Wedding দুই

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(Recap: Pete+a bunch of heroes are staying at the compound for Tony's wedding...yeah that's it.)


Peter sat bolt right up in alarm. What could have possibly happened already? The arachnid ran a hand through his hair in a habit. He paced back and forth as he texted back asking if she was okay.

okay so two things
one, how do I look?

Not many people can pull of a yellow that bright...unless you were Shuri. It was a long dress with sleeves sloped down to her shoulders. Her long hair was braided down her shoulder and she smirked as she took a picture in the mirror. The plain design suited her well, in Peter's opinion.

you look great Shuri! I love it 👌🏼
What's the second emergency?

Did you ask her?

...who did I ask what?

He could sense his friend rolling her eyes upstairs.

remember what you told me a few days ago??? Dude wtf you were so excited


Peter's face flushed red and he buried his head in his pillow, tossing his phone to the edge of the mattress. Why had he ever told her that? He should have known she would make fun of him every chance she got.

I don't know why o even told you that

because I'm a girl and I know what girls like, obvi
Does that mean you didn't ask her to go as your date?


Why not??

I just got nervous okay?
Plus Ned wS like right there

You're so lame
You have to at least ask her to dance during the party.

What if she thinks I'm just asling as a friend??

Idk nobody who actually likes me has ever asked me to dance before

Oof sorry

Being a princess attracts all the gold diggers I swear.
We'll figure it out tomorrow. I'll be your wingman.

Phew thanks bro
*Sis? Idk

Lmao whatever works bro
Ttyl Nakia is yelling at me about crinkling my dress (how else am I supposed to sit down in this thing??)

Lol oke good luck



Peter sighed and turned his phone off. He had been on all of one (1) date with a girl and it lasted all of two minutes thanks to her evil dad. How did Shuri just ask him to maybe ruin one of his only two friendships? Maybe Tony had some girl advice he could might get his mind off his nervousness too. He decided to ask in the morning, it was too late now.

The web slinger sighed and fell back on his too fluffy mattress. Seriously, it felt like he was sinking into it. The beds at the compound always made him claustrophobic for some reason and he always had a sore neck in the morning. The ground would probably be closer to what he was used to with the paper thin mattress they could afford in their apartment.

He tilted his head. Huh, the floor...


"Pete!" Clint yawned and stretched before knocking on the kid's door. "C'mon Tony wants everyone ready in like two hours so that we can help set up."

He didn't get an answer. The archer groaned. Kids these days, stay up too late on their phones...then again he wasn't the best example of healthy sleeping habits. More often than not he only had two or three hours a day of light sleeping thanks to his training, and the amount of caffeine he had every day.

"Let's go kid! You're my shield today cause Wolverine is still pissed and he likes you for some reason!"

He knocked harder. Peter continued to ignore him. Jesus, kid, it's your hero's wedding day, get off your ass, Clint rolled his eyes. You better be decent...He pushed the door open to find a lump rolled up on the ground on the left of Peter's bed, curled around a pillow with a blanket placed loosely on top.

The man smiled sadly before crouching down by the boy and nudging him. "Gotta get up Peto."

The arachnid groaned and rolled over. "Why?"

"Because Tony's getting married, duffous," Clint laughed. "Did you forget already?"

The teen sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. His eyes flickered around before he realized where he was. "Oh, I forgot that I..."

"Eh," Clint shrugged, pulling him to his feet. "I do it all the time. Take a shower and stuff. We have to go help do the heavy lifting before the ceremony, which is at like...oh I don't even remember. Twelve or one. Just get dressed and stuff and meet us outside."

"Okay," Peter mumbled tiredly. Clint left him to get ready, which he did reluctantly. The floor had been a hundred times more comfortable the night before. He wondered if the team would think it was weird. Probably not, he wouldn't be surprised if half of them did it too, seeing as they were spies and soldier often forced to sleep while in the field...

Peter took the world's quickest shower to refresh himself, trying and failing to straighten his hair. He put on a random pair of gym shorts and a tank top since it was something like seventy degrees outside, which was literally the perfect temperature for anything. Outside Colossus and Luke were working together to set up the long white columns in a circle where the altar and audience would be. Jean Grey used her telekinetic abilities to set up strings of light while Steve and Bucky dragged the alter out. Reed was measuring and telling them where to put it.

