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okay so i typed like half of this chapter in all lowercase before i realized it so i just rolled with it lmao

trigger warning: use of offensive and homophobic slurs, invalidation of sexuality

peter parker lived a double life, and not the one you're probably thinking of.

you see, ever since peter was eight years old, he couldn't stop admiring the girls and boys in his school. he knew it was different since all his friends only had crushes on girls, but he figured it wasn't anything to worry about, that it was just some silly phase that everyone goes through in their life.

oh boy was he wrong.

he learned what the lgbtq community was when he was twelve. when he read what the term bisexual meant, he cried. why did he cry, you may ask? he cried because he knew that it wasn't normal, and that the people around him would think he's weird and disgusting for liking the two binary genders.

so ever since he was twelve, he's lived a double life. to his family members, teachers, and many of his classmates, he was peter parker, nerdy straight boy who likes playing with LEGO. but to his close friends and anywhere online, he was peter parker, bisexual god who wore cute clothes and listened to indie music.

peter's sixteen now, and is still a closeted bisexual. he's only come out to his best friends ned, mj, and flash, and still uses his second accounts on social media to flaunt his sexuality.


it was a normal wednesday morning.

peter was getting ready for school, and he was drinking a homemade iced latte out of a mason jar while he walked around in his boxers, curly hair still damp from his shower. he had over an hour before he had to leave for school, so he had plenty of time to just lounge around his apartment. may had already left for work, so he was safe to do whatever the hell he wanted.

"i'm telling you, vanilla is so much better than mocha," peter pressed as he flipped his eggs, glancing over at his phone; mj was on the screen, doing her makeup.

"mocha is way better than vanilla you dumb bitch," she replied, rolling her eyes. "besides, you're just another white boy, you don't know anything about taste."

"excuse me?" peter gasped dramatically, placing his hands over his chest. "i am not just another white boy! i'm a white boy that likes other boys!"

"oh my bad. let me correct myself; you're just another gay white boy who doesn't know anything about taste," mj replied, sarcasm dripping from her tone like venom.

"hey hey hey, i'm only half gay," peter corrected, giggling to himself.

"whatever you say."

"i'll see you at school mj," peter said as he slid his eggs onto a paper plate. "i'm gonna eat then get ready."

"see you later, loser." she hung up the call.

peter ate his eggs silently, his soft chewing the only sound echoing around the empty apartment. he and may were working on moving out to their new home in brooklyn, so everything was packed away in boxes and in the living room, leaving the tiny apartment barren. of course it'd be a while before they actually left; they still had a month left on their contract.

after finishing his eggs, peter tossed his paper plate and wandered off to his bedroom, adjusting his boxers on his way there. he scoured through his dresser, unwillingly looking passed his stylish clothes and to his nerdy ones. he pulled out a science pun tee and some grey jeans, tugging them on and smoothing out his shirt.

"karen, put on my morning playlist please," peter said as he buttoned his jeans.

"playing your morning playlist..."

music started blaring through peter's self-made speakers, making the sixteen year old smile to himself. he had built them when he was fourteen from random things he found in the dumpster, and he was very proud of his creation. yeah they needed a few tweaks here and there, but that was all right; as long as they worked, he was happy.

running a comb through his unruly curls, peter ruffled his hair with his fingers. he loved a natural look, but it had to be tamed; if it wasn't, he'd look like an adult lion. after brushing his teeth and flossing for the first time in three weeks, peter was ready to go.

he slid his uncle ben's watch onto his wrist, securing the strap tightly. he adored that watch, mainly because it was the only item he had of ben's; may kept almost everything else for herself.

peter grabbed his phone (which mr. stark made him) and opened a group chat between him, flash, mj, and ned.

begone thots

what's up fuckers

don't call me a fucker
you fucker

have you left your houses yet

walking out my door as
we speak m'lady

my mom bOUGHT ME


you two are such nerds

preach bitch

omfg i almost got hit by
a truck rip

should i even ask?

just don't ned

oh shit my train's here

peter pocketed his phone before stepping onto the subway, finding a place to stand. he gripped the handle with one hand and leaned against the cold metal wall, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. his fingers drummed against the strap of his book bag as he stood, dazing off into a daydream.

