Chapter 5: Tower infiltration.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: At Avengers Tower, everyone was enjoying themselves in the living room, chatting and drinking the night away. The civil war was at a standstill with neither the pro or anti registration groups doing anything to gain an advantage over the other, and with the city being on heavy lockdown courtesy of Mr. Fantastic and Ant man ordering S.H.I.E.L.D. to take care of the people protesting against them, they didn't have to worry much. The only small issue they had to deal with was the small 3rd party that had joined the civil war. They had no idea what their endgame was, but it was safe to say that the 3rd party was the enemy of the pro registration.

As everyone continues to converse, James Rhodes makes a quick exit, planning to get some much needed sleep after doing some air patrolling. Just as he opened his door, he paused as he heard the elevator on the other end of the hallway ding before it opened up, revealing no one there. The wearer of the war machine armour stared at the empty elevator before cautiously approaching it, a hand reaching for the gun strapped to his leg. Just as he pulled his pistols out and was inches from the entrance of the elevator, someone suddenly dropped down from the ceiling and dropkicked the military man. Rhode's stumbled back from the hit and suprise, his grip on his weapon lost. The attacker used that to their advantage and punched rhodey across his face, knocking him into the wall. Rhodey recovered and threw his own punch, but the figure caught it and flipped the soldier onto his back and knocked his lights out with a powerful kick to his temple.

The figure sighed before grabbing rhodey by the arms and began to drag him to his room. Once inside, they plopped the wearer of the war machine armour in his bed before silently walking, leaving the bedroom, and closing the door. They then proceeded to head to their next destination, noticing very small groups of wasps swarming nearby cameras and blinding them. After a bit of walking and making sure not to be spotted by people walking the halls, the figure reached their destination, an air-tight door which leads them to Tony Starks Armour forge.

Reaching behind their back, the figure grabbed a deactivated spider bot and, with a press of a button, reactivated the bot and watched as it jumped off of their hand and crawled up to the key pad and little wires ejected out of it and attached itself to said key pad and began to hack into it. The figure kept an eye and ear out in case anyone was close by. Luckily, the figure didn't have to wait long for the spider bot to do its task as the keypad beeped in affirmative, and the door began to undo its multiple locks before slowly opening up and the figure slid through the gap followed by the spider bot.

"Perfect." The figure whispered before turning around to look at their little robot companion. "You know what to do." They said, and the spider bot made no noise or movement that it headd the order, but after 2 seconds, it went to a medium-sized arc reactor at the corner of the forge and hopped onto it and stabbed it's legs into the reactor and the back of it opened up to reveal a 5 minute timer. "Time to get what I came for." They said as the figure went to a glass chamber in the centre of the forge and used the key card they stole to access the chamber.

The figure then walked to the centre of the chamber and stood calmly as they were scanned from head to toe repeatedly. A monitor then popped up from the ground, and the figure began typing on it, giving a list of commands to create armour to their liking. Once it was done, the figure then sent a final command, and the monitor descended back into the ground. Soon, 6 metal arms came out of the ground, holding various pieces of armour, and began attaching it to the figure.

(5 minutes later - Avengers living room)

Everyone was still having relaxing, enjoying the food and drinks provided by various drones, but all that came to a halt when the tower shook from a small explosion and everyone stood at attention as alarms began to blare.

"Explosion reported at the armoured forge! Head there immediately!!" The voice of ant man sounded on the intercom as both heroes and villains rushed towards the forge.

Upon arriving, they saw that the door to the forge was slightly ajar, and smoke was escaping through the gap. The thing ripped the door off of it's hinges and he walked into the smoke covered room followed by everyone else.

The group cautiously searched for the cause of the explosion, not knowing if it was due to a malfunction or someone breaking it. However, they all stopped when the sound of metallic footsteps echoed in the forge, and 2 red eyes pierced through the fog, followed by a 3rd lighting up where the chest area would most likely be.

"Ultron?" Mockingbird called out, hands holding tightly to her weapons, only receiving a laugh at her question that sounded feminine.

"Not ultron honey...."The figure said as they continued walking through the smoke becoming and more visible.

"It's just yours truly." The now revealed black cat (or iron cat) said, a smirk hiding behind her helmet.

"Stand down black cat. Come quietly, and there won't be any trouble." Mr. Fantastic said, getting ready to stretch and trap felicia Hardy.

"How about......" The cat thief began, seemingly pondering the choices she was given before she raised both her hands at the leader of the fantastic four. "No." She answered, her repulsor blasts charging and firing at the hero.

The stretchy hero moved the top half of his body out of the way, the blasts flying past him and impacting the wall.

"It's clobbering time!!" The thing yelled as he rushed the cat thief.

"Oh no, you don't." Felicia muttered, using her thrusters to get some air time and dodge a sweep from the thing's right arm.