Peter glanced up to see Storm and Thor flying through the air, blowing clouds away to reassure the couple perfect weather the entire day and night. Sue Storm, Ramonda and an X-men telepath named Emma Frost decorated tables as Doctor Strange, Gamora and Danny set them up. Eddie leaned against the dark side of a pillar, seemingly talking to himself.

Nakia, Okeye, Jessica Jones and Natasha had hanged up on Clint about something, staring at him with crossed arms and raised eyebrows. He chuckled, nervously shrugging. Peter covered his mouth to smother his laughter. He spotted Tony and Pepper chatting with Matt Murdock, Hank McCoy and Scott Summers. Two Scotts now? Great, Peter was going to have to call them Zappy Scott and Ant Scott. He couldn't wait for Hope to roll her eyes and yell Scott! across the room and watch Zappy's confused face.

He was about to make his way toward them to get his assignment of sorts when his spidey sense went off. He spun around quickly to find nothing but a column there. He glared back around when a hand suddenly reached out of the column menacingly, grabbing onto his shoulder.

"Boo," it said.

"What the heck!" He jerked back in surprise, tripping over his own feet and falling on his butt. The column laughed and a teenage girl stepped out of it, long brown hair whipping in its ponytail.

"Kitty!" He complained, grinning. "You gave me a heart attack!"

Johnny laughed from his spot crouched on top of the column. Anna Marie - an X-men codenamed Rogue - and Shuri clutched their stomachs giggling as they stepped out of the shadow of the structure.

"Please tell me you recorded that!" Anna asked Shuri.

Shuri got that I-gotchu-covered look on her face that she got whenever she was three steps ahead of people. "Of course I did."

"Send it to me?" Bobby - a teenage X-men with ice powers - pleaded with her.


"If I find out you spread that around the academy I swear Bobby–" the arachnid tried to threaten, but apparently he wasn't very intimidating.

"I already sent it to all my contacts," the Iceman stuck his tongue out. "You snooze, you loose webs."

Peter gasped in mock shock. "How dare?"

"You're going to be trending on Tumblr by tomorrow," Shuri promised, waving her high tech phone around.

"Rude," Spider-Man sniffed.

"Aren't you kids supposed to being helping right now," an intimidating voice said behind him and a heavy hand landed on both his and Bobby's shoulders.

The Wolverine's reputation was much, much taller than he actually was. That wasn't hard to accomplish seeing as he was barely an inch taller than Peter. Logan wasn't easily dismissed, though, seeing the weight of his gaze. Every teen there had learned to respect him from the start and some - mostly his younger teammates - were still in awe of him, even after knowing him for so long.

"Yes, sir," Bobby replied immediately. "We just haven't gotten any assignments yet."

"Well, go get some," he told them. They all scrambled to agree and approach Tony in their little teenage group. Ned and MJ were going to love this.

Peter noticed another blond woman talking to the couple that he didn't know. She wore an Air Force uniform with at least four metals and lots of confusing colors. She even wore the hat with the American flag that fit nicely over her hair bun. Her intense eyes and confident stance made him believe she was more than your average pilot.

"Uh, Mr. Stark, are we interrupting something or...?" Peter hesitated.

"Of course not," Tony and Pepper smiled. "Let me introduce you to Carol Danvers. Captain, this is my intern, Peter Parker."

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Parker," she stuck a professional hand out and Peter shook it.

"You too," he told her. Her eyes flickered behind him at the little group. "Are you all from the Professor's school then?"

She nodded to Professor X, who was trying to have a polite conversation with the thing but he had to practically look straight up because of their height difference.

Zappy Scott Summers butted in, pointing at Anna, Bobby and Kitty. "These three are. This is Princess Shuri of Wakanda and Johnny Storm."

It was hard to believe that under those sunglasses he shot energy beams from his eyes. Peter glanced back and forth between him and Matt. What was up with red glasses? Was it like a superhero thing he didn't know about? Even Tony had some. But, to be fair, the billionaire had every color.

"Your majesty," Captain Danvers bowed her head respectfully. Shuri snorted quietly and Johnny stepped forward.

