been the queen. Ramonda meant no insult to the boy, but was honestly curious.

"I'm almost seventeen," he tried not to sound too defensive.

"Aw, T'Challa," The woman with the short hair poked the king in the side. "He is Shuri's age. Perhaps we should introduce them to each other."

The last woman snorted. She dressed like the guards, but with less beads and a spear crackling with electricity every few seconds. "Half the time I do not understand a word she is saying and you expect this child to?"

Peter thought the referring-to-him-as-if-he-weren't-in-the-room was getting old. Fast.

"I want to meet her," he spoke up. The guard and the short haired woman looked at him as if to say why is this child interrupting our conversation?

Ramonda, on the other hand, seemed to think he was amusing. She laughed. "Yes, you shall meet her tonight."

At least Peter wouldn't be all by himself in a sea of boring adults. Then again, he didn't know what teenagers from Wakanda were like. They could be formal and boring too. Oh well, he would just have to wait to meet her.

Oh. It hit him the Shuri was the princess Tony had told him about. The thought made him wince. She probably was all formal and stuff and wore dresses and had boys following her around. That would ruin his night for sure.

I'll find out what she's like later.
Hopefully she'll be cool.


Hell fuckin yeah she'll be cool.
Comments, questions and concerns go to my non-existent manager.
And holy titan, 3k views?
*fangirl intensifies*
Thank you and good night ( - -ㄟ)


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