the subway ride was oddly short that day, and peter stumbled into the station numbly. everything felt off for some reason, like something bad was going to happen. he couldn't shake the feeling as he trudged down the streets of new york, shivering in his jacket from the harsh winds trying to blow him off his feet.

with chattering teeth and purple tinted lips peter entered the school building, letting out a quiet sigh of relief as heat smacked him in the face, warming his icy skin. he walked to his locker happily, basking in the new found warmth. he shrugged off his coat and hooked it up in his locker, grabbing his chemistry book out and placing it in his book bag, zipping it up.

"what's up loser."

peter turned around to see mj leaning against the locker next to him, arms crossed and eyes lighting up with glee. he grinned at her and slung his book bag over his shoulders, turning to face her.

"hi mj," he greeted, leaning against his locker. "new outfit?"

mj twirled around, "you know it," she laughed. she was wearing black jean shorts over black sheer tights, a bollocks london tee and a striped black and white shawl, her curly brown hair tucked away in a beanie.

"well it's totally inspiring me," peter complimented. "it's b-schedule today right?"

"yep," mj replied. "now come on, i need to ask mr. blake a question about the test tomorrow."

school went by in a blur, and soon it was eighth period. everything felt wrong still, and when he walked into his history classroom, his head felt like it was going to explode. eyes were following him to his seat. and he awkwardly pulled out his history textbook, trying to ignore the stares.

"hey peter."

the sixteen year old looked up to find brad, the school's biggest asshole, standing in front of him. he had the widest smirk on his lips that
peter had ever saw, and his stomach dropped.

"um, hi?" peter stuttered out, anxiety crawling over his skin.

"so i found your second account on instagram."

peter swallowed thickly, trying to suppress his panic. he was on the edge of having a mental breakdown right then and there.

"y-you did?" he mumbled out, mouth dry.

"you're a faggot, huh?" brad said with a cocky grin. "you're a disgusting little fag."


"you like kissing other boys, don't you?" brad teased.

peter glanced around, internally crying as he saw everyone staring at them. his hands shook nervously and he looked over at mj, eyes wide as they filled with shining tears. she was just as shocked as he was, her mouth slightly open as she sat back in his chair, her hands on her jaw.

"why does it m-matter?" he question weakly, shrinking back in on himself.

"look here ya' queer," brad said roughly, grabbing peter by the collar of his tee. "you make me fucking sick. boys date girls and that's it, you hear me?"

"bisexual's not even a real thing, you can only like one gender anyway!" cindy added from the other side of the room. "you're either straight or gay, there's no in between!"

peter's bottom lip quivered as he held back a sob, staring into the eyes of the towering male in front of him. anxiety was clawing at his chest, wrecking him from the inside out. he yanked his book bag up from the floor and ran out of the room, breaths heaving as he sprinted down the hallway, tears wetting his red cheeks.

he shoved the bathroom door open and collapsed into a stall, sliding the lock as he sat against the wall, panic surging through him. he flinched when the bathroom door creaked open, followed by light footsteps.

"peter? are you in here?"


peter weakly unlocked the stall and pushed the swinging door open. he fell back against the wall as flash bent down next to him, smoothing his curly hair out of his face. the other boy was clearly enraged, and he was on the verge of beating brad's ass to the ground.

"this'll all blow over, i swear," flash promised, sliding down to sit next to the smaller boy. he brought peter into a comforting hug, "you're valid, you're going to be okay, all right? brad is just a bitch who's probably stuck in the closet and too afraid to come out so he doesn't ruin his reputation."

"he's gonna t-tell everyone, may's gonna find out," peter hiccuped, squeezing his eyelids shut. "mr. stark's gonna find o-out and he's gonna take away the s-suit again."

"peter," flash comforted, rubbing his shoulder softly. "mr. stark is literally dating that dr. strange guy, i'm pretty sure he'll be okay with you liking boys and girls."

"but h-he's gay, he doesn't l-like two genders," peter whimpered, running the back of his hand across his snotty nose.

