Chapter 10: Jailbreak part 2.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spidey, elektra, and Jessica walked to the front entrance of the triskellion, the freed civillians following closely behind them.

"Well, what's the next step?" Jessica asked the street level hero.

"I'm working on that." Spiderman responded, trying to come up with a plan to get themselves and the people off of the triskellion.

"Well, you better hurry..." elektra began as she spotted a few mechs and soldiers lastly approaching their location. "Or were gonna have company." She advised as she tightened her grip on her sais.

"Great...." Spidey said as he also spotted the approaching group. "Ok, I've got.... a somewhat good idea." Peter began to roll his shoulders, and the venom symbiote began to shift along its host.

"And that is?" Jessica asked, clenching her fists in anticipation for a fight.

"Well, I'm the guy who's exposed the registration act twice now, and I have an alien bonded to me. I can head out there, cause a very big distraction, and draw them all to me whilst you 2 lead them to those quinjets over there." Spidey said as he pointed at the quinjets on the other side of the triskellion.

"You sure about that?" Jessica asked. "You won't have us to back you up." She advised.

Instead of Peter responding, Venom created a tendril that morphed into its face.

"Parker has us to watch his back Jones." The symbiote growled, getting a glare by the detective.

"Given your track record with him, I don't trust you." Jessica retorted before releasing a huff. "But I don't have much of a choice."

"That's right, you don't." Venom agreed before returning and merging into the suit.

"If you're done speaking..." elektra spoke up, glancing at the detective and wallcrawler. "We need to move." She advised.

"You're right." Spidey agreed with the assasin from the hand. "Alright, here goes nothing." Taking a deep breath, he kicked the door open and rushed outside.

Spidey web zipped to a mech and kicked through it, leaving a decent sized hole and causing it to collapse on its side. His spidey sensed warned him of incoming fire, and Venom responded by creating four tendrils that grabbed a semi destroyed wing from a quinjet and using it as a temporary shield to block the bullets before tossing it at the people who opened fire. Spidey then shot a web past a soldier and slid under the man's legs before jumping to his feet and kicking him in the back, making the soldier stumble and fall with the webslinger webbing them to the ground. His spidey sense alerted him of incoming danger from above, and he spotted a quinjet approaching and fired 2 missiles at him. The hero from Queens rolled to the side to avoid the first missile before creating tendrils from his arms and grabbed the 2nd one on midair before spinning it around and throwing it back at the quinjet and making it hit the wing and causing it to crash land.

Looking around, Peter spotted more and more S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers coming in and opening fire. Spidey dodged the incoming fire with Venom, creating tendrils to attack those attacking Peter or grabbing nearby debris to block the shots. Eventually, the soldiers managed to surround Spiderman and opened fire once more, and Spiderman managed to dodge a few, but he was starting to get grazed by the bullets. Sensing and feeling it, Venom manipulated its host body by creating gaps in Spidey's body and allowing the bullets to fly harmlessly through him with Peter being none the wiser to the machinations that the klyntar was doing. A mech charged at Spiderman and through a punch at Spidey, but he jumped over the attack and performed a dive kick and began using him as a surf board and knocking into S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers like they were rolling pins before kicking off of the mech and creating a tendril that had spikes at the end of it and span around, destroying anything and anyone around him.

The clicking of a gun caught Spidey's attention, and he sharply turned around to see a S.H.I.E.L.D holding a shotgun directly in his face. Peter's spidey sense went off again, and Venom took quick control of Spidey's left arm and brought it up to cover its host face and soon created multiple tendrils that merged together and created a makeshift shield to block the shells when the shotgun fired. Once the shells made contact with the symbiotic shield, the shells got sucked into the shield. Spidey put his shielded arm down and stared dissappintedly at the soldier that shot at him.

"Did you really think that would work?" Spidey asked as he stared down the soldier.

"......I was hoping it would?" The soldier answered a little nervously.

" know what? I can respect it." Spidey said before webbing the shotgun out of the man's hands and webbed him to a destroyed tank. "So I'm just gonna web you there instead of knocking you out possibly painfully."

"Thank you." The soldier said. He'd take this over being beat up by a spiderman with the venom symbiote. "Also, my kids are big fans, and even though we're on different sides, I actually support you killing Iron Man."

".....thanks, man. I really appreciate it." Spidey said as he put a hand to his heart before giving a 2 finger salute. "Take care!" With that, spidey took off to be a bigger distraction.

Spidey spotted a 3 tanks heading to elektra and Jessica's location, so he decided to intercept them and take care of them. The host of Venom jumped on one of the tanks and forcefully opened the hatch and had venom send tendrils inside it and incapacitate the crew before manning the controls of the tanks and aiming at one of the tanks and firing at it. The other 2 tanks turned their attention to Spiderman, who got off of the immobilised tank and rushed the other tanks. Both tanks opened fire at him using machine guns or shells to take him down, but the wallcrawlers fast reflexes and venom using its tendrils to drag him out of tight situations. Eventually, spidey jumped in the air and fired a multitude of tendrils from his arms and wrapped them around the armoured vehicles. Once he landed on the ground, spidey pulled at the tank and with a yell brought them up into the air and smashed them into the ground multiple times, then into other nearby vehicles before slamming them together and bringing them back down into the ground, leaving them as a pile of scrap metal.