Iron cat used minimum thrust to back away as shoulder rockets popped out and locked onto the thing, Mr. Fantastic, mockingbird, Falcon, ant man, wonder man, hawkeye and spiderwoman. The rockets fired, heading for their targets. However, everyone dodged or deflected the rockets away from them, causing more damage to the area around them. Wonder man lunged towards Iron Cat, who met him halfway with red energy claws extending from her nails. At the last second, the 2 were about to impact, iron cat maneuvered to the right and flew past wonder man, firing a unibeam at his back and making him smash through a few floors before she span around and slashes hawkeyes bow in half and kicking him into the fast approaching heroes.

"Flares!!" Felicia yelled, and multiple flares popped out of her armour and lit up, temporarily blinding those close to her and for further effect raised her repulsors to her sides and used her thrusters to spin around as she continued firing repulsor blasts that were soon followed by shoulder missiles.

Everyone hit the deck as Iron Cat unleashed her arsenal on her opponents, causing damage to the forge until she eventually stopped. Seeing everyone standing back up, felicia decided it was time to take her leave as she got what she came for. Firing a repulsor blast to a wall that led her outside, Iron cat flew through it, ready to leave only to be held in place by Mr fantastic who was holding her legs with one hand with his other hand holding onto a pillar.

"Get the hell off of me!!!" Iron cat yelled as she was slowly being pulled back.

"You are under -" Reed Richards was about to say before he was cut off.

"Oh, shut up." Felicia hissed as she spun around and fired her unibeam at the member of the fantastic four who couldn't dodge it in time and was absorbed by the blast and was flung through many walls of the tower, letting go of felicia Hardy in the process. Now free, iron cat flew off from the tower, making a call whilst she was at it.

"Hey, it me." felicia began. "I've got the suit and spider's location to boot. I'm heading to the rendezvous." She said before ending the call and picking up the pace.

(Mini timeskip)

Felicia Hardy flew through the air without much issue. She had initially needed to dodge scout drones that were in pursuit, but they were called off, and from what felicia gathered, it was because nearby civillians saw the chaos from at the tower and some took advantage to cause trouble of their own and started attacking S.H.I.E.L.D personnel near the tower.

'Oh well. It made the escape easier.' The cat thief thought.

After a few more minutes of flying, Black Cat spotted one of her many penthouses that she has recently transformed into a safe house. Descending onto the balcony, felicia opened the doors and walked inside and then closed the door.

Walking into her living room, the iron cat armour opened up, allowing felicia to step out of it and take a seat on her sofa as her armour closed and stayed on standby mode.

"So how did it go?" A feminine voice called out in the shadows of the living room.

"About as good as expected." The cat thief said, looking in the direction of where the voice came from. "Although, I noticed a lot of wasps blinding some cameras as I was heading to the forge? Care to share?" Black cat asked as footsteps got began heading her away, and a figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal....

Julia carpenter.

"Van dyne has joined our side." Julia said, sitting on the opposite end of felicia.

"Can she be trusted?" The love interest of Spiderman asked.

"She hates the registration act just as much as I do, and the treatment that pym gives her doesn't exactly make her want to work him and what he's doing." Julia responded. "So I'd say we are in the clear." She added before asking the question that's on her mind. "So besides the armour that you acquired, can I also assume you have a location?" Arachne asked.

Instead of answering, black cat snapped her fingers, and her armour raised its left hand, and a hologram appeared, showing the triskellion.

"So that's where he is." Carpenter muttered as she stood up from her seated position and moved to get a closer look at the hologram with Hardy standing next to her. "Do we know where in the triskellion he is?"

"Unfortunately, no." Black cat answered, annoyed that she wasn't to get that info. "If we started an attack on the triskellion, we'd be rushing to look through the entire place until we found him." She said.

"Then it's a good thing we've got someone on the inside who just recently gave us that bit of info." Julia said, a smirk on her face.

"We do?" Felicia asked, confusion written all over her face, getting an affirmative hum in response. "Who?" She further asked.

Instead of answering, Julia shot a web to a nearby phone and pulled it to her hand, tapping on the screen she then brought up an image and showed it to the cat thief who grabbed it and stared at the image before letting out a noise of surpise and then turning to Julia then back to the phone and then repeating the action a few more times.

"Seriously?" She asked, surpise evident in her voice.

"Yep." Julia simply responded

".....oooookay then." Felicia accepted, still bewilded at who's helping them.

"I'll go and inform the others." Julia said, walking away from the living room.

"You do that, I'm going to bed." Felicia said, her Iron cat armour shutting found the hologram and shutting down. "See you in the morning carpenter." The cat thief called out.

"Goodnight, Hardy." Julia said back, walking out of the living room, planning to inform the others and her contact at the triskellion of the recent development.

They were one step closer to achieving their objective.

Said objective? Break Spiderman out of the triskellion.

A/N: Right, another chapter out. There's not much to say from me other than we're getting close to the prison break part.

A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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