"and? if he rejects you, he's a shithole of a person, and an even shittier hero," flash replied. "c'mon, i'll take you home; we'll hang out and watch movies or something."


peter clutched the fuzzy blanket that was wrapped tightly around his shoulders. flash sat next to him, an arm slung loosely around the shorter boy's shoulders, holding him close to his body, their sides pressed together and molded perfectly to fit. this position was natural for the two boys; it'd always been the way.

neither of them even noticed that flash started to comb his fingers through peter's unruly hair, teasing small knots out of his chestnut curls. peter unconsciously leaned into the warm touch. leaning his head on flash's shoulder, a content smile on his lips.

"peter.... i need to tell you something," flash said randomly, not tearing his eyes away from the screen.

"what is it?" the shorter boy asked, pressing his cheek to the other's shoulder as he looked up.

"i... i like you. like, more than a friend."

peter was silent for a moment as he slowly realized what his best friend had told him. flash had a crush on him?


"i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said anything," flash mumbled sadly as he went to get up, only to be stopped the peter.

the shorter boy crawled into his lap, pressing his thighs against the other's. heat rose to both of their faces, tinting their cheeks and noses a rosy pink. peter shook his head with a smile, cupping flash's jaw with his hands.

"flash, i like you too."

"really?" flash asked, surprised; was this real life?

"really, you nerd," peter laughed , his pearly white teeth shining in the dim room.

>>steamy-ish make out session. if uncomfortable, skip to the next bold<<

peter's eyes flickered down to flash's lips, and before either of the boys knew it they were leaning in, eyes slipping shut as their lips pressed together in bliss. flash rested one hand on the small of peter's back and his other on the back of his head while peter's arms snaked around his neck, their chests pressing together. flash deepened the kiss, pulling the shorter boy impossibly closer, sparks of magic and electricity flying everywhere.

the two teenagers pulled away, a string of saliva connecting their lips. peter giggled and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve, rubbing the fabric across his skin.

"that was..."

"wow," flash finished for him, a grin on his lips.

"can we... can we do that again?" peter asked shyly. looking down nervously.

flash only laughed and tilted peter's head back up before pressing their lips together once more, except this time with more passion than the first. peter's hands slid down flash's chest, balling the fabric of the taller's shirt in his fists. flash bit down lightly on peter's bottom lip, making a soft whine emit from his throat.

flash gently laid peter on his back and climbed over him, knees pressed against the shorter's sides. he kissed down his jaw and neck, stopping once peter let out a quiet moan, grinning as he realized he found the boy's sweet spot. he bit and nipped at the sensitive skin, and peter tangled his finger's in flash's raven hair, biting down on his lip to keep in a satisfied moan.

flash smiled when he pulled away, admiring the pretty purple and green bruise forming on peter's collarbone. he looked up at the boy and tugged on the bottom of his shirt, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"is this okay?" he asked quietly, slowly pushing up the fabric that covered peter's stomach.

peter nodded, but flash shook his head.

"use your words, sweetheart."

"y-yes please."

flash smiled and slowly removed peter's science pun tee, tossing it to the floor lamely. he pulled off his own, discarding it in the same pile, and his hands traveled the shorter boy's midsection, massaging his sides and hipbones softly. he bent down once more, biting down on a patch of skin, smirking as a purple splotch was already forming around his bite mark.

flash kissed back up peter's neck and nipped behind the shorter's ear, ripping a positive moan from the boy's throat. god how he loved marking this boy up; people were gonna know that peter was his.

>>make out scene over<<

sure, peter had been kissed plenty of times before, but the events that went down mere hours before were still engraved into his mind. everything about it felt so right, and he was over the moon.

flash and peter were snuggled up on the bottom bunk of peter's bed, watching netflix on flash's laptop. peter's head was rested against the taller's chest, and their fingers were intertwined loosely as they watched the show. peter knew may was going to be home any minute, but he honestly didn't care if she caught them; it's bound to happen sometime soon, so why try and avoid it?

"peter? i'm home!"

peter felt flash stiffen beside him, and he pressed himself into the taller's side, pressing his cheek against his shoulder.

