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Peter Parker hates physical contact.

It doesn't matter the person or place, he can't stand it. After growing up in an abusive household, any contact is toxic contact and needs to be avoided at all costs. He'll flinch, whimper, and sometimes lash out if touched, scaring his friends and new family.

Peter hates it. He wishes that he could just enjoy a hug with his parents or have a secret handshake with his best friends, but he just can't. He feels so bad when he flinches away from an arm around his shoulder or a hand holding his, and the look on the recipient's face just ruins his world.


"Hey, Peter!"

Peter snaps his head up as Ned comes to a halt in front of him, a wide grin etched across his face. The bigger boy was clearly winded from running, and small beads of sweat were noticeable on his forehead and nose.

"Um... hey?" Peter responds hesitantly; he didn't know what he was about to get in to. Ned took in a couple of deep breaths before running a hand through his limp, raven hair.

"Do you want to go and grab lunch with me and MJ? We're heading over to Carl's Junior if you want to come," he asks. Ned was basically radiating off hopefulness and need, somehow guilting Peter into agreeing.

"Sure... yeah I'll go," he finally responds. Ned's wide grin seemingly expands and he throws an arm out, latching it around Peter's shoulders without a care in the world.

Peter was not having it.

The young teenager flinched harshly forwards, causing him to stumble. He tripped over his feet, ending with him with his ass on the ground, staring up with terrified eyes at the bigger boy. Ned's eyes had widened like saucers at the aggressive flinch, making him back up a foot or two, his hands slowly raising into the air.

"I-I'm not going to hurt you, Peter. You know that, right?" he asks quietly. He didn't want to scare his friend anymore than he already had.

Peter's lips quivered as he sat glued to the ground, helpless. Guilt and regret flooded his gut, a shadowing look casting over his eyes.

"Ned, I-" he began, but he was quickly cut off.

"No, Peter. I'm sorry- I-I just forgot," Ned rushed. Peter wanted to crawl into a hole and die.


It was Saturday afternoon and Peter's extended family (a.k.a the Avengers) we're coming over for a late lunch/early dinner thing. He lived at the tower with his adoptive parents, Pepper and Tony, and his younger sister, Morgan. The Avengers all lived at the compound upstate, meaning they didn't see each other a whole lot.

And so here Peter was, setting the dining table with plates and utensils. Salad bowls had already been placed around the rectangular table with different dressings next to each, as well as large heated bowls of pasta radiating steam. It was Peter's favorite meal and he was ready to tuck in all ready but knew he had to wait.

"Peter! They're here!" Tony called from the kitchen. He and Morgan were finishing baking cookies for desert, something they've done since she was old enough to hold a spoon by herself. Peter sprung from his seat and dashed towards the common room where the Avengers were waiting.

"Hi guys!" he exclaimed as he skidded to a halt. Thor grinned widely at his nephew, offering a wave from where he stood (he was the only person who remembered about Peter's flinching, and the young teen was immensely grateful).

"Greetings, young son of Stark! I am absolutely doing the what you call, 'starving!'" he shouted, forgetting that he didn't need to be so loud. Peter smiled and motioned for his family to follow him into the dining room.

They all took there seats just in time for Pepper to emerge from the staircase. She had been doing a video meeting with a supervisor from O'Hare Incorporated. She took her seat (head of the table) and was silent while waiting for her husband and daughter to enter from the kitchen, and after two while minutes she sighed with a knowing smile.

"Tony Edward Stark you better get your-" she began, but was cut off by said billionaire sprinting into the room, cookie batter smeared on his AC/DC tee and cookie crumbs falling out of his scruff. Morgan was right behind her father, giggling her head off like the four year old she was.

After everyone was seated, they began to dig into their meals. Laughter and conversation milled around the table and bounced off the walls. Peter was laughing at something that Clint had said when he felt a soft touch of fingers in his hair.

Unable to stop himself, Peter slightly jerked away, a soft whimper escaping his lips. He turned around with wide eyes to see Wanda staring at him, mouth wide with shock.

"P-Peter..." she said softly. Tears were brimming her eyes- Peter made his cousin fucking cry.

"I-I... I'll be in my r-room," he stuttered under his breath. He pushed his chair back and stood, hurrying out of the room. Luckily, Clint and Wanda were the only ones paying attention to the exchange they had with their nephew, but each were equally filled with confusion.