"Oh no need to call me 'majesty,'" he put a sarcastic hand to his heart in mock appreciation. "My lord will suffice."

Carol scowled at him and Bobby and Peter snickered. Tony rolled his eyes along with Anna and Hank McCoy. Zappy Scott's lips twitched up a little, but he smothered it. Matt rubbed his face to hide his smile subtly.

"What did you want again kids?" Tony asked grumpily.

"We need assignments," Anna, the most responsible, told him.

"Excellent," the billionaire sniffed. "Uh, Peter and you girls can help wrap the columns with decoration and Iceboh and Firekid can go make an ice sculpture or something."

"Wah–Well, what do you want it to look like, Stark?" Johnny huffed.

"I don't know. Be creative. A dolphin or something."

"A dolphin?" Pepper raised an eyebrow at him. "You want a giant dolphin?"

Tony threw his hands in the air. "I don't know!"

"Why don't you go help him, Scott?" Hank, a nerdy looking man, offered.

Summers took a deep breath, but obeyed, dragging both of them away into the middle of the circle. Peter and the girls went over to Sue, Emma Frost and Gamora to find out where they were getting the decor.

It took them all nearly two and a half hours to finish everything. By then it was ten thirty am, which meant they had woken up at like eight o'clock. Peter did not appreciate how early he had been woken up on a break, but the girls needed at least three hours to get ready, apparently, so Pepper wouldn't accept them any later.

Of course Tony had professional dressing rooms the size of ballrooms. It was half 'super hero suit up' and half 'put your nice suits on'. Currently it was the later because if there were thirty something super men getting suited up – then shit must have been going down and nobody would want to get on that many powerful people's bad side. And that was discounting the woman, who could beat the crap out of most of the guys there without even trying. Peter shrugged as he thought it. It wasn't as if he could deny it. Jean Grey alone could rip him apart with a thought. Thankfully Wade still hadn't butted in, but that didn't stop him from looking over his shoulder every few seconds.

Peter groaned in frustration as he tried to get his tie right. His aunt wasn't there to help him this time and it would be the most embarrassing thing of his life to have to face time her and have her fuss over him in a room with these guys in it. He would die of shame right there. Of course he loved her...but he wasn't a kid anymore. He was sixteen now, able to drive!

"Damnit," he murmured and untangled it jerkily in frustration.

"Calm down, kid," hands grabbed his and stilled them. Peter glanced up to see Tony smiling down grimly as he did his tie up perfectly. "There."

"Thank you, Mr. Stark," Peter sighed and smoothed his red tie down. Tony nodded distractedly. Peter noticed the bead of sweat on his face and how he kept adjusting the neck of his shirt.

"You okay, Mr. Stark?" Peter frowned at his anxious fidgeting. Tony froze at his question.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" The billionaire smirked a little, as if to convince himself it was true.

Peter rose his eyebrows in doubt. "You know it's okay to be nervous right? Didn't you tell me that?"

"Ah, uh," Tony shook his head. "You can't mentor me. That's my job kiddo."

"Haven't you heard of student surpassing the master–?"


Peter chuckled. "Still, Mr. Stark. You're about to get married. That's...a pretty big deal. If you weren't nervous, you'd probably be stupid."

Tony gave him a dubious look. "Yeah, but...I know that! Don't lecture me about relationships kid, I got this."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Stark," the wall crawler shook his head with a grin. "Hey, where's Rhodey?"

Tony sighed and put his head in his hands. "I don't know. He said he'd be here by now and he's my best man...not to mention my best friend. I hope he gets here in time."

Peter pursued his lips. "He'll be here in time."

"I sure hope so kiddo," he smiled in appreciation and ruffled his head before glancing aimlessly into the crowd of mirrors and guys.

"I sure hope so."


Oh my god two updates in two days?? (Technically three but who's counting?) I really like this one plus it's a weekend so that's probably why lol.

Hope you like it, I know there's a lot of people to remember, but you can show off your nerdiness by knowing so many people now I guess. Love you guys, y'all are great!

(Also I'm really happy because I tried out for a part in the musical and got it!! So yay!!)

- Wanda ❤️

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