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tw: trans! peter

Thirteen year old Katie Rhea Stark stood in her bathroom, eyes flitting over her reflection. She was disgusted with herself- scratch that, himself. No... she's a girl- but she's not, she's a boy.

Tears brimmed her eyes as minutes passed by in a blur, her fingers clutching the counter desperately. Why was her life so hard?

She wasn't normal, she could never be normal. Dysphoria bit her in the ass every day of her damned life and she was scared to do anything about it.

Katie glanced over at the pair of scissors sat on the pristine counter. Biting her bottom lip, she reached over and picked the tool up with shaky fingers, bringing it close to her hair. Taking three quick deep breaths while gathering a hefty chunk of hair in her hand, Katie closed her eyes and chopped it clean off, the loose strands flitting helplessly to the tiled floor.

Katie let out a sob as she continued to hack off her hair until it was around the length of a male's natural hair, a smile on her lips. But as quick as it came it disappeared as a knock was heard from her door. Realization of what she just did smacked her in the face as she turned towards the door, eyes wide.

"H-Hello?" her voice came out timid and small.

"Katie hon, it's dad. I know what you did, can I come in?" Katie only let out a quiet squeak before hesitantly unlocking the door to see her father, Tony Stark, standing there, arms crossed.

"I-I'm sorry," she cried as she backed away, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Tony only smiled before sitting on the floor next to her.

"You don't need to be sorry, but you need to be upfront with me. Why did you cut off your hair?" he asked.

"Because, dad. I'm a boy," Katie whispered, fiddling with her thumbs. Tony hummed.

"Alright, so you want he/him pronouns?" he inquired. Katie's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Y-Yes please!" *He said, smiling bright. Tony returned the smile.

"What do you want to be called?" he replied.



**4 Years Later**


"Dad! Guess what!" Peter said excitedly as he entered the penthouse. Tony looked up from his Stark Pad at the kitchen counter, a mug of fresh coffee in his hand.

"What, kiddo?" he asked amused. Peter gave a big smile, a few tears gathering on his long lashes.

"Doctor Banner approved me for top surgery! Can you believe it? Ive been waiting for four years!!" he giddily said, jumping up and down.

Tony smiled and stood up, giving his son a hearty hug. "That's great, kiddo. When's it scheduled for?" he replied, leading the bouncy teen to the couch.

"Next Saturday, so like... seven days!!" he exclaimed, falling onto the cushions. Tony nodded his head, humming quietly at the statement.

"Speaking of Banner.... when's he getting you your next dose of T?" he asked. Peter thought for a moment before opening his mouth to respond.

"Pretty sure he said two weeks," he replied. "Besides, that's when my current dose runs out."


**7 Days Later**
{after surgery}


"Dad, I'm becoming a man!" a drugged up Peter said from his hospital bed in the recovery room. Tony and Bruce stood next to the woozy teen, trying not to laugh.

"I can see that, bud." the billionaire replied, snickering quietly. Peter gave a lopsided grin.

"I don't have boooooooooooobs!!!" he giggled, taking a deep breath through his nose. He coughed for about ten seconds before his grin returned.

"That's right, Peter. You look quite manly."


**8 Months Later**


Peter stood at the podium in his school's auditorium, his red graduation gown flowing over his features. He looked out at his friends and enemies, a smile on his face as he began to say his speech.

"When the school board asked me to write a speech for our graduation, I was petrified. I didn't know what to say or what's topics to touch on, and I procrastinated for a good three and a half months, drafting and re-drafting different speeches.

"When I started, I told myself that there was one thing I wasn't going to do. Well, guess what. I'm doing that one thing."

The audience of students, teachers, parents and guardians all laughed at the boy's antics.

"You may have noticed throughout the four years we've had here at Midtown that I wasn't the most masculine of the bunch. With my rounded features, my small frame and my drastic height difference, you could call me more feminine.

"You have have noticed my voice go through a lot of changes, too. Freshman year, I could sing a female's part in a song and no one would know it was me; sophomore year my voice deepened fast, but was very nasally and I had multiple voice cracks; junior year my voice dropped nearly an octave, and senior year no one would mistake me for a woman again."

Peter took a deep breath.

"I was so scared to change in the locker rooms that I would have a panic attack, resulting in me having to go home for the rest of the day. I hated my body, and I still do. You know why?"

He paused for a few seconds, trying to calm his nerves.

"B-Because I was born in the wrong body, and even though I did my damned best to make myself look more like a man, I always knew that no matter what, I couldn't be a real man until my breasts were gone and I could pass. I started taking testosterone shots the beginning of grade ten, and I took pills to stop my menstrual cycle."

"I grew facial hair and actually desired to shave. But I bound my chest tightly everyday so no one would suspect a thing. That is, until eight months ago, when two three pound lumps were hacked off my body, letting me stand up straighter and allow myself to start loving my body."

Peter wiped a stray tears from his cheek with the back of his sleeve.

"I'm ftm transgender and a gay boy, and if you don't like it, then fuck you. I never liked you anyway."

And with that, Peter bowed and walked off stage as the audience erupted in shouts and cheers, Peter's classmates giving him pats on the back and tight hugs.

Damn, being accepted feels great.


i start school again in six hoursssss

my sleep scheDULE IS FUCKED

i saw aquaman today. i have to say, it was probably my favorite dc movie. good job dc.

so don't be surprised if i make a crossover


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