"Peter, can we play hide and seek?" Morgan asked with her round doe eyes. They were exactly like Peter's, down to the long eyelashes and lighter brown swirls.

"Sure, Morgs," the teen replied. "I'll hide and you count to twenty, okay?" Morgan nodded and closed her eyes, pressing her palms against her closed eyelids.

Peter snuck off towards the common room, peering idly around to find the perfect hiding place. He needed one where he was well hidden but that wasn't too hard so that Morgan wouldn't be able to find him. He could hear her hitting the number ten and his eyes landed on a nook between the wall and a bookcase.

He hurriedly squeezed himself between the wall and the wooden shelf, his breath hitting him right in the face. He slowed his breathing as he heard Morgan come around the corner, giggling as she looked under the couch and behind the t.v.

"Oh Peter, where is you?" she called out, accidentally using the wrong grammar- what can you expect, she's a five year old dammit. Peter smiled to himself as he heard her soft footsteps head down the hallway. He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and unwedged himself from his hiding spot.

As he crept down the opposite hall to the one Morgan wandered off to, he kept close to the wall, slightly crouched as he made his way across the wooden panels. He loved playing hide and seek with his little sister, it was something they did as a bonding exercise which turned into a daily occurrence.

Peter turned into the kitchen and almost screamed when he felt someone grab him, immediately throwing his arm out and punching the attacker square in the jaw. He tumbled onto the floor, hands over his head as he fell. He glanced up as a pained groan came from above.

"Holy hell, kid. You've got one heavy punch- my god," Bucky muttered, massaging his jaw with his fingers. Peter's mouth hung open and he forced himself to his feet.

"Oh my god, Uncle Bucky I'm so sorry!" he stammered. The ex-assassin only smiled, waving off the gesture.

"No kid, it's my fault. I should've known better than to frighten a spider child."

"Ah- holy frick. Um... I'll see myself out."


"I can't do anything right," Peter sighed as he sunk into the soft plush chair. He was at his weekly therapy appointment- he had enrolled himself after not being able to stop flinching (and which his parents didn't know about).

His therapist- Miss Jane -is a pretty lady, around her mid twenties with brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. She's extremely nice, and it's not that fake nice you get with other therapists and doctors- it's genuine.

"It's only appropriate in your circumstances, Peter," Miss Jane said as she opened a drawer in her desk. She pulled out a lemon lollipop- Peter's favorite- and handed it to him. "You grew up in an abusive home, you have the right to be scared of contact."

"I'm trying to damn hard to get better, th-though, and it's just not working," Peter stuttered, beginning to get choked up. He wiped a stray tear away from his cheek with the back of his hand, sniffing quietly.

"It will get better, Peter. But you spent eleven years in that house, you'll always have the emotional and mental, even your physical scars to show you that. You can't escape reality, so you have to work with it. Do some trust exercises starting with your parents. It'll help you adjust to coming into contact with those of whom you love," Miss Jane replied. Peter sniffles once again and ripped the plastic wrapping of the lollipop off and popped it in his mouth.

"L-Like how?" he asked timidly. Miss Jane thought for a moment before pulling out a pad of paper and writing down numbers in a listed order.

"Start with just being close to people. The more you're around them the safer you'll feel. The. start adventuring and maybe high five your mom or dad, even go as far as making a handshake with them."

Peter nodded as he listened.

"Once you're comfortable with that, maybe a side hug or a real hug, depending on how high your anxiety is."

After another hour of talking and lollipops, it was time for Peter to head back to the Tower. He stood to walk out the door as Miss Jane walked to her desk, but he stopped as he got the frame. He turned around and glanced at the therapist, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration.

He walked forwards and held out a shaking hand, motioning for her to high five him. Miss Jane understood, slowly reaching forwards and connecting their hands, a smile growing on her face as Peter tried his best not to pull away. Once they did, Peter's face brightened greatly.

"I-I did it," he gasped in shock, staring down at his hand. Miss Jane smiled and sat in her chair, kicking her feet up on the desk.

"That you did, Peter. You're going to do great."

remember to drink your water
   take a relaxing bath/shower
do your homework
    study for finals
get some rest

be safe guys, xo


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