Crashed Meetings and Toy Dinosaurs

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•slaps table•


Raising a kid is hard.

Especially when that kid is an energetic four-year old who can't seem to get tired.

Don't get me wrong, Tony and Stephen were grateful for Peter; the kid was the best thing to ever happen to them. Even if he wasn't biologically their's, they still acted like it.


"Papa, will you play dinos with me?"

Stephen looked up from his newspaper, a smile gracing his lips. Peter was sat in front of him, holding two of his favorite plastic dinosaurs in his small, chubby hands, smiling wide. He set his paper down and hoisted his son into his lap, the boy giggling.

"Of course I'll play dinos with you buddy," the sorcerer answered, bopping Peter's nose. The boy handed his father the green dinosaur—a
t-rex, his favorite.

"Here Papa," he said seriously. Stephen nodded his head just as seriously, taking the dinosaur.

The father-son duo messed around with the toy dinosaurs for a little while, Peter pretending he was one of them at one point. The four-year old climbed around on the couches and the coffee table, pretending to roar.

"Papa, when's daddy gon' get home?" Peter asked after a while longer, making his dinosaur fly through the air.

Stephen shrugged, making his dinosaur attack Peter's feet. "I don't know bud. Daddy's in an important meeting right now."

"Can we go see daddy?" Peter gasped, looking up at his father with brown doe eyes.

Stephen hesitated; Tony was in a meeting with the Avengers, and the Avengers didn't know about Peter or their relationship.

Screw it.

"Sure Petey. Put your dinos away first," he replied.

Peter squealed in excitement, picking up his dinos and putting them in the bin, pushing it back under the table. He kept one out though, a dark blue stegosaurus—Tony's favorite.

"There Papa!" the four-year old said, jumping up and down. "Let's go see daddy now! Please?"

"Sure bud," Stephen chuckled before hoisting his kid into the air, placing him on his shoulders.

The duo walked around the penthouse before entering the elevator. Stephen smiled at the soft hum of AC/DC playing in the background. Peter messed with his father's hair, pulling at it while giggling, attempting to braid it.

"Be careful," Stephen warned as they walked down the hallway, trying to stop his head from being jerked back and forth. Peter only laughed, squishing Stephen's cheeks.

Stephen knocked on the door to the meeting room, hearing the talking come to a steady silence. He pushed the door open to see everyone staring at him.

"Um, hey Strange," Steve said awkwardly, confusion evident on his face.

Stephen nodded in his direction before turning to Tony, a soft smile on his face. "Someone wanted to see you," he said, lifting Peter off of his shoulders.

"Hi daddy!" the four-year old exclaimed, waving anxiously in his father's direction.

Tony grinned and opened his arms, Stephen putting the kid down. Peter rushed to his father's embrace, wrapping his arms around the billionaire's neck.

"Hey Petey," Tony laughed, giving the boy a tight squeeze.

"I brought you a dino!" the four year old said, holding up the blue stegosaurus. Tony gasped in shock.

"Really? Thank you!" he replied, bopping his son on he nose before taking the dinosaur, placing it on the table.

"Sorry to interrupt but, who is this kid?" Clint asked slowly, eyebrows furrowing.

"This is Peter, he's... he's mine and Stephen's son," Tony said. "Peter say hi."

"Hi!" the four-year old greeted, waving his hand repeatedly.

"Hi there Peter, I'm Natasha."

"I'm Clint."


"I'm Wanda!"


"Tis I, Thor, son of Odin, god of thunder!"

It was quiet for a few moments before Steve spoke up once more.

"So, you and Strange?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest. To be honest, he was a jealous little bitch.

"Yeah, we've been engaged for a while," Tony replied easily, not even batting an eye. Stephen choked on his own spit at the words.

"I thought we were keeping that a secret?" he asked, coughing.

"Eh, they would've figured it out," the billionaire replied.

"Daddy, do you think they'll play dinos with me?"


gimme requests thots

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