"i don't care anymore," he mumbled softly, eyelids drooping. "relax, flash. i'm ninety-nine percent sure she won't care."

"and what about that other one percent?"

"let's pray the gods are in our favor."

peter's bedroom door slowly creaked open, followed by the cheery voice of his aunt. "pete honey did you he—oh my, i'll leave you two alone."

peter snickered as may rushed out of the room, a hand over her eyes. flash followed suit, wrapping a strong arm around his waist.

"it's funny how hours ago you were having a breakdown about may finding out, and now you don't give two shits," he laughed, ruffling peter's chestnut curls.

"well that was before you gave me great advice and a bomb-ass make out session," the shorter boy replied sassily, leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss to flash's nose.

"we should probably go talk to your aunt," flash laughed before giving peter a peck on the lips.

"eh, five more minutes."

when peter and flash emerged from peter's bedroom, they found may sitting at the kitchen counter reading a magazine she got in the post. she turned to look at her nephew and his friend, raising his eyebrows suggestively as she saw their linked hands.

"well hello boys," she stated, setting the magazine down on the counter. "is there anything you'd like to tell me, peter?"

"i'm..." the sixteen year old started, taking in a shuddering breath, "i'm bisexual."

"is that it?"

"well, uh... yeah?"

may let out a surprising laugh that sounded more like an exasperated wheeze. she turned to her nephew, shaking his head. "peter, i've known you weren't that straight since you were five when your kindergarten teacher told me how you kissed harry osborn during recess."

"i-i, you knew about that?" peter gasped, an embarrassed blush filling his cheeks.

"of course i did," may laughed. she wiped a tear away from her eye before turning to flash. "now i'd you hurt my nephew i swear on the gods you won't see the light of day ever again, you understand?"

"y-yes ma'am," flash stuttered out weakly, withering under the woman's glare.

"great! now who wants cookies?"


a couple of weeks had passed since peter and flash confessed their feelings for each other. flash took peter out on a date, asked him to be his boyfriend, and peter obviously said yes. they made out a little bit and almost went further but were interrupted by peter's annoying neighbor clara; she's ninety years old and stares out her window all day to ruin other people's days.

now it was finally friday, and it was labs day at the tower. peter loved labs day with his
mentor, especially because they were always doing something new; it never got boring.

"mr. stark, i'm here!" peter called out cheerily as he skipped into the billionaire's lab, dropping his book bag to the floor.

"what's going on, kiddo? how was school?" tony asked as he wrapped peter up in a bear hug, swinging the kid from side to side.

"it was the same as yesterday, boring as heck," the sixteen year old sighed. "how's mr. stephen?"

"stephen is great," tony replied, blushing. "he's at an assembly for doctor right now, actually. he'll be home tomorrow morning."

the two worked together for nearly an hour, tinkering with one of mark LII's repulsers, trying to take out the blockage that had nearly compromised a mission the previous week. peter accidentally smeared a swan of motor oil on his cheek, making his sniffle at the strong scent.

"mr. stark, do you love mr. stephen?" the sixteen year old asked randomly, messing with one of the screwdrivers he had in front of him.

"what?" tony asked, taken aback; where did this come from?

"do you love mr. stephen?"

"well yeah," the billionaire answered slowly, putting down his wrench. "why do you ask?"

peter sighed, turning his body around and looking up at his mentor. "you're really lucky, mr. stark. you've got a great boyfriend and you don't care what other people think about you. i only have one of those things."

"kid, what are you on about?" tony asked.



"i'm bisexual and i have a boyfriend," peter repeated, this time slower.

"oh," he said, "OH." tony looked over at peter, eyebrows raised. "what's his name?"

this question seemed to punch peter in the gut, and  he stared up at his mentor with starry eyes. "you don't care that i'm dating a guy? or that i like two genders?"

"well of course not. it'd be a tad bi hypocritical of me to," the billionaire explained. "now, what's his name?"

"well it's eugene thompson, but everyone calls him flash."

tony thought for a moment, fingertips massaging his goatee. he glanced over at the large digital clock on the wall before back down to his protégée, an excited smirk on his face.

"call your boy; we're doing to dinner."

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