Pleased with his work, spidey was about to move onto the next area to cause more mayhem when something impacted the ground next to him. Going over to check, he spotted the downed form of wonderman and turned around to see Ms Marvel and Iron cat land behind him.

"You alright, spider?" Felicia asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Spidey responded as he looked back down at the downed form of wonderman. "You 2 sure did a number on the guy."

"He was tough, but 2 heads are better than one." Ms Marvel said.

"True." Spiderman agreed. "Did Jessica and elektra get the people away from here safely?" He asked, hoping that they got away.

"No." Felicia shook her head in the negative, catching Spiderman's attention. "They're people in the quinjet, but the anti air defences are still online, and they're trying to hold off S.H.I.E.L.D. and to make matters worse, Mr. Fantastic is heading over there."

"Dammit." Spidey cursed as he walked back and forth. He was hoping that the Jessica and elektra had escorted the prisoners far away from the triskellion, and he could make an escape.

"Then let's move to plan B." Venom advised its host.

"What the heck is plan B?" Spidey asked the klyntar.

"That." Venom answered as he temporarily took control of its host and made Peter's head turn to look at a docked hellicarrier that was currently refuelling. The cat thief and kree Hybrid looked to where Spiderman was looking at and also saw the hellicarrier.

"Why not use that as our getaway?" Spidey asked.

"It....could work." Carol answered after a moment of thought. "I can try and get the thing flying, although I might need some help to clear it out."

"Wolverine and punisher can help help that." Iron cat responded.

"They're here too?!" Spiderman asked, surprised.

"So are moon Knight and carpenter." The cat thief continued.

"What the heck is Julia doing here?! She should be with her daughter!" Spiderman exclaimed.

"She didn't want you to be locked up and then sent to that dammed prison in the quantum realm." Felici responded before holding a hand up to Spiderman, telling him to be silent for a moment. "Look, you can talk to her about all this. Right now, we need to get off of the triskellion and fast." The cat thief then turned to danvers. "How long until you can get that thing in the air?"

"Not too long, provided no one tries to attack me." Ms Marvel answers before hovering in the air. "As soon as I got it working, I'll contact you guys." She yelled as she flew away from the duo and towards her destination.

"Well, what should we do?" Iron cat asked.

"Well, we can start by dealing with those bots over there." Spiderman said as he motioned to the approaching mechs.

Iron cat turned around and sighed in mild annoyance at the approaching machines created by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Fine." Iron cat said as she fired her repulsor blasts, taking a few out whilst Spiderman dashed past the cat thief to deal with them head on.

Spiderman shoulder bashed into 3 of them before going into a roll and firing multiple webs to keep a few in place, allowing Iron Cat to destroy them with her micro missiles. Another mech snuck up behind Iron Cat and was going to attack her, but the cat thief in Iron Armour activated her energy claws and smashed across its chest and then fired her unibeam at another group of machines. Spidey caught a punch and ripped the arm off and beat the bot with it before tossing it away and the venom symbiote took control of spideys right arm and created the symbiotic shield on it and commanded Peter's arm to do a swiping motion and released the shotgun shells, that the symbiote had previously absorbed, at 3 S.H.I.E.L.D mechs, instantly destroying them.

Iron cat cartwheeled out of the way of an attack before shooting up to the air and then building up energy in her hands before smashing them down to the ground, creating an energy pulse that disabled the mechs around her.

'Good idea.' Spiderman thought after seeing what felicia done and decided to do the same. "Venom, time for that mass tendril attack of yours."

"It'd be our pleasure, Parker." Venom growled.

The symbiote began to ripple across it's host and this time, Peter was prepared for it and managed to deal with the pain a bit more and with a yell, released various tendrils across his body that impaled the various mechs around him and soon wrapped themselves around the stabbed S.H.I.E.L.D bots and slowly crushed them until they were nothing but pieces of scrap. The symbiote then dropped the mechs and returned to its host, pleaded with its work.

"Now, if there is nothing else I'd like to - OH COME ON!!!!" Spiderman exclaimed as a looming shadow coveted him, and when he looked up to see the cause of it, he saw that it was ant man in his giant form. Staring down solely at the man from Queens.

"You've caused quite a ruckus, Parker, but your little rebellion ends here." Hank pym stated firmly.

'I just can't catch a break at all, can't I?' Spiderman couldn't help but think as he stared at the other co leader of the registration act.

It would seem he had another obstacle to overcome before he could leave.

How fun.

A/N: and another chapter done. Don't really have much to say other than it was a bit difficult to write this, also....

They look almost identical, don't they? Or is it just me?

A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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