But Uncle Steve

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wade is 17


tw: offensive terms and slang

"Dad, how am I gonna tell Uncle Steve that I'm gay?" a stressed, thirteen year old Peter Stark asked his father as they sat on the teen's bed. Tony sighed and raked a hand through his son's chestnut curls, his lips forming a thin line.

"I don't know, Pete. Uncle Steve can be... pretty unpredictable. Why don't we just let it sit there, drop some hints here and there, and when the times come for you to feel ready, tell him," he reasoned. Peter was silent for a moment before nodding.

"And you don't mind, right? That I like boys and not girls? Because MJ told me I could stay with her if you didn't want me-" Tony cut him off,

"Peter, of course I don't mind. It's your life, and it's your choice to see who you love. Just because you like boys doesn't give me enough reason to kick you to the curb. Alright?" he said. Peter let a smile slip through.

"Love you, dad," he mumbled as he laid down, readjusting the covers over his body. Tony grinned.

"Love you too, Kid. Now, get some rest."


It's been three full years since Peter came out to his dad, and a little bit back of three years since he told his mom. Everyone had figured it out by now- except for Steve. For god's sake, even Clint figured it out! The most oblivious Avengers realized his nephew was gay before even the most observant Avenger.

And the hints didn't go by unnoticed, either. Maybe it was the life size rainbow pride flag hung on Peter's wall, or maybe it was the shirt Tony bought him that had a rainbow and lettering under it that read, "Hi, I'm Gay. What's your sexuality?"

And Steve still hadn't figured it out.

And so, Peter made it his mission to do the gayest things when ever Steve was in the room. Like that one time he and Natasha ranted about how hot this one male celebrity was, of maybe that time him and Wanda made pride-themed mugs for all the Avengers. None of them worked.

Peter had one option left, and that was to bring his boyfriend over and make out with him.

What a great idea. Right?



"Babe, you make me crazy," Wade laughed as he and Peter fell onto the fluffy white couch in the common room, the younger on top of the elder. Peter laughed and maneuvered himself to be straddling the mercenary, knees wedged on either side of his hips. "Woah, didn't know you had it in you, Petey."

"I can do a lot of things you don't think I can do," Peter replied, adjusting his hips. Out of the corner of his eye, the vigilante saw Steve enter the room, eyes trained on the pair quizzically.

"I mean, you can suck a mean di-"

"Peter, who's this?" Steve asked as he rounded the couch, arms crossed over his chest.

"Uncle Steve, meet Wade. My boyfriend," Peter replied, linking hands with the boy underneath him. Steve furrowed his eyebrows.

"If he is your friend that is a boy, why are sitting on top of him? That's usually a girl's job," he said. Peter choked.

"No, Uncle Steve. This is my boyfriend. We're dating," he explained, sweat beads beginning to form on his forehead. Steve opened his mouth before closing it, opening again. A fiery rage burned behind his eyes.

"Peter Benjamin Stark!" he yelled, making both the teens flinch. "That is unholy, unacceptable... it's plain wrong!"

"B-But Uncle Steve!" Peter protested, hands shaking. He had never seen his uncle so mad.

"No buts, Peter. Go to your fucking room. And you," Steve paused, pointing towards Wade, "I never want to even see your face again, you faggot."

Peter burst into tears and Steve stomped back to the elevator, going to confront Tony about his only son's sins. Wade quickly sat up and wrapped Peter in a hug, holding the sobbing boy close to him.

"I-I'm is s-sorry," he cried into Wade's shoulder. The teen mercenary only shook his head, softly rubbing his fingers in circles on Peter's back.

"Shh... it's okay, Petey. We can always see each other at school and when you go patrolling," he whispered into his ear.

Peter choked on a sob. "I-I don't want you to leave me," he whimpered.


"Tony! Your son needs to be cleansed of his sins!" Steve shouted angrily as he stomped into the billionaire's lab. Tony swiveled around in his chair, eyes wide.

"What do you mean, Steve?" he asked. Steve huffed.

"You're son is a fucking faggot, that's what. You need to throw him out, possibly enroll him in a private church school in a different country," he growled. Tony got pissed.

"You can shut your trap, Rogers! I know Peter is gay, everyone one in this damned tower knows he is! And guess what, they all accept him," he shot back, now standing. Steve pointed angrily at the billionaire, and you could almost see the steam emitting from his ears.

"If you're not going to get rid of him, I will!"


"W-Wade, I'm scared. I don't want to be here anymore," Peter whimpered as the two teens sat on the west balcony. It was the farthest away from the common room, the farthest away from Steve.

"It's gonna be okay, your dad's got you," the mercenary replied, cuddling his boyfriend closer to his chest. Peter sighed, sniffling.

"I-I just want him to except me..." his voice was quiet, just above a whisper. Wade shook his head.

"You don't need him, Petey. If he wants to be a homophobic son of a bitch, he doesn't deserve you."


"Get out of my tower."

Tony stood in front of Steve, hand raised and gauntlet forming around it. The striking red and silver metal gleamed as the lights reflected off of it, making small rays. The billionaire was ready to blast the captain's brains out of he even thought about hurting his son.

"Tony, you know that's unnatural!" Steve stressed, hands moving in circles. "He's supposed to be strong! Not some anal-loving bastard who sucks dick!"

"Peter can love whoever the hell he wants!" Tony shouted, anger boiling inside of him. "If he likes boys of girls or anyone, I'm gonna accept him! You know why? You know why, Rogers?

"Because he's my son, and I love him."


"Wade? Am I really an anal-loving bastard?"

"God, no. Peter, you're perfect."


Tony let out a huff of frustration as he chucked all of Steve's belongings out the window of his bedroom. He was so high up that he didn't hear the crash until twenty seconds later, splitting wood and clanking metal filling the white noise of the streets of Brooklyn. Steve was being guarded by Happy and some others in the lobby, watching in shock as his stuff was destroyed.

"FRIDAY, tell Happy to boot him and lock the doors. I need to remove Rogers from the system."

"On it boss," the A.I responded.

Tony quickly went to work, removing Steve's signature from the building, knowing nobody would protest. He didn't care about the solider anymore. After all, he had a wife, a son, a probably a future-son-in-law to take care of.



thanks for 600k i'm so happyyyyyyyyyy

but yeah my update schedule is fucked because of my school's musical, but